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Sony announced at the end of their Gamescom press conference that PS4 will be available in the US November 15th!

Also worth noting, If you purchase Battlefield 4, Assassin's Creed IV, Call of Duty: Ghosts, or Watch Dogs on Playstation 3, you will be able to buy the Playstation 4 digital version for a "significantly discounted price" once it becomes available. EA, Activision, Ubisoft, and WB have partnered up with Sony in this deal most likely to combat Gamestop's plan to offer a similar deal where you can trade in those said games and upgrade to the next gen version for $10.

Source: IGN


It will be interesting to see how they go about doing this. I assume you will be able to keep your PS3 version making this a better deal than gamestops. The question is are they going to put a coupon in the game case, and will gamestop stoop to opening each case and removing the coupons as they have done in the past to benefit their own program. Oh, and console digital downloads FTW. I'll never leave the house to buy a game again.

EA announced today that the BF4 beta will start in October and will be exclusive to current premium members and those that preordered the digital deluxe edition on Origin.
Now check out the new Paracel Storm trailer:

Details on Premium.
Levolution trailer


Check out the Mutiplayer trailer for COD: Ghost

How Perks will work:


Build your squad


(You can gain xp without playing? talk about boosting with friends...)

Killstreaks are back


I wish they would have stayed with Treyarch's score streaks, I'm glad deathstreaks are gone though, I am also glad that UAV's are ground based. I hate UAV whores and its the main reason I've always used the stealth package of perks. It seems they borrowed a crap ton from Battlefield and Treyarch. The guns always look like they kill like they did in MW2, but I'm not falling for that anymore. I don't see anything that resembles stopping power on the perk chart either.

According to an interview posted by IGN today, Microsoft has yet again flip flopped on another one of its stances. Previously, Xbox One required Kinect to be on at all times for the console to function. This is no longer the case according to Marc Whitten of Microsoft:
One has to wonder if preorder numbers are the reasoning for this circus. Since June, Microsoft has taken off its DRM along with a slew of features, added some of the features back, overclocked the GPU, and now this. How does this effect developers? Especially ones that have coded their game confident that Kinect would be on at all times. This has to cause some headache, and its unclear if MS will ask them to make changes to their games near the end of development cycles. This definitely has the potential to get ugly after consoles launch. The first game that requires Kinect to play could cause the blame game between devs and MS. In the midst of walking back for irate gaming, its possible that Microsoft could also cause a strain on his developer relationships early on.

Check out the trailer to the upcoming 8 issue series of The Star Wars. The comic will be adapted from George Lucas' original 1st draft of Star Wars. The characters are vastly different from Luke being older than Anakin to Han Solo being a lizard man. It should be an interesting read. Fans that hate the newer films, and the updates to the older trilogy can hope that this 1st draft will be the most amazing thing he's ever made before he started editing it into what it was!

Sony's President Shuhei Yoshida went on twitter today and announced that you will not need a PS+ membership to be able to share and stream your gaming experiences. This comes in light of Microsoft stating yesterday that you will need an Xbox Live Gold account to use their gaming DVR. This is yet another blunder by MS after they decided to keep their 360 model which does not allow users to access Netflix without XBLG. The PS4 will still allow you to stream Netflix for free as it had on PS3.
While you still need PS+ to stream and share your multiplayer gameplay, it still benefits those gamers that like to upload or search for walkthroughs for single player games, solo campaigns, and trophy guides.
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    • Sledgstone

      I've been getting ready for spring for the last couple months and its taken up a crazy amount of my free time. We expanded our garden to be really huge last september in preparation for growing fruit and veggies. Then we decided to expand it another 6 more feet in one direction which we finally got finished last weekend. It was alot of work because our garden has an almost 6 foot tall deer fence all around it. We hammered in u-posts into the ground and attached the deer net and buried the bottom of the net so nothing will burrow under it. I should do measurements at some point to figure out its total volume. Its huge. lol.
      We have 3 apple trees, 3 cherry trees, and 1 nectarine tree in there. We still have to move 3 of those trees into their permanent locations (they are only 1 or 2 year old trees so its still possible to dig them up) and we have to plant a new apricot tree in there. I prepped the two rows for veggies last month but theres alot of weed whacking to do still and plants to move. We have 4 grape vines, 4 blueberry bushes and multiple raspberry plants to move. I started a bunch of veggies from seed and those tomatoes are still in an unused bath tub in my house with a light over them getting bigger every day. I'm looking forward to getting everything planted and done so all this gardening can give me a break.
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    • Sledgstone

      Well my dryer broke after about 15 years and multiple repairs I've done over those years. I had to buy a new dryer. So far so good. I was finally able to get my laundry done again and my bathroom no longer smells like dirty socks and febreeze.
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    • Sledgstone

      FML my pressure tank is failing for my well. Its getting replaced next week. Getting a new whole house water filter installed too along with some new valves and safety upgrades. Props to the well company employee for giving me the tip of hooking up an air compressor to the pressure tank to put some air in the bladder to get the system gimping along until the repair work is done. I miss public water. lol.
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    • Sledgstone

      This has been a busy summer. I'm almost looking forward to winter so I can get a break from all the lawn mowing and outside projects. Hopefully the snow blower I bought this year works good so I'll have alot of free time this winter to get caught up on things. When I've had free time I've been playing Final Fantasy X over the last 5 months and I've somehow finally hit 100 hours on it. Lol. Only took me about half a year.  I still didn't beat it yet but I'm at the end game stuff now with the monster arena and omega ruins.
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      FML one of my window air conditioners broke today while it was 96 degrees. x_x
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