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Showing content with the highest reputation on 05/21/2021 in all areas

  1. 1 point


    I still don't care much for the quartering but I still watch a video here and there, lol. and I still don't get why so many male commenters on his videos have such a hate for Brie Larson that they have to bring her up so often. They have a hate on for her so bad it keep spawning more an more hate articles about her on so many other websites. lmao. I didn't mind the wokeness when it first started years ago. Props to minorities for getting their voices heard, props to women for getting equal pay, down with sexual abuse in the work place, props to lgbt people for bringing light to the hardships they've had to endure, etc. But since this movement all began it twisted itself into this horrible political correctness offshoot party of the democrats like how the republican party has offshoots like the tea party and trump loyalist party. The democrats have other offshots like the green party, but thats nothing compared to this horrible "woke/PC/cancel culture/pander to the minority party" that has invaded everywhere, especially hollywood. Don't get me wrong, there is cancel culture/karens in the republican party as well, but the bulk is democrats. Everyone has a right to their opinion, unless that opinion does not match up with the "woke/PC/cancel culture/pander to the minority party" in which case, those people will now make it their personal mission to ruin that offending person's life by ruining their existence online, calling their employers to get them fired, making sure they'll never get a job again, try to then spread their hate about that person to everyone else so now everyone hates that person, etc. FFS. People need to relax and scale their hatred back, maybe find something else in life that is enjoyable and fun and focus all that energy into that instead. I wish people would enjoy life more instead of focusing every waking moment on imposing their beliefs and opinions onto everyone else to the point they have to ruin each others lives to feel any satisfaction. The "woke/cancel culture party" is too much and I have a feeling people will start getting burned out on it. Its that whole cycle of hatred the US loves and it comes back down to the "news", they all need people to fear something or hate something because being afraid or invoking anger is the only way to get those clicks, view and ad revenue. Much like how the quartering cashes in on it himself with videos hating against the wokeness. lol. Once the wokeness starts to fade away so will his viewers that oppose it. I'm burned out on the wokeness/cancel culture party. One example is the DC/Arrowverse shows on the CW. I loved these shows back in the day. The first couple seasons of Arrow were amazing, bad ass vigilante killing people that wronged him and the city. The other DC shows started up like Flash and Supergirl and they were great. And then years later the shows that exist now are nothing like those first seasons. The shows were completely taken over by wokeness. Every character that is introduced has to either be a minority, be a member of lgbtq, or be in an interracial relationship if straight. Like every single character. I like diversity, but damn... every single character has some lgbtq thing going on to the point that they are not minorities at all in the arrowverse, if anything there is so much lgbtq going on with all the characters that I'm surprised there is a sustainable population of people that actually have a straight relationship to reproduce. In comparison, the DC animated movies are damn amazing because they focus on the characters abilities, actions, morals, mental instabilities, violence, etc. Sometimes the animated series will have some sex or lgbtq like in the Harley Quinn animated series, but its not the primary focus of everything and it doesn't feel pushed onto everyone for the sake of hitting some equal representation goals set for every single episode. Maybe its just me, but all the CW Arrowverse shows don't seem to be targeting me as part of their demographic anymore. In terms of demographs, its the same with the relatively new CW Stargirl series, I watched a few eps of season 1 but everyone is a kid and I'm not interested in watching kids be superheros, I'm guessing they're trying to target a young group demograph to replace the aging fanbase thats losing interest.
  2. 1 point
    Myk JL

    Playstation 5

    Glad I don't want a PS5 right now.
  3. 1 point

    Coronavirus disease (COVID-19)

    Definitely good news for folks who refuse to wear a mask/ don't believe in wearing masks - this's their chance to shine with no accountability or reason to be shamed for not wearing a mask. The media and Tiktokers will be upset though cos there will be less videos of karens being confronted for not wearing a mask.
  4. 1 point
    Myk JL


    Jeremy defending Karen Sterling...
  5. 1 point


    TL;DW all those diverse hipsters prove you hire on talent and not lifestyle and race. Clowns named a ship Vessel, and its navigator is a fucking rock named Geode. Such low effort.

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