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Showing content with the highest reputation on 05/14/2021 in all areas

  1. 1 point
    Myk JL

    Nobody (2021)

    Wow, the trailer for Nobody (2021) is so awesome they played it twice. This movie is basically what if John Wick had a family & end with it's own version of Home Alone. My movie rankings for 2021 so far Nobody (2021) - 5/5 Wrath of Man (2021) - 2/5
  2. 1 point

    dead classmates?

    Looking at the topic headers in this section is just ... ouufff, from 'Banana in a pizza?' to 'dead classmates?' ... you're toying with our heartstrings here, slippers! I only know of one of my batchmates that died of a heart attack. I met him for an evening when he came to New York with his wife on a US holiday tour. He was one of the good guys, we used to play cricket a lot cos he lived in the neighboring apartment complex. What's sad is that his wife was pregnant when he died. What's also sad is that he had a younger brother, who also passed away 3/4 years prior to him passing away - suspected homicide or at least the family thinks his brother's wife pushed him off a high rise apartment floor - some 16/17 floors in Singapore. That's just life. The parents must be devastated.
  3. 1 point

    Wonder Woman - Official Trailer

    Pretty turdy overall, I felt bad for Wiig cos her character was so under-used. The main bad guy - great actor and acting overall - but a weak Wonderwoman plot and fight sequences that just didn't wow. The end was sub-par. Sigh!
  4. 1 point

    Vikings Final Season

    I think I stopped watching the show after S4 or S5, I don't remember. I remember there was a massive (orgy?) or sacrificial scene in the forest somewhere with his new wife at the time. I'll need to find it on one of these streaming platforms and watch it.
  5. 1 point

    Godzilla vs. Kong

    I love that they actually listened to feedback on the last 2 movies and worked on showing more fights without occasionally cutting to the human element/ story. This movie was dumb and awesome. Very enjoyable and I'm so pissed I wasn't able to get vaccinated in time to catch it at an IMAX near me.
  6. 1 point


    Very satisfying and I was not expecting it to be good at all. I think that's what surprised me the most. I actually didn't like the ending or the fight sequence because the narrative felt rushed. Maybe if they fleshed it out more, it would've been cool but there's something about the direction it took that was jarring next to all the other episodes. Great build up though. And coincidentally, I watched The Truman Show last week - what a cool movie.
  7. 1 point

    Mortal Kombat

    Lets face it - the story sucked, script sucked, there was no actual tournament (although I get that it's a setup for the sequel that's happening), nobody to stay invested in emotionally or feel for any of the characters, not that great special effects and bad fighting angles. But, I still watched it - twice - for the heck of it and nostalgia haha. But if I'm being honest with myself, this was very forgettable.
  8. 1 point
    I don't think I ever got cable TV when I moved here, so it's been what ... 15ish years? My current streaming goes through Apple TV and here's what I have - YouTube YouTube TV HULU HBO MAX Crunchyroll Disney+ Amazon Prime Netflix I feel like I'm forgetting an app or two aka subscription service we pay for. Also, I just realized that listing these seems like having a lot and paying for a lot. Whichever accounts allow you to share/ have different profiles is how I have it currently set up - to the max profiles legally allowed. So overall, we're paying a fraction of the total subscription cost.
  9. 1 point

    YouTube Influencers

    Nice list for fragrances DX. I follow a few more in that community. Have you tried any of the YT fragrance community's own personal launched fragrances? I went to 2 of those meet-n-greets in Manhattan hosted by BFL and Redoles.
  10. 1 point

    Nobody (2021)

    I can't take the main lead of Better Call Saul seriously. I only see him as Saul, forever and ever.
  11. 1 point

    Coronavirus disease (COVID-19)

    ^ it was his 2nd pfizer shot, but for like 7 years ive known him, he never even had a common cold until he got that shot. idk call it another coincidence or whatever but damn these vaccines scare me more than covid itself lol. O_o yeah i use to play Plague Inc (similar game i suppose) and iceland or greenland almost always survived bc they didnt have airports lol. but once you manage to get just one person infected via ports, then its too late to save the rest. even with travel ban on india works somehow, the southern border is wide open so it wont work in the US lol. thats why i remember when trump started travel banning selective countries (except china wtf) and liberal media were outraged saying its racist, all i could think of was well damn its too late now because 8 covid cases have already been reported in new york and california and it was like one month after wuhan outbreak. so it was everywhere by then. but back then most ppl thought it was going to be something serious and lethal like ebola. but as the virus revealed itself and we learned more about it, it mostly attacks who are old, sick, and vulnerable. if it was like the game and even the first infected could die as it mutated at a fast rate within a few weeks, then yeah i could see ppl take extreme measures to protect themselves, but covid isnt like that. its like a big hit or miss kinda thing, some dont even know they have it until it goes away on its own. ill keep wearing my mask as precaution but anything other than that, i dont think its necessary to go as far as take something i dont want or need. now im hearing some companies are forcing their employees to take their vaccines or risk losing their jobs sigh

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