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Showing content with the highest reputation on 02/16/2013 in all areas

  1. 1 point

    advice for buying a new monitor

    cheers i went for that one, i dont think it was worth the price difference between 23.6 - 24inches
  2. 1 point
    Myk JL

    A Good Day To Die Hard

    The only problems I had with Live Free Or Die Hard was the PG-13 rating that ruined the best catch phrase in movies & that Mac Guy. A Good Day To Die Hard though has no real plot then it has a pointless plot twist, but that plot twist doesn't matter because by then the movie is basically already over. If it was trying to be serious though it failed as anything they did I found funny. Near the end where they killed the "major bad guy" it seemed more like a joke that was referencing The First Die Hard. I'd rather see 5 again if I had to choose between 4 & 5, but like I stated already no plot. So maybe 4 is better.
  3. 1 point

    Call of Duty: Black Ops 2

    Accuracy wise is probably the most balanced gun in the game. It burst fires, I've never tried full auto with select fire but I've been demolished by it quite a bit. The iron sights take some getting use to, but I think it will do you good. I use the PDW solely for its 50 round mag size, plus I have the MMS for it to see through walls now that its double prestiged. I run Ghost for the sole fact that it make you invisable to UAV as long as your are in motion. You cannot cheat by moving in a small circle to camp while the UAV is active. When you are invisible, your yellow arrow on the map will be faded to let you know that the UAV cannot detect you. The only time you can be invisible while not in motion is when you are planting a bomb, and maybe capturing a flag. I don't use rockets, and I dont waste my black hats on UAV's so I prefer to be invisible to them along with my suppressors. My deaths usally result from me reloading, or my weapon doesn't have the suppressor unlocked and I get shot by someone after I had scored a kill because I showed up on their map. Sometimes I'm tempted to use Greed 1 to add blind eye with Ghost for complete invisibility, but people don't get enough score streaks going for it to bother me to much. Scavenger is really the only Perk 2 I like besides cold blooded. It gives me more black hats and ammo so I don't worry about running out. Thats the main reason I use it. IMO Engineer is the best perk in the game. Nothing in perk 3 compares. You can see all equipment through walls allowing me to blackhat shock charges, bettys, and claymores from outside. It either scores me an easy kill, or at the very least minimizes camper's abilities. Its gotta piss someone off when you see them set up their sentry gun from across the map and you lob your EMP grenade near it for a cool 125pts before it even gets to shoot. While using engineer, I've never been killed by planted equipment.. I haven't even praised how you can run past claymores and bettys and there is a 1 second delay before they go off. Sometimes I'll do that to get the drop on someone that I know is sniping out the window. By the time their betty goes off, you are already at their back pulling the trigger. Ghost/Scav/Engineer is on every class I have except 1... My camping class. I hate campers, but occasionally me and 5 other friends will make a full team and cause hell for people for fun and team camp. On Hijack we all hide in the underside of the map covering both entrances with shotguns. On yemen we hide out in the building that has the tunnel that runs under it. On drone we stake out in one of the buildings thats on the opposite ends of the machine room. and On aftermath, where this all started, we hide in the central room that everyone likes to camp in with the ladder and bathroom. For this I run a special class. Primary: Whatever shotgun I'm working camo assignments Secondary: B23R (if im not using shock charges) Perk 1: Flak Jacket Perk 2: Scavenger Perk 3: Tactical Mask Lethal: 2 bouncing bettys (danger close wildcard) Tactical: Trophy System (2 shock charges when I haven't unlocked the trophy system) This class lets me throw 2 bettys to cover 2 entrances, the trophy system takes out 3-4 lethal/tacticals that people try to throw in at us. Flak Jacket is way over powered and allows me to survive any explosive blast, Tact Mask makes me invulnerable to flashbangs or concussion grenades. Scavenger serves its purpose to give me more bettys and trophy systems from the bodies that make it pass my primary defenses and find themselves at the end of my shotgun. Its pretty funny how mad people get, they even vote fore the map again and try to get to your camp zone before you can. You should try out Flak Jacket if you have it. You'll rarely ever die from a grenade, unless you are already hurt. Full health I think it may take more than 2 explosions to kill you. You can also take a hit from a hunter killer, hellstorm missile, and even the AGR's rocket without dying.
  4. 1 point
    http://www.gamespot.com/news/did-aliens-colonial-marines-suffer-because-of-borderlands-6403830 Whether there is a whole lot of truth in whats said in that article is question but it looks like Gearbox outsourced the majority of the game while they focused on their own title. Sad if you ask me, especially considering how long ago A:CM was announced to how long the turn-a-round on BL2 was. I wouldn't be surprised if Sega takes legal action against Gearbox if this all turns out to be true (I had no interest in this game but I thought you'd all find the above article interesting as you all seem to have been interested in the game).
  5. 1 point

    What Web Comics Do You Read?

    Oglaf is hilarious! So many kinds of wrong. I follow multiple ones, though not as many as I did (and I'm reluctant to pick up new ones). A couple of my favorites: Dominic Deegan - Probally my favorite. It's a continuing story, so you'll have to start at the beginning, but it's totally worth it. Magic, puns, and metal-inspired battles. What's not to love? Girl Genius - Another story one to start from the begnning, steampunk inspired. Loads of fun, and Phil's artwork is made of awesome: quirky, funny, and occasional cheesecake (and beefcake). Other comics I still follow: Order of the Stick (stick figure D&D group, story comic), Lackadaisy (story comic, prohibtion era cats! MykJL, you might like this one), Questionable Content (story comic), Awkard Zombie (gaming jokes), Real Life Comics (pure randomness), Savage Chickens (chickens on post-it notes!)
  6. 1 point

    Call of Duty: Black Ops 2

    I just had the match of my life. I switched my Score Streak to Care Package, Sentry Gun, A.G.R, because I've gotten to the point where I burn through care packages so fast I don't get to use them. I've started playing Mutli-Team with 2 other friends and its done wonders for me. No idiots on my team that go 0-21 when i do good. Its just 3 of us relying on each other against 2 other 3 man teams. We try to sway the votes towards TDM and Kill Confirmed, but we're pretty handy with Hard Point, we just prefer not to play it. I ended up getting 3 care packages, 2 sentry guns, and 2 AGRs in a single match. My Care packages were RC-, Hellstorm Missile, and Orbital VSAT. These are my two current favorite classes. I used the SMR class on that match however. I use the PDW/S12 on smaller maps. The only reason I'm using the S12 is because I want the diamond camo for my R870, So I'm suffering through that long process. Its not that its a bad shotgun (I have the best KD with it), its the fact that its hard to get 1 hit kills as required by its camo assignments. Current best weapons Current Standing
  7. 1 point
    I watched the difference between the demo and the final release and that explains it. The demo's graphics where way better. Its pretty sad. I was looking forward to this. Its unlike Gearbox to release garbage.... another flop for Sega. Just look http://kotaku.com/5984024/the-aliens-colonial-marines-demo-looked-great-the-actual-game-not-so-much?utm_campaign=Socialflow_Kotaku_Facebook&utm_source=Kotaku_Facebook&utm_medium=Socialflow
  8. 1 point
    why spend so much money on this shit when their service is still garbage now?

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