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Showing content with the highest reputation on 01/11/2013 in all areas

  1. 1 point

    That gun debate thing

    So like yeah... I've listened to many opinions looked at a lot of stats and yada yada No, the hunters I know do not use M16's to hunt deer, but I know a lot of collectors who have things they never take out of their original packaging. Some ppl collect action figures, some ppl collect guns. Some guns are never even loaded let alone fired. Yes, taking something out of circulation reduces the number of guns lawfully owned and obtained out of there, but the black market won't stop selling whatever is banned. I think Chris Rock was onto something with his bullets should cost $5000 apiece. It's not just guns killing people, its a fuck load of bullets. A gun with no ammo is a club. People always ignore the second word in gun violence. That's too bad because what we really have is a violence problem.
  2. 1 point
    From various sources, it looks like the new S.H.I.E.L.D. television series will have it's pilot episode air this fall. Even though it does not appear to have any of the major characters from the previous Marvel movies aside from Agent Phil Coulson (how does that work considering what happened to his character in the avengers movie?), the show looks promising. Coming from the writer/director of the Avengers movie, it should be action packed. And assuming this pilot turns into a full season, this could be the first step towards a variety of new marvel live action series. http://www.icv2.com/articles/news/24763.html http://collider.com/marvel-shield-tv-series-chole-bennet/218928/ http://www.deadline.com/2013/01/abcs-paul-lee-hopeful-joss-whedens-s-h-i-e-l-d-pilot-will-go-to-series-tca/
  3. 1 point
    http://kotaku.com/5974616/microsofts-illumiroom-concept-turns-your-entire-room-into-a-video-game-level Kotaku reports that Microsoft and Samsung have teamed up to immerse your gaming experience into a whole room. Using the next gen kenect, projections will illuminate your room after it has been scanned for size and furniture. This explaines earlier leaked documents which showed "hologram-like" technology for the supposed next gen console from Microsoft. Previously reported: http://www.nbcnews.com/technology/ingame/microsoft-making-gaming-holodeck-your-home-992578 This post has been promoted to an article
  4. 1 point

    That gun debate thing

    A gun ban is just a "big government" agenda. We can talk about assault rifles all day but if you go to the FBI's website and look at the numbers, more people are killed by knifes, hammers, and even hands and feet. These individual categories out number ALL rifles put into its own category. Another interesting note is that from 2008-2011 the number of homicides have gone down. The US ranks 28th in the world in gun violence per capita. What Piers Morgan won't tell you is that in the UK violent crime is 5 times higher per capita than in the US. Timothy McVeigh single handedly killed more Americans in one event and didn't use a single firearm. You can still buy fertilizer to this day. People are quick to act on emotion while throwing any kind of logic out of the window... That's why we have the patriot act, that's why the gov can tap your cell with no warrant, and that's why they are trying to restrict guns now. Any freedom we are willing to give up, Uncle Sam will be happy to take it away from you weather it's Democrat or Republican.
  5. 1 point
    I dislike the idea that growers also have to be the sellers. Corn farmers don't make Fritos yo. They should be separate so that there is a little competition amongst the new businesses. I'd like to see the laws be family farm friendly. There are a lot of farms around here, mostly dairy. Most farmers grow their own corn and hay but when we have shitty summers like the last one it puts them in the position of buy feed or sell animals. They screamed about it all summer on the news covering the drought. I think farmer Brown should be able to have a Morton building full of supplemental income. I think the ones growing/raising our food and supplying our milk should be the ones to grow the pot.
  6. 1 point

    Call of Duty: Black Ops 2

    I cant even look at that link, so I guess i cant even hyperlink my profile... well I could, but only Xbox 360 users could view it. Otherwise you get: I just prestiged, and permanently unlocked ghost. I'll post my classes when i get back to where I want to be. Interestingly enough, you dont lose your camo's or attachments when you prestige. You cant prestige your weapons individually which causes you to lose your attachments, and start over again for the xp bonuses. Here is the main page from the iphone app:

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