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Strider Hiryu

AC Elite
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Everything posted by Strider Hiryu

  1. Go back to your corner n00b Welcome back Akira. Us old farts are still here, most of us have upgraded to lurking the forums though (or at least I have).
  2. Gotta say Dubie put it best, took the words out of my mouth. Quite frankly tell him straight out that he had no right to cheat off of you. I understand his girl has medical problems but thats not excuse to not study for a test. It's his own fault for not taking the time to study when he had the time to. As Dubie pointed out just tell him if he has problems with what you did offer to help him study and do homework.
  3. No Kite, no we don't. Season 1 was terrible after episode 17.
  4. Amen to that. Probably be the best thing to do (I've been drinking since I was 12 and already know it's not that great. Never got in trouble and never really started drinking heavily till I turned 21 because really drinking isn't that fun, I do it for stress relief because hard ass school + shitty work hours + assholes for roommates = one irritated and stressed out Strider). Frankly I'd rather not have kids seeing me do either but I'd rather have them see me drink (then again I don't smoke so thats all they'd catch me doing). Might as well have them catch me doing the lesser of the two evils.
  5. I get to work tonight so no fun for me /sigh Ohwell, not like I can afford to go out and do anything anyways
  6. Strider Hiryu

    Gundam 00

    Look at the end of my post, thats the main reason I like this season so much (really it's such a sexy Gundam I almost had to get a change of pants after it first showed up). That and I really like the direction this season is going so far
  7. I'm a few chapters behind but I still follow it. 10sigh kinda sorta stopped translating it so I haven't found a real intense need to dl the current chapters (I'm like 4-5 behind, and I really like 10sigh's translations so thats the main reason by not being up to date) plus between this term in school and work I haven't had anytime to read any of my manga.
  8. Strider Hiryu

    Gundam 00

    Bah, it was a very good episode. Hell this season is already shaping up to be about 10 times better then the first. Why? Eppy knows why (we had a talk about it). God that 00 Gundam is damn sexy
  9. Don't remind me (especially considering I'm trying to get into this business), EA is royally screwing over the game industry with it's greediness as of late and it's going to make it freaking hard as hell to get a job once I hit the industry (I hate almost everything EA stands for, sure I buy their games because they damn near own the majority of the small developers but that doesn't mean I want to work for them). And with some studios closing lately (Ensemble is shutting down after Halo Wars is released, which I'm not happy about) the industry is going to start hurting. Microsoft isn't in as much of a bind as you put them in goku. Remember they could really care less about the game market, they make their money off of computer software and could really care less how they do in the game market (not going to lie that they'd be idiots not to care as they do but it's not their huge money maker). Again I must point out movies are really not that important when a game console comes into play. The minute movies define a console is the minute I quit gaming. Yes Blu-ray will most likely become the standard for gaming also since it can hold a crap ton of information, Sony was smart to go down that road (hell MGS4 filled a blu-ray disc) but really that won't be for awhile (and I don't use my 360 as a dvd player so I could care less what type of dvds in can play, I bought it for gaming). Microsoft won't lose many customers over this. Like I said the majority of 360 owners didn't buy their system for movies, they bought it to game (and game cheap, it was the cheaper of the new gen consoles before the Wii was released) and with the Netflix deal going through I don't see anyone giving up on their 360 (hell my classmates are estatic about this, no more buying dvds). Plus I'm sure the next Microsoft console is well into development (because lets face it, the 360 needs to be retired. The thing is still riddled with problems), I'm sure they've got something up their sleeves.
  10. God I hope thats not the route the industry will head down and I don't really seeing it happen (I'm not to hip myself on downloading huge programs to install them on my computer (had to do it with Visual Studio 2008)). It might happen though, it's the niche MS has the most power over and in. Still though I don't see people accepting that route in the future. People will always want a physical copy of the software because lets face it, data gets corrupted on computers and other machines of the like through viruses and what have you. Once thats corrupted you're in a very hard spot because you lost your only copy/data of the program/game (yes I know, smart people keep at least 3 backups of their software they download (I do anyways, one on dvd and two in digital format and externals)). Most companies are greedy enough to make you pay for the download again just so you can access you information again in said program/game. Bah, but who knows. With all the changes going on lately I have no freaking idea whats people in the industry are thinking as of late.
  11. I can see their point. Really you don't buy the console for what it can do outside of games, you buy it for the games that come out with the system. I really don't blame them for not going blu-ray, hell I wouldn't buy it if they did. I bought my system for games, not for a player. If they made there games on blu-ray I would but they don't so I don't see the point in them releasing it. Plus as goku pointed out, Microsoft isn't going to put money in it's competitor's hands.
  12. Strider Hiryu

    Gundam 00

    you're the freak, shutting it off when you go to work. Got it all messed up there
  13. Strider Hiryu

    Gundam 00

    Been debating about doing it since I got my new external up and running. Sadly I need to run it by the roommates first. Whole sharing of the internet thing (and sharing bandwidth between 4 people who are constantly downloading kills our bandwidth). That and I generally don't leave my laptop on at night to get any real use out of it except during the day.
  14. Strider Hiryu

    Gundam 00

    Same as me, I used Nyoro last time as well. I'm quite pleased with there subs, which reminds me I need to go redownload the first season.
  15. Strider Hiryu

    Gundam 00

    Already airing GG, started a week ago. Episode 2 is already out (which I still need to watch).
  16. The SAC movie takes place after 2nd Gig and follows more or less where 2nd Gig left off (don't remember the time frame between the two). More or less you need to see both TV series in order to understand what happened and why things are the way they are in the movie (a lot of whats going on in the movie directly relates to events in 2nd Gig). The SAC movie, imo, is more of a retelling of the manga version of GitS and a slight retelling of the original GitS movie with a SAC twist since it uses the SAC universe as it's base for the story (those who have read the manga will notice the similarities but like I said it's not a pure retelling). Myk, the green Fuchikomas (I probably slaughtered that spelling) are still around but the blue ones were brought back in the end of the movie by the Major (won't go into anymore detail since I don't want to ruin anything for people who haven't had the chance to see the movie). More or less Solid State Society is a rather good movie, I like it more or less for the music (the OST for the movie is amazing) rather then the actual plot behind it. If you liked both seasons of the TV series (and I know you did) you'll enjoy the movie.
  17. I don't like chrome in the least. One of my classmates downloaded it and tried it out (and I tried it out on his). It's just not for me (don't like the look or the way it works), hell I don't even like Firefox 3 (I regret dling it on my personal laptop). I'll stick with 2 on my school laptop till Firefox 3 gets some of it's problems fixed and the majority of the plug-ins I used get updated for it.
  18. Actually the saber color does change, the outfit won't (atleast on the 360, I just changed my saber color to purple and it's been that way in the cut scenes I've had since and it was blue before that) unless it's them assuming your using new color crystals as you go. Overall, mind you I haven't beaten it yet, the game is ok from what I've seen so far. Some of the boss fights are aggravating to say the least and some of the random fights on the way there are beyond aggravating (I seriously hate those damn Shadow Troopers and the troopers with the anti-force bubble/flak type cannons and don't get me started on Purge Troopers and those damn blue shaman thingys or the rancors). The camera is atrocious and the damn lock-on system sucks like all hell (I don't even use it, I just zap lighting around everywhere and swing like a mad man). Not to mention the camera in boss fight is amazingly aggravating as hell. Yea, I found to much wrong with this game but at least the story is proving to be very damn good). Won't be buying it (borrowing my roommates copy). I'll give it a 7/10
  19. Happy Birthday you old fart!!!! Btw the present is in the mail, post office wasn't to thrilled with me sending it (you know it being all slimy and stuff). Should be there to ra........I mean it should be there soon
  20. Heh, even though the demo was fun I won't be buying it. Theres new Armored Core on the same day and that takes precedence. Someone's going to have to tell me how the actual game is as I probably won't be buying it for awhile.
  21. Glad you liked it, I'll probably rewatching it again here next weekend when I have time off of work. Make sure you hit up ef -a tale of melodies- when it starts airing in October. It's the new upcoming second season but will be following a different set of characters. It's looking to be a good show.
  22. What, you mean school actually ends for awhile? Crap I got royally screwed. I only wish, I go all year round (though I'm 1 week into my new term)
  23. Strider Hiryu

    Gundam 00

    Ah that loop. Ok, I know what we're speaking about now. Yea, it's a pretty inclusive loop. We're not accepting new members right now
  24. Strider Hiryu

    Gundam 00

    Wait, there's a loop? *looks around confused* I didn't know there was a loop, Eppy just randomly tells me things (in very weird and disturbing ways sometimes).
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