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Myk JL

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Everything posted by Myk JL

  1. I meant it should have been made before T3.
  2. I was joking. You can't take a joke? Seriously though I'm not going to take anything you say serious when you insult me. Although when I do point it out you might state something like you didn't mean it & it was intended so I'd flame you.I'm not looking for pity. If I was it make more sense to go to a different forum to complain constantly about that than here. If fact I thought it was fun. And I want to have some more fun. But that would really go off topic. So maybe you should stick to the topic you made. I don't want to be blamed if you lock your own thread. PC Gaming will be around as long as their is PCs.
  3. I'm pretty sure that feeling has been about mutual for a while.
  4. I haven't had spam problems with hotmail for a couple of months & I'm fine.
  5. If that's the case the TV series should have happened before T3... Although no matter what I prefer the guy I thought John would become in T2.
  6. Don't do it... it's a trick... First time I did that he got mad, locked his own thread, & sent me a message via karma... Then when I sent one back via karma he acted like I rated his karma first via PM... Agreed.
  7. I didn't like it. Not Balls To The Wall.
  8. Exactly. That & you can't upgrade a consoles hardware. If you could do that you might as well get a PC. PC gaming is needed for advancement of all gaming. With out that everything would really be downgraded.
  9. I'm sure I knew that too, but I didn't think I was allowed to talk about it...The modding community has some of my interest. Some mods have either become major games or inspired major games. Something that's impossible in console gaming. Besides that console gaming can't advance much with out PC Gaming. If console gaming had to advance gaming it would only happen little by little on a 5 year basis. You wouldn't see as much difference between newer & older consoles.
  10. Very interesting... yet confusing.
  11. There was a time when my family was taking care of a Mother cat & her 3 Kittens. We temporarily named them until they got homes. The only boy kitten was named Mischief because he was the 1st to cause trouble & the others would follow. That & I was thinking about the game Mischief Makers at the time.
  12. I've become more of a PC Gamer. Granted I don't buy as many games for it as I do for my Wii. But I can go a weak or more without playing my Wii. My PC on the other hand I've gone on almost everyday whether playing old or new games. I don't know... Maybe because I don't like recharging batteries. I know I played my Xbox every single day. If I could afford PC upgrades right now or get off my @$$ & work for money I might end up not playing my Wii for over a month.
  13. Yeah, I liked it. My favorite part was with the arrows.
  14. I didn't get that joke until some time after Death Note appeared on Adult Swim...
  15. And I still want a White Knight... but painted green with the Zeon Crest.
  16. Myk JL

    oh maannn

    I've had days where my face is red, itchy, & looks like it's covered in dandruff... Usually a mix of not getting enough sleep & not showering...
  17. Basically the tips of the wings... But not the whole wings.
  18. No... But thanks to the open city it sounds like something I'd play... No love for Wii...
  19. Maybe they'll realize that & redesign the wings...
  20. I wish I were sad... or am I not ever going to be?... The Guy ODs on drugs & lived a life I could only dream about... Seriously I'm confused to why someone like that would OD...
  21. I missed it... I wanted to see what the new stage would look like on Raw...
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