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Myk JL

AC Elite
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Everything posted by Myk JL

  1. Spoiler at 5:44, dat Waist!
  2. I've been keeping track of my county on Covid Act Now.
  3. Myk JL

    2020s Predictions?

    I have my doubts on a one world order after Brexit and China's ties with the World Health Organization. I wouldn't be surprised though if one morning I woke up and was identified as a New Yorker instead of an American. Whether or not their are health issues by then I'll probably skip. The only thing that could get me to vote right now is fighting for Net Neutrality. And I'm probably better off right now declaring Net Neutrality a State's Right. It was probably overblown as there are hospitals that don't have enough beds or immuned staff.
  4. Myk JL

    2020s Predictions?

    Bernie dropped out.
  5. Myk JL

    dead classmates?

    Years before 2010 I joined Classmates.com. That's a site is worthless when everyone goes elsewhere to look for people they knew. Wouldn't have mattered much anyway as all my friends were her friends. And my Frenemies are people I'd like to avoid.
  6. I haven't seen ads here while logged in. I thought it was an AC Elite thing. Only thing I know about ads being harmful is they're from Google. Would find it funny though if one of those ads were for Corona Beer.
  7. The fact that anyone watches news for negativity instead of facts is disturbing. Anyway here is the usual negative video about microtransactions and whatnot.
  8. I would've went with "We need to redefine The Union Army" but that's Civil War talk....
  9. Andrew Yang's Universal Basic Income plan was $1000 a month. And would've only helped people IF they were working a minimum wage job. So if someone were unemployed they would've still been financially screwed. On top of this Andrew Yang might've cut things like Food Stamps & Housing Assistance. Things I heavily rely on as I only get $890 a month from SSI. And none of these programs are purely good as they all want to prevent people on them from saving over $2000 and will adjust to give you less if you're fiscally responsible. If we need anything right now it's a Universal Union. Federal Government gives $2100 to everyone who is legally an adult. If your state thinks you should have more, like $2200, then they need to pay that entire amount. Otherwise it ends up being $2000 from the fed & 100 from your state. Now if a business want to hire you they then have to pay you more than the fed or your state would've. If that business decides to pay you less then that, that business would then have to pay a tax equal to the amount you would've gotten if you weren't working. We also need a Deflation Tax that would only apply to the richest in order to shrink the wealth gap. So that rich person who had $4 Billion & now has $2 Billion still has the same amount of purchasing power as they did before. The majority of us after that would also have more purchasing power.
  10. I Never played the original. Am use to Red 13 from FF7 Abridged. Was shocked by Red XIII's reaction to Barret at 2:44
  11. Myk JL

    2020s Predictions?

    OH SHIT! Both Biden & Trump just died from "The Ozzy Osbourne Virus" on National TV! With Biden's dying breath he declared Ajit Pai to be his VP pick! Bernie Sanders ended his campaign in respect of his friend Joe & to prove he is not a racist. President Pence is now expected to lose as Ajit Pai declares all states rights to be racist! Source? https://duckduckgo.com/
  12. I only buy fish sticks when I also buy mozzarella sticks. It just feels balanced when they're together.
  13. First day of Spring & I have this song stuck in my head!
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