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Everything posted by HKofsesshoumaru

  1. From what I heard, Batman 3 had already wrapped and at the time of his death, and Health was in the UK filming another movie. In a recent interview, he also spoke about his role as the Joker as being very fun and quite a challenge, though he complained he had trouble sleeping because of it. His family spoke in this article. http://www.contactmusic.com/news.nsf/article/ledgers%20family%20speaks_1057203 I am not so sure I believe the whole accidental death thing. You hear about people mixing drugs, and/or mixing drugs and booze and then dying because of it. This dosn't sound like accidental, sounds like suicide with no note (or maybe they havn't found the note yet).
  2. I have to agree. If he was really into you he wouldn't have slept with the other girl. If he did that to the other girl who is to say he won't do it to you. Guy number 2 sounds like a jerk. Guy number 1 does not sound any better. Ladies and gentleman lets take a look behind door number 3! LOL. Couldn't help it. Hope it made you smile.
  3. My heart goes out to his daughter and his family. This is really so sad. I am in shock.
  4. Ah yes, the whole the grass looks greener on the other side. That whole shutting the phone and ignoring you is an act of control. Basically, all the other is trying to see if you will keep calling, so he/she feels that satisfaction that you need them. That they have the upper hand. If you ignore his dumb ass, them he will want to know why the hell you are not calling. As far as the other guy goes, I would be careful. You don't want to hop over to the other side and find out that you are more miserable than before.
  5. HKofsesshoumaru


    Hello and welcome. My current PC game is The Witcher, Playstaion 3: (I am currently playing Lair) and RPG Dungeons and Dragons.
  6. I am tired of that "hey there delilah" though I end up singing it because my 3 year old loves songs with catchy lines like "ooooooooohhhhhhhhh it's what you do to me...". Yeah fun fun. I cannot stand Celion Dion's Titanic theme song. "my heart will go on". That got soooo over played at every school dance, radio, shopping mall, music video count down and radio station. I ran into the next room when she came on Dancing with the stars to sing that crap. *shudders*
  7. Happy Birthday Cabbit! What plans do you have now that you are legal age?
  8. Yeah, labor is not fun and when you are in that much pain you get pretty desperate. With my c section I got stitches and staples. And they use a staple remover (no joke) to remove them. That's the only part I didn't really like. Oh, and the needles. I hate needles.
  9. These kind of games have been around for a while. Why the hell do they care now. I remember when they made a huge stink over Doom and the fact you could go in a strip club or something? In the PC game The Witcher, you get a log book for all the women you sleep with through out the game. I think you get bonuses too, I would have to look again. It sounds like a kinky SIMS game. What are they going to do next? Say that SIMS characters have rights and we should treat them accordingly? LMAO
  10. HKofsesshoumaru


    Well I went out to dinner and hung around my daughter. Funny thing in the restaurant this lady dropped in at the table next to us. So, my mother in law had to help her. We were blocked in standing around the table and the food was just sitting there getting cold. The ambulance people took up half of the restaurant (which was rather small) and we had to get up and move. Luckily the lady was ok, so I guess that our quick thinking helped. Still was a good day!
  11. Um today (the 12th) was my birthday....
  12. OMFG Are you serious? It reminds me of something I saw in Wicked City. So, does her snatch have teeth or is it a alien baby inside her that eats foreign objects? I'm going with the toothy snatch. I can't help but laugh at this.
  13. Exactly! The boomerang border hoppers.
  14. Since when did getting laid become more important than dying of cancer? I missed that day. Cancer is becoming more and more serious. Look at cervical cancer and now the shot they have that claims to prevent certain strands of HPV. (We had a post in the news column about it.) Men, don't have to worry about the cancer causing strands since they don't have a cervix but they can carry it and pass it from woman to woman. Harder penises=more sex=possible spread of more diseases=MORE PROBLEMS for these idiot researchers to deal with. They created these problems in their magical labs of research our tax money pays for.
  15. ooooohhhhh I love that store. When I visit my daughter she knows if she is a really good girl that we will go and pick out a treat there. My favorite? The milk chocolate dipped marshmellows with sprinkles and chocolate covered gummi bears. Anyone else?
  16. Yeah it was pretty gross..! Who the hell do they hire for their test groups? Probably the same morons who take up all the low paying jobs and keep are min wage low. They keep our taste quality low now too I see.
  17. I'm sorry I couldn't help it! If you guys have seen or heard crank that (or even if you have not) You will find this funny!
  18. No no not yet. I'm not sure exactly how far along I am. I am guessing 6 weeks. Amazing how in Arizona a pregnant woman like me has to go through so many time consuming hoops to get insurance but a illegal can rack in the benefits the minute they boomerang themselves over our borders. I can't see a doctor until I can get approved which will hopefully be by the end of the month.
  19. This week is a busy one! I am so excited! My birthday is coming up this weekend (Saturday the 12th) and the wedding is the following day (Jan 13th). I had some big plans for Saturday but since I am pregnant, I can't do a whole lot. Not that I had planned to drink the night away but, after the Mahi fish did not agree with me Sunday night, I am a weary about going out to eat. I did great with the morning/night sickness thing and then came the Mahi. It kicked my ass. *shrugs* I don't eat fish a whole lot so maybe baby is anti fish. Anywhoo.. trying to get last minute details worked out for the wedding. Finishing the vows, etc.. I will be glad when it is all over with.
  20. I did. I loved it. Donald trump does not seem all that bad. I thought that was such a smart move on Gene'e part to call his contacts and get them to donate. That playboy model should have thought of that, especially when she knows Hugh Hefner! I was disappointed that Omarosa couldn't get off her high horse and listen to some of her teammate's. If she had listened and done some research (not relying on one person's opinion) their location would not have failed so bad. I'm interested to see who insults Donald's daughter next week. Who do you think will win? It's tough for me to call at this moment.
  21. I liked this one it was cool.
  22. I'm not sure if I should laugh or throw something at you for that one.
  23. Emission testing is a pain I admit, but if see the nasty ass haze over the city pf Phoenix you would appreciate clean air. If Prescott had better wages I would still be there. I love the air up there.
  24. HKofsesshoumaru

    Miss Me?

    Hello. I've been here a bit over a year, so I don't know you..but hello and welcome back anyhoo
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