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Showing content with the highest reputation on 06/18/2021 in all areas

  1. 1 point
    Myk JL

    Windows 11

    I feel indifferent & have questions like... Is Windows 11 going to be free like Windows 10? Should I be disappointed I backed Aya Neo months earlier? Is this why there's talk about Gabe Newell making Steam Machines Pals? Why does Windows 11 sound like a late April Fool's prank? If Windows 11 is real will it also have that stupid weather gossip button that was added to Windows 10? Here are some links... Windows 11 - Wikipedia Microsoft Windows Event - Watch the June 24 LIVE stream
  2. 1 point

    Battlefield 2042

    64v64, the bots make sense. Especially when the game begins to decline naturally I'm sure there is a soft cap requirement of real players. Battle pass systems have been getting pretty good lately without fucking over the players that don't want to pay. Oddly enough. Black Ops Cold War and Modern Warfare had great battle pass systems. Mostly cosmetics but there were 2 weapons every season. Both free players and battle pass players could get them in reasonable time. Battle pass purchase gave you 1.5x XP gain over normal players. And both weapons were obtainable in the first 30 ranks. Plus they have 2xp battle pass weekend for all players frequently. The difference between buying it and not buying it was the many cosmetics you get. Like free players get a reward every 5 ranks while BP buyers get something every rank. I never thought I'd say this but COD actually has one of the better systems out there after all that BS loot crate craze they created. Destiny 2's battle pass system is decent as well, but can be p2w'ish as you get mats for upgrades that doesn't really apply to a PVP game. but the concept is the same. If they have weapons, which I hope they don't. I'd like to see the classic assignment system come back for that. I'd hope they take COD's system and make it fair for everyone to obtain. Otherwise I'd rather just see camos, vehicle skins, and XP tokens.
  3. 1 point

    Windows 11

    I hated that weather gossip widget thing, I disabled that thing immediately. I hope Windows 11 will be a free upgrade like Windows 10 was. They might force an upgrade fee onto everyone because profits but if they're smart they wont because of their app store. Windows 10 has been an amazing OS for the last handful of years. Unfortunately Windows 10 support will now end in 2025. wtf. https://www.cnet.com/news/windows-10-support-is-ending-in-2025/ I remember when Windows 10 came out, Microsoft wanted everyone to upgrade to it and it would be the last version of Windows and from that point on it would be updated indefinitely. Back to the app store thing... Google's Android OS gets huge OS upgrades with new versions and doesn't charge phone or chromebook users a fee for upgrade, same with Apple and their OS, but phones end up being replaced every couple years while PCs can chug along for 5-8 years+ potentially. But Windows 10 has an app store, much like android and apple. The OS for the other devices get free upgrades because those companies want people to keep using their app store because they get a huge cut of all app store and in app purchases. I personally don't use the Windows app store, but I'm sure alot of people do. When a big OS upgrade comes out, all new apps have to support the new OS to be listed in that version of the app store and eventually those apps will stop supporting the old OS long before official support has ended for that version. So if Microsoft wants to keep racking in cash from app store sales, they should make it seamless and give everyone an upgrade to the new OS. But Microsoft might just say to hell with that and go for the big cash out up front by forcing everyone to buy the upgrade. But if they do that then they'll be shooting themselves in the foot because alot of people won't upgrade their OS, they'll end up having security issues out the ass again like when nobody wanted to upgrade from Windows 7 or 8, and they'll loose app store revenue. Also, I'm sure Windows 11 will have some sort of "anonymous and targeted user data harvesting" to sell for ad revenue that Microsoft will be able to make an ass ton of money off of because the US has no privacy laws outside of medical records and all our data is an entire economy of money to be made for big data. A couple more links I found interesting: Why Windows 11 will likely be a free upgrade: https://www.digitaltrends.com/computing/why-windows-11-will-likely-be-a-free-upgrade/ And on a side note, Nvidia still supported Windows 7 & 8 which surprised me since I thought they stopped supporting them a few years ago. Turns out they will stop supporting those OS on August 31 2021. This news seems to coincide with the news about Windows 11 coming out and I'm sure Nvidia and other GPU manufacturers have already been having access to the new Windows 11 to ensure their video drivers work flawless on it. https://www.pcworld.com/article/3621704/nvidia-ending-support-for-windows-7-8-and-older-kepler-gpus.html

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