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  1. 1 point
    Myk JL


    I was able to do it easier with Contrast but it took longer with Resogun as it wasn't being labeled as free at first. At least now they both appear in my Purchase History. So I'll be getting a PS4 when TESO comes out.... or when I feel the urge to buy a PS4 the month before PS4 Slim comes out.
  2. 1 point
    Thats too funny. I didn't even know you could romance Carth. If I get around to playing this a second time, I'll play as a dark side woman so I can lead Carth on and then crush his heart if I can.
  3. 1 point


    Man I can't wait for N++! Its in the PS store listings and I got excited only to find out its just the trailer I wont even wait for it to be free on PS+ when it comes out. I got $10 in credit for buying the launch edition PS4 so that would take care of most of it. And the game is being made by a team of 3 people, so I don't mind contributing to their cause for a game that I love but tortures me with its insanity.
  4. 1 point


    I think Drive Club was the only partial game for PS+, all the others are all full games. I think more of the games in the future will have DLC for sale which is why the core game will be free.. with hundreds of thousands or millions of people getting a game for free, only a percentage of that has to buy DLC for it to make it worth it for the game developers. Its stupid that Contrast is only free for PS4 when its also available on PS3. During this overlap of game availability from old generation to new generation, we might see this happen again. btw, as far as I know, you should be able to add those PS4 games to your account. The PSN store on PS3 will show you the PS3 and Vita games but not PS4.. but if you go to Sony Entertainment's site you can log into your PSN account there and then add to cart all the PS4 games. As long as you have PS+ you should be able to build up a PS4 collection of games so when you eventually get a PS4 you'll have a large library of titles waiting for you. http://www.sonyentertainmentnetwork.com/home/ @DX Thanks for the heads up about Contrast. Some games are too short for the price they cost. I don't expect to get 20 hours out of a game anymore, but if a game is entertaining enough to last 5-6 hours then it might be worth the price of a 2 movie tickets for the same amount of time = money. But with the selection of games out there, $15 could be spent on some damn better games for the price.
  5. 1 point

    Battlefield 4 Weapons Reveal

    A few more notes: Sniping is a pot luck with the first rifle you get. High center mass seems to be a instakill but I've had plenty of hit markers. There are a few maps with high vantage points, and you can close off the ladder access via a hatch, but none of your teammates will beable to get to it as well, and if you die, then that roof is no longer accessible. I was assault one round and my whole squad was sniping from the roof, I ended up with 3 defib ribbons with how many revives I performed. As recon, you can't unlock all the sniper rifles by using a carbine or shotgun... you'll only progress unlocks through that weapon type as you use it. (Crap... I have to go through all that to get my GOL Magnum arguably the best sniper rifles in BFBC2). Every class has access to, Carbines, DMR (designated marksmen rifle), and shotguns when they are unlocked. LMG, Sniper Rifle, Assault Rifle, and PDW are exclusive to their respective class. I did my first counter knife yesterday... its as easy as pressing one button. I'm not sure if its O or whatever you have as your melee button all the time or it prompts a random button. You have ample time to hit it and there is no point to knife from the front, because unless the other player just completely sucks, you'll lose every time... which is funny because my first successful knife was from the front. When a teammate is knifing someone from the front or the back, the enemy player becomes invincible so you cant steal their kill... however its wise to keep your cross hair on them on frontal knifing for the reasons I just listed. If an enemy is the knifer you can take them out before the process is complete. Field upgrades are similar to squad perks in later ranks on BF3, except there are in sets now and you can gain each tier as your squad progresses... once everyone in the squad dies the field upgrade resets to zero. I don't think people on PS4 realize how important it is when "LAST MAN IN SQUAD" pops up on your screen... its even more crucial that you don't die so someone can spawn and the field upgrades stay intact.
  6. 1 point

    Battlefield 4 Weapons Reveal

    Here is your Trailer for BF4 Second Assault which will be available for Xbox One at Launch, and later on other platforms. Second Assault features BF3 maps with sleeker visuals and new Levolution events. Wow the sand storm on Oman is going to be crazy... Parcel Storm's rain levolution is awesome with turtles, it really sounds authentic how the rain hits the ground and your head. I can only imagine what Oman holds. I watched some Live Stream of Metro last night... although I don't like the map, It did look a lot better visually. The roof caving in is going to be interesting. I wonder if they will add choppers for this... at least a little bird for each team. This post has been promoted to an article
  7. 1 point

    Battlefield 4 Weapons Reveal

    I love the SCAR-H so much right now, It will be a while before i try out the M416 which was my hands down favorite in BF3... I'm getting back in form.. I took down a group of 3 with one mag in the SCAR-H... this is insane... Squad Wipe ribbons FTW!

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