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Everything posted by Pchan

  1. Awww shiiiiit! I missed it I think, did they show anything?
  2. I read about this when it came up and read the topic, got a headache. I need to grab dinner. Abrams - I think the studios are being anxious about it and rightfully so because the first impression in the trilogy better be a good one, so Abrams was a safe bet given his long term association with Spielberg and the latter's close ties with Kath. Tech aside, I wouldn't want to see the same directing angles or cinematography style being used in Star Trek to pop up in Star Wars. I do hope though the writers realize and consider the level of tech that the Star Wars universe was left with in episode VI and continues with that versus what we see in the 2nd trilogy. I mean, there's a LOT to talk about.
  3. Pchan

    Temple Run 2

    I forgot how to take a screen shot from my phone, what was that App you suggested I get Sledge? I downloaded the game today, how the frak are you supposed to turn in the mine, I always die there and I'm too lazy to turn the Tutorial ON.
  4. I have no interest in WOW but damn, Duncan is an AMAZING director. Source Code was good but Moon was fantastic. UNFORTUNATELY, I'll now have to watch this.
  5. Machu Pichu is perfect. I plan to go there in the next 3 years. It is not going to cost more than 2 grand. I've done enough research on tickets, hiring a guide/ sherpa, few days to climb up, etc.
  6. So with the old sub-forum scrapped, we can probably discuss everything One Piece related - anime, manga - in here I suppose? NOTE: Any noobs checking the topic must know this is going to be full of spoilerific goodness. The new episode was fantastic! First, Flamingo is on his way and then who was that mystery character towards the end of the last episode? With Law warning Luffy to move on, I think Flamingo will be there in no time. He may capture or rescue those 2 from his crew but he's pretty ruthless so he may just use them as sacrifices in the end or not care for them. Predictions, thoughts, whatcha think?
  7. That's a cool idea, but not earth shattering ground breaking. Aren't there other cities in the world that the US can learn from? Maybe in Japan?
  8. The last good zombie movie made was Fido. I love classic zombie horror but this recent craze of zombies or vampires is uninspired, plain boring to watch. Zombieland was cool because of Murray and his scenes only.
  9. I couldn't watch all of that first episode, I fell asleep p
  10. I saw this on last night, the episode started with something happening to those people who were about to be executed. Time passes and stuff happens and I fell asleep by accident. Is that the first episode?
  11. Wait, I should probably check my old email addy then p
  12. Most dangerous place on the planet = the guy's couch. Cool video, I like what he says in the end about that one place evacuated by humans but now inhabited by animals.
  14. It's too easy to predict what's going to happen in the movie. Not a story compelling enough to work on just star power, like that last Cruise movie called Jack Reacher or something.
  15. Full interview with Oprah Winfrey ... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Of_V4LmlML0 Liar. Cheat. Best part is "I will destroy careers if you tell the truth. I will also sue you for telling the truth and win in court."
  16. Piers Morgan's a jackass. Shapiro pins him down well ... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LJdhAm_oUUs
  17. I've watched Gretel in other films and she can act. Looks not too bad, not enticing enough but I'll go on a limb and see this.
  18. Director is amazing. Disappointing that the story does look very bland in comparison to his other work, considering this is his official Hollywood debut. I'm going to see it none the less because it's Arnold and I'm not going to miss any movie of his when it comes out during this comeback of his. It's not going to happen often and I can tell myself "I was there" for it. Same with Stallone flicks.
  19. She has sex written all on her suit and her hair and her lips and her eyes and that look of hers, Kite!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! #kidding But yeah, I think it's very science fiction to have a second U in the name. I'll check this out.
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