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Myk JL

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Everything posted by Myk JL

  1. Myk JL

    New snack foods

    I don't usually eat candy but the last new candy I had that I liked were the Almond Joy Pieces. the other new Pieces were okay, but reminded me too much of M&Ms. Pepper Jack Cheese & Jalapeno Jack Cheese are a must for me though. Just prefer spicey snacks over sweet snacks.
  2. Redefining the phrase "We're not Occupiers, we're Liberators"...
  3. Not to mention... [nomedia=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3lnETHlzu48&playnext_from=TL&videos=XPI9_XeRWdU]YouTube- Obama vs. Obama[/nomedia] [nomedia=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7rEwFTYkVUU&playnext_from=TL&videos=jdPhv6Dqe9k]YouTube- President Obama Is Asked About Sound Cannons At G-20[/nomedia]
  4. Since when was is okay to have water worse than Mexico's!?
  5. Wonder what this will do to the image of Axe Body Spray...
  6. >_>;; You beat me to making this thread today... I crashed from doing 20 Reps of 40 Lbs in Dumb Bell exercises 3-4 years ago. And when I originally worked my way up to that I started at 20 reps of 25 Lbs. I've gotten back into it as of today I wasn't able to do 20 Reps of each till I lowered it to 10 Lbs. I had been even more lazy as of last year when I mainly started to only eat cottage cheese & snacking every time I make an excuse not to eat cottage cheese. I'll get back to my all liquid diet today, hopefully. I feel real embarrassed to be this out of shape & not notice my physical changes much. But I don't want to stop. I still want to get my old goal of 20 reps of 65+ Lbs.
  7. Atheism is just a bad generalization of Atheists. As if somehow we hold the same causes for what some other Atheists have done.Because (as you know) in order to have any belief system based on anything it requires some form of doctrine. Its plausible for an individual to grow up without any doctrine. With nothing turning this person Theist this person by default would be considered Atheist. And that person in that situation you could clearly see wouldn't be a part of an Ism. According to Merriam-Webster an Ism is 1 a distinctive doctrine, cause, or theory 2 an oppressive and especially discriminatory attitude or belief Atheists as an Ism doesn't even fit the description of Cause that well as the proof of burden isn't on us to prove or disprove Theism. That burden solely lies in Theisms. And Atheists holding a Theory Of No Gods is an oxymoron as that would imply proof first that there are Gods.
  8. If you need to cherry pick your religion then you really need to question yourself on why you even say you are that. If you think all of that your Messiah's'/God's' doing is peace & love in your holy doctrine then you better have read it all & have a good understanding of what you have accepted. If all hatred and intolerance are bad no matter what than why even have laws in any shape or form? Should the good of a religion outweigh the bad of it even when bad had or is currently going on? And for what reason should anyone accept any "super natural" event or being over testable fact? - I'm not a part of any Theist or Atheist religion so I don't need to cherry pick. But I would like to point out that there is no such thing as "Atheism". Because that would imply that all Atheists have some kind of doctrine. All the word Atheist implies is no belief in any Gods. I don't see how Messiah's'/God's' can be considered loving if they want things like genocide & self mutilation. I think hatred and intolerance can be good or bad depending on the situation. Hating someone solely on things like skin & sexual orientation are wrong. I don't see however why hatred and intolerance shouldn't be on the individuals who rape or con others. I don't think the good should outweigh the bad. Pointing out all the Catholic Priests who don't rape over those who do would be to ignore the fact crimes have committed. Even worse so when the Catholic Pope denies that the crimes have happened. And in no situation should any "super natural" event or being be held over testable fact. Saying something is true just because it makes you feel good doesn't change the fact that if it can't be tested by anyone then it most likely isn't true.
  9. Myk JL

    PSN IDs?

    My PSN ID is "Jacked-Assassin".
  10. Based on 1 of the PS Home outfits Grim is going to have a faction.
  11. Myk JL

    How to stay a Virgin.

    I think the fat is more disturbing than the tatoo. Had he had muscles instead it would look so heavy metal right now. But he just looks like a fat AvP nerd instead.
  12. We'll be done once the higher ups have the balls to label Oil a WMD...
  13. Dante vs. Deadpool (spot)! It's... so... amazing! http://fans.marvel.com/agent_m/blog/2010/06/11/a_new_marvel_vs._capcom_3_character_teaser_trailer http://www.gametrailers.com/video/e3-2010-marvel-vs/101062#_text
  14. Unfortunately I have never seen that fatality before until today... then again I've never done a fatality in MK before either... If that fatality was in Armageddon I missed out big time on that move when I sold my Wii version...
  15. http://g4tv.com/videos/46308/The-Next-Mortal-Kombat-Reveal-Trailer/ Maybe its all the Guro I've been looking at... But I really want to learn that move happening to Sub-Zero...
  16. I don't know what my first Anime was... usually because someone will tell me that Speed Racer &/or Voltron is Anime... And I'm pretty sure they're right. The first Anime I acknowledged as Anime was Ronin Warriors. I enjoyed it but I wasn't hooked on Anime till later. What essentially got me into Anime was cartoons like Spider-Man on Fox being canceled. And I felt the need to have a substitute. So I kind of watched my first episode of Gundam Wing... The episode where Wufei destroys Noin's base... I think... It was a decade or so ago. I think what has kept me hooked to Anime though wasn't necessarily that it was Anime. Rather at the time it was giant robots finally being appealing. Before that the only giant robots I was really exposed to were the clunky Sentinels from X-Men & those guys in colorful cardboard boxes from power rangers. If I could buy all my favorite Animes on Blu-Ray they'd pretty much all involve Giant Robots with the exception of Wolf Rain.
  17. So... Deadpool became Baracka... And Baracka became that black guy that Lui Kang beat in the first MK film?... dang... those are some bad switches...
  18. I haven't heard Boom that much since... bE2r7r7VVic
  19. I hope the same saying doesn't apply to Red Text...
  20. He'll just whitewash whatever Israel did. All that fiat money is a real sham(e).
  21. Tonight, We Dine, In Hell!... sorry... image reminds me of 300...
  22. Will it be better than or worse than TMNT 3?... In either case I'm going to skip it.
  23. The pizza was a hit... And the anchoviez on it came from a guy who is sleeping with the fishes... If you know what I'm saying.
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