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Everything posted by Mathias

  1. Mathias


    I've got about ten anime under my belt. I'd be embarrassed to post my list again.
  2. Mathias


    Not too bad. The guy driving in the parking garage didn't look phased in the least. Great acting! At least they had many different types of dinosaurs, so at least it's a bit varied.
  3. Sounds good! I thought I had screwed up my familial relationships too bad to have anyone want to be around me again, especially with my brothers. I closed up around, but it was them who brought me back in. Today, Chris and Danny both came to see us and we're doing great, but it took a few years apart to let the bad things we did to each other drop enough to start the healing process. Now we can't imagine not talking over the phone with each other weekly or more.
  4. Mathias

    Hi everyone

    Take your time Godgrave. I need to catch my breath anyway from starting up two new stories and replying to HK and Wolflord's posts. Put your two cents in the deity questions. Anyway, I hope you like the madness here hun. See you on Thursday Sledgstone and Ladywriter!
  5. Mathias

    Hi everyone

    Don't eat my wife! Who'll take care of the kids?!
  6. Mathias

    Hi everyone

    Aren't you looking good honey.
  7. This might sound weird, but I'd suggest typing up all of your grief. Organize it like FAQ sheet. Write out the basis of the lie and disprove it with the truth and if possible evidence. You might want to explain why your relationships between certain family members are causing problems with others. Don't swear, scream, blame, or put people down, that'll just push your grandma and anyone else you know away. Of course, if they ask why you wrote the document, you tell them the truth, because you haven't been listening to me. My family has a black sheep of sorts as well. She comes and asks me for advice on how to handle certain issues. She rarely takes my advice. No one else in the family likes her much and she knows it. Of course she's not helping her case by bad mouthing people. This last time, she didn't like my opinion of some of her actions and asked me not to give her advice anymore. Barter Frog pulled up a seat and asked his wife for some popcorn for the show. I nearly slapped him, because it was just egging her on. See Barter Frog and black sheep have argued all of there lives, even at our Grandfather's wedding. They were both nearly kicked out, even though she started it he shouldn't have egged her on. It may take a while, but if you stop egging your aunt on, and I'm not saying you're doing it intentionally, the situation may settle down.
  8. Mathias


    <pats GRX's belly> "Comfy?" What kind of ideas are you wanting, so someone can direct you to your cozy new bunk?
  9. Army of Darkness, ah the memories. "That was my Boomstick." The Harpy movie just seemed like a bad rehash of the cult classic Evil Dead series without the thread of a plot. "Shop smart, shop S-Mart."
  10. I don't remember "The Great Land of Small", but I think I've seen "The 10th kingdom" or at least a recent remake.
  11. Thought about and decided no. Tell me how horribly, I mean, na I really do mean horribly it ends.
  12. Needless to say, I was always pulling on the frisbee to snap it across his back. I loved the Tron cycles more than anything. I was very tempted to buy the Tron game for PC just for the light cycles. My wife told me no. Oh well.
  13. As always, we always pray that things will get better. Get some rest. It has been most deserved.
  14. Wow. ... Wow. I thought I had a day that bad once, now I'm second guessing myself. Regardless of the other issues, the toilet one struck a chord with me. I'm SO sorry you had to go through that. I remember when my son was going through his poop throwing phase. I had to clean it up from the crib, floor, toys, and yes walls. There were only three BAD incidents. He hasn't done it since, thank God.
  15. Thank you people! I knew I wasn't the only one missing this.
  16. What's the learning curve? I've got stories to write in the Rolplaying section, Warcraft 3 here, and possibly Xenosaga once or twice a week. Add kids to the mix and I don't have much time to spare.
  17. Okay, answer this one for me. How can Jack Sparrow be a pirate lord AND Barbarossa? If Barbarossa was a pirate lord, then why be the first mate of Jack? Shouldn't he have had his own ship by then?
  18. Something like this (man you can get in trouble easy) I'm a lonely red-headed 17 year old girl who's cocker spaniel was just run over. I need $200 to pay for his surgery and would be willing to do ANYTHING for my little puppy. If you can think of anything I could DO to earn some money from you I'd be most appreciative. Please send me your personal info to the following email address so I can meet with you in person.
  19. Ack, it costs money! Oh well, maybe next time. However, do share your adventures here. I'd love to read them.
  20. I would suggest babysitting, because it's never to early to learn how to EARN your money. This was the best lesson my parents ever taught me, by NOT giving me an allowance. I EARNED money from my parents through penny chores. When I EARNED my money from others, my parents wouldn't let me charge the going rate, but instead a stipend of what it should have been. This was mostly due to my family and those I helped were poor and had very little on hand.
  21. I'm sorry to hear that. How's life in the real world treating you?
  22. I have too many fears of hurting the ones I love, so I will never own a gun. My greatest pleasure is spending time with my family, even when they misbehave. That includes my wife.
  23. That's why they forgot your birthday. Just like me, they got lost in their thoughts. See if you can find the reference, and then you'll be disgusted!
  24. Mmm, savoring the thought. Of course, so you kids know, life has many other pleasures that we won't go into right now. I'm too busy getting lost in my thoughts.
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