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Everything posted by Sledgstone

  1. Nooooooo!!! I don't want Cuomo to run for president. Hes doing damn good for NY. Way better than Pataki, Spitzer and Paterson.
  2. Well that sucks. It definitely looks better than the first temple run. But I'm not good at either game so I see no real difference in features.
  3. Now that Temple Run 2 is out, what is your best score? I suck at this game.
  4. Five Guys burgers for dinner. That burger was huge. :D

    1. Eppy


      yeah their burgers are awesome :) their fries are great too

    2. DeathscytheX


      Not to mention you get a big ass paper bag full of fries... and they bury your burger in scalding hot fries so you burn your fingers off trying to get to the damn burger XD

    3. Sledgstone
    4. Show next comments  687 more
  5. If men could carry children from conception to birth like in the movie "Junior", and it was possible for a woman who does not want to bring a baby to full term to have that fetus transplanted into the man that got her pregnant, I bet the amount of men pushing for fetus rights and anti abortion laws would drop significantly. I'd love to see some rapist asshole have to carry a child to full term in jail and if there is a miscarriage he would face murder charges as well.
  6. Good video. Kinda throws the whole premise of witch hunting right into everyone's faces. I'll still watch this movie at some point, but I wont rush out to see it.
  7. Star Trek was good. I'm hoping he doesn't screw this up. *crosses fingers*
  8. She would have been a better president than Obama.
  9. Thats interesting, but I don't think it would work out in the end. The amount of nitrogen required to make glaciers would be huge, and once they start melting, the nitrogen released into the water would probably kill all kinds of marine life. Maybe instead of making ice we could set up massive cooling stations on various coastlines that would suck ocean water in, move it through a variety of cooling tubes that were kept frozen via liquid nitrogen or some other gas like freon and then pump the water back into the ocean. The problem with that is It would drastically alter the natural ocean conveyor belt: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Thermohaline_circulation That and the energy required to do such a thing would most likely result in the creation of many new power plants causing even more global gasses to be created which would then probably negate the effectiveness of such a system.
  10. Twister was a great movie to watch in the theaters. I remember it sounded like I was there with the tornadoes.
  11. I'm going to pre-order it soon. I have an agreement with my older brother that we'll both get this so we can play some matches online.
  12. Hell yeah. Light kick, medium kick, strong kick, light punch, medium punch, hard punch.. It was like playing at the arcade.
  13. I need to upload some videos. Now that I have the suppressor on the M27, I was dominating with it yesterday. I unlocked the SCAR-H and tried it out for a couple rounds. I'm liking that gun too. Double XP has started for this weekend! January, 25-28.
  14. Flamingo aka Joker must be pretty close considering he is running/jumping thru the air all the way to Punk Hazard.. you'd think a ship would be faster. I wonder if that was Aokiji.. He is prone to taking naps and who else could nap in the middle of the ocean? Maybe he froze a block of ice there and passed out for a while. Hes not a marine anymore so he could just be strolling thru the area. How can they all be partying there!? I'm guessing Nami has to occasionally do a burst of air or something to make sure the cloud of deadly poison doesn't flow back to their area to kill them. And how can there be a cure to this instant death fog of poison? Instead of killing anyone all it does is encase them in a waxy substance? That doesn't seem like the weapon of mass destruction Caesar was leading everyone to believe it was.
  15. The main webcomics I follow are: http://www.vgcats.com/ http://theoatmeal.com/ Cyanide & Happiness: http://www.explosm.net/comics/3035/ There were a few other comics I used to read, but they stopped updating and I haven't looked at those sites in years.
  16. I don't see how Sega could have any of its characters in the Dawn of War games.. oh well, maybe they'll use the dawn of war engine to make a new Sonic RTS game... or maybe not.
  17. I'm looking at that picture of the sega genesis and it had me remembering when it originally came out. Everyone was like.. "Oh damn! it has three buttons!" Altered Beasts had a button for punch, kick and jump. It was revolutionary.
  18. Attachments are turned on for all members. If you had previous attachments on the old vbulletin site, you can check by going to your settings and click on "Manage Attachments" Attachments are useful for uploading some quick pictures or files into a topic. Everyone has about 10 mb of storage and that is separate from your gallery storage space which is currently 10mb for regular members and 20mb for AC Elite. I will be increasing this amount in the near future. Also, searching has been turned on for guests with a flood control, this will make it easier to look through all topics organized by tabs when you are not logged in because that is controlled through the search feature.
  19. I downloaded the multiplayer beta today and tried it out. Turns out the beta is already over. But I was able to do the training. The multiplayer does not really appeal to me. It plays like God of War, but it doesn't feel like it at all. Because its only 4 vs 4 or 8 vs 8, its nothing like the usual GoW, with Kratos destroying hundreds of enemies. If anything it feels like a fighting game, except in a 3d environment.
  20. StarCraft II: Heart of the Swarm
  21. Oh man, cheap ass console, expensive games. Good times. Steam has really set the bar in terms of what digital prices should be with their sales. It still dumbfounds me that a game on Steam might cost me $4.99 but on PSN its $17.99. Some of the prices on PSN are ridiculous for digital downloads.
  22. lmao. What if the next xbox has a touchscreen controller too?
  23. I've never owned any xbox's before. Maybe I'll get this one at some point. What are the primary xbox exclusive titles? Is it mostly Halo? Or are there other game series I should look at?
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