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Showing content with the highest reputation on 05/27/2021 in all areas

  1. 1 point

    PS Plus Games

    https://blog.playstation.com/2021/05/26/playstation-plus-games-for-june-operation-tango-virtua-fighter-5-ultimate-showdown-star-wars-squadrons/ I'll try Star wars squadrons. It could be fun. Also it looks like Ghosts and goblins is free until June 1st: https://comicbook.com/gaming/news/playstation-plus-free-ps4-game-download/
  2. 1 point

    Shadow and Bone

    i played it as a background noise while i was doing laundry and playing video games. it didnt even have a series description so i had no idea what was going on whenever i hear a gunshot i turned around to look and it seemed like they were executing young recruitments in uniform. i also saw a dragon flying by so my guess is this is like reign of fire movie? ill give another episode a try 😛
  3. 1 point

    Coronavirus disease (COVID-19)

    ^ texas lifted mask mandate back in march but majority of businesses still have mask requirement in place so yeah it sucks. but now texas governor is going furthur and banning mask mandate from public places like schools and other govt owned properties starting june but says businesses are still allowed to impose mask requirement if they wanted to. only place i know that removed it completely is walmart but i hardly ever go there. but my bank is still drive through only but other banks are back to normal so wth and i didnt think asking around about vaccines could be offensive bc we all have been doing that since it came out lol. mostly they ask me first but there are lot of mixed reactions. most of them are skeptical and wont take it. had a pepsi delivery guy complaining to me last week that his company is offering him and his family 3 shots bc their reasoning is 3 shots are better than 2 and says theres no way in hell they are going to make him their guinea pig. i mean no shit thats flat out dangerous. what are they thinking O_o on the other hand yesterday this one guy was super excited that he got his very first shot and says its gonna help prevent cancer and im like okaaaay good for you..lol.

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