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Showing content with the highest reputation on 02/12/2014 in all areas

  1. 1 point
    I do want to read it!!!!! but I've been forcing myself to stay away until the show is a little further along so I can read the stuff slowly so it doesn't catch up to the show. I want to be able to enjoy both tellings of the story without my "the book was better!" getting in the way lol. When visual media is done right you can extrapolate volumes of information in one conversation. Body language, tone, setting etc. Art by its very nature is open to interpretation. I like that they have deliberately done things different between tv show and graphic novel. When a Stephen King book gets movied up he usually screws w the ending somehow so it is different then the written piece. When you switch mediums with a story the delivery of some things has to change. You can't read a chapter of back story, you have to do a flashback or have the characters talk about it to deliver that information to the audience. Story format and script format are miles apart. The point is telling a good story worthy of being shared and retold indefinitely. BSG pulled off the whole post apocalypse story brilliantly in mutherfuckin space. They changed some things from the original, the big one was making Starbuck a woman. It worked amazing. There was great balance in the show; Bill commanded the military, Laura the citizens. Guias is pushed to greatness by Caprica 6.Lee outranks Kara but she runs those pilots and he leaves to go into politics.Character growth and relationships on the show was unlike anything I'd ever seen on tv. Series ended well, we got closure and cried a lot. As the show went on a bigger budget gave us awesome battle scenes. Bear McCreary did all the music for BSG and is also doing TWD, SHIELD etc.
  2. 1 point
    There are very few television series that I would call art. Ron Moore's Battlestar Galactica and The Walking Dead are art. With this medium the writing, directing, acting all have to be the tip of the top. I look at each episode, season then series over all. It has to be a thought provoking and emotionally impacting story, the delivery has to be amazing. Not an easy thing to do on the small screen. I think its awesome they open w Michonne. You see her transition in the ep from someone willing to blend in w the dead to someone who wants to live w people. Her flashback dream sequence was wicked, her first pets, her child, the beginning of the reasons she traveled alone for so long.Flashbacks and conversations are the only way we're going to get back story. She was so different before the zombie plague. We now know she cried holding Judith because she is mourning her own child. Seeing her walker double made her realize that even if being with the living can be painful its better then being dead emotionally. After slaughtering the herd she goes right back to Rick's tracks and follows them to Carl who she has bonded with. She is so frigin happy to see the kid alive (and I bet she has his shoe) I imagine Rick saw Michonne w the shoe through the peek hole. When he turns and flops on the couch with that genuine happy amused smile!!! OMG haven't seen that since he found Laurie and Carl... When Carl yells at his unconscious father... its all shit I woulda said to Rick myself. He had become useless and was dragging others down with him. If he had killed the gov at the start Hershel Andrea Milton Judith (?) could still be alive. He was weak when it came to dealing with external threats. He was a fucking asshole when it came to issues inside the prison. He was a douchenado to Michonne when they first met, she has saved him and his kid repeatedly. She's the only one that went looking for the gov after the shit went down at the prison. And then there is Carol. He was intimidated by her ability to adapt, teach, lead the group and do the hard things alone if necessary (from getting water to burning infected bodies). She found her bravery and Rick lost his so he took his crap out on her. Sending her away was a rape/death sentence, an utterly malicious move he tried to write off as protecting her from Tyreese. The ultimate bullshit was inviting the gov in after kicking Carol out. Rick is broken and has been since he killed Shane.
  3. 1 point
    Don't get me started on dysentery, I don't know how many times I died to that and starvation. God damn people getting sick , I remember Dictator Sledge. Gah, such fun times. I don't even know what brought about the talk to takeover AC, I just remember being in an AIM chat with Veggie and Cloud and all of a sudden we started talking about a takeover (which is funny because at this time I don't even think I was a member for more than 6 months). , that was one of the main problems I was having. If I underpowered them too much it wouldn't be SICD but if I left them as is the game would be over in 5 minutes. There just wasn't any way to find a middle ground, was pulling my hair out in frustration

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