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Showing content with the highest reputation on 01/10/2014 in all areas

  1. 1 point

    wanted: New series

    Okay so I'm stir crazy, it was too cold to play outside the past few days so I cracked open youtube (cause I'm broke and DL just goes awry) and started watching Wolf's rain. Well 3 days later I finish it all. Now I'm horribly depressed! That ended HORRIBLY! anyways I need a new series to watch need something with a slightly better plot than "must find paradise", but I can do without one...I mean I watched all of spice and Wolf...what was the plot to that again? I'm digging the more animal/fantasy based stuff lately, but I do dig me some gundam wing too. Help a girl out here! Preferably something I can snoop around and find...animals eat my paychecks...no really...they do... Thanks Crash f/k/a Duo
  2. 1 point

    Steam Machine Prices and Specs

    A lot of my friends are unimpressed with this... We were all really excited about it, and now its just meh... If you made a box that could play Ultra PC games... but thats all it could do. I'd pay $600-700 for it to play all the steam games, and upgrade it myself as time passes... but instead they made some shit that can't play all steam games, and really just seems like a waste of cash. I'm glad I have a PS4 more than ever now.
  3. 1 point
    Strider Hiryu

    Steam Machine Prices and Specs

    That's the problem, they're running a Linux based OS which games are usually not developed for (for the most part, I know now-a-days it's becoming a little more popular but still). You're shooting for a niche market, I honestly don't know what they're thinking. At this rate they'll never make the money they want nor do I even think they'll make the money back in the long run (you know they're paying the people they're outsourcing this too a pretty penny). Don't honestly know where Valve is going with this.

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