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Everything posted by gokuDX7

  1. I'm guessing it will go on their Monday/Tuesday anime block. They been buying up a lot of anime licenses recently.
  2. gokuDX7

    I'm confused

    Inuyasha isn't that smart so he cant figure something like that out. But ya, your post sounds about right. Kagome is Kikyo in a way.
  3. http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-1035315/Father-branded-pervert--photographing-children-public-park.htmlROFL, what is the world coming to. Parents are really getting overprotective of their kids, its nuts.
  4. hello lag, I <3 you! The game looks amazing and the idea is super for a console. I hope Sony has the servers to manage this all figured out because games like SOCOM used to attracted noobs on slow connection speeds that would make the game horrible.
  5. 360 is doing bad in Japan because Microsoft didn't advertise the system enough and the advertising they did do wasn't your typical Japaneses ads. So of course the system is gonna do bad. It really has nothing to do with gaming or the people's gaming habits.
  6. http://www.joystiq.com/2008/07/14/final-fantasy-xiii-coming-to-xbox-360/ Wow, that was a bit unpredictable. I'm not joking either, I didn't see that coming at all. The funny thing is It's still an exclusive PS3 title only in Japan though haha. Us US people are lucky it seems.
  7. Spiced rum for the win . Me and the captain make it happen.
  8. My dad showed me an article about this Friday and I didn't believe it. Then I started seeing articles pop up all over the place about it. It kind of sucks since Bud is no longer going to be an American owned beer company. O well, it was a good move on Inbev's part. Makes you wonder why Bug didn't just try and buy them out.
  9. gokuDX7

    UFO's and EBE's

    The part with the kids and the cell phone video was verified to be fake months ago when one of the kids confessed it was all a joke they where playing. One thing I find really funny is, why hasn't there been one clear video ever recorded of a flying object? Every video I find on youtube or on TV is always the same. Blurry and hard to see. I mean come on, we live in the youtube era where everyone carries a decent video camera or plain camera. Why is it that all Alien hunters carry shitty ass 12 year old cams lol. It's so frustrating.
  10. gokuDX7

    UFO's and EBE's

    Interesting stuff lady. I have no doubt in my mind that there is life out there in space. I also believe that the earth has been visited a number of times in the past and present. I'm hopping sometime within my lifetime we get to meet and communicate with other lifeforms. But I think the reason we haven't may be due to our own aggression towards our own kind. Obviusly if theirs higher beings out there, they probably see us killing our own people and think to them selves "Humans are not ready to know about us".
  11. 15,313 people is a lot no matter how you see it. Lets hope this movement makes a difference.
  12. it's a sad say when your car dies. I was very sad when my 95 jeep was totaled.
  13. Considering the majority of the Naruto manga covers show him either looking like a frog, with a frog, with a scroll and a frog, or with a paint brush and a scroll, or with a katana, I have a feeling he will learn something remotely useful from the frogs ad gain some new tools to help fight Sasuke and Pain.
  14. If your unsure what dvd+r or dvd-r is here http://www.answerbag.com/q_view/2279
  15. Their probably gonna pull a DBZ/Naruto and have Ichigo go full hollow and show off some new move or evolve even more into a hollow. Eithor that or Ulquiorra will just join them to figure out what a heart is .
  16. - DVD+R, if you plan to keep the show on the dvd forever. - Burning software, Nero is pretty good if you don't mind spending money. Most of the time I use free software called dvdflick and isoburn. - Regional code, figure out what regional code your DVD players use. If you burn a cd using a regional code that's not supported by your DVD player, it wont play. You can also burn the DVD to run on all dvd players (recommended). thats about it.
  17. saw that frog training coming a mile away. PS. I think the ying/yang chakra thing was to prevent Naruto from getting overwhelmed by the 9 tail's evil charkra. obviously the Leaf/ Naruto's dad didn't want an evil crazy Naruto running around.
  18. anyone notice what's his face didn't have the whole in his chest anymore? I wonder if they forgot to add it back haha.
  19. Its not just about Republicans using bad tactics. Both sides have been doing it for years. So when people start pointing fingers and bad mouthing different party's it only makes things worse or escalate. Lady, I voted for Paul before I an plan to write him in like you. He's the only one against the National ID and Patriot act, two things that should have never been passed and where forced onto congress.
  20. ehh Kakashi doesn't have the same elements as Naruto so it makes it hard for him to teach naruto anything useful. But ya, they should just give Naruto the scroll from the beginning of the series that has a list of forbidden jutsu. He would have a better chance learning from the scroll then from Kakashi. I'm also wondering why they never told Naruto about his parents. I'm guessing maybe they where scared that naruto would end up hating his parents and the Leaf for sealing the 9 tails in him or somthing.
  21. haha Sledg was right. Ya the message was lame. I think the Leaf ninja would have figured that much on their own.
  22. People just don't want to put any effort into it. We're all use to the safety of our own house and our false sense of freedom that we forget that in a blink of an eye we could turn into China or North Korea due to some president telling congress they have 10 mins to read over an important 100+ page bill (ex. patriot act). Did anyone actually read the bill or have time to? No. People have become watchers. The doers are the minority now and are punished for it because there's not enough of them.
  23. http://www.animenewsnetwork.com/news/2008-07-04/gundam-00-to-run-on-sci-fi-channel-on-november-17
  24. You know whats more disturbing then seeing the kid get tased, is that fact that no one tried to help him not even Kerry who continued to answer the kids question as he was getting tased in a calm voice as if nothing was happening. In staid people where laughed, giggling, and video taped it. We are a world of watchers now. The minority of people that want to actually take action are treated as terrorists or harmful to the people around them and are arrested and or tased for it. We are the digital age. When something we don't like is being done, in staid of going out and protesting with signs and words we jump on our computer and blog or vlog about it.....and we all wonder why nothing is being done. It's because no one wants to get off their ass and do anything. Our freedom is slowly being taken away by the very people that have sworn to keep us free. Look up what the Patriot act is and the Real ID (national ID). Congress has already for fitted our freedom and we didn't even have a say in it.
  25. VHD has alwase been my favorite anime and D has always been by favorite anime character. The novels where pretty good. I agree, they should make an anime series. The movies where great but to short.
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