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DeathscytheX last won the day on February 3 2023

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About DeathscytheX

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  • Birthday 04/10/1983

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  • Biography
    It's a big universe and there's two!
  • Location
    Kriegsville USA
  • Interests
    anime, gaming, food.
  • Favorite Anime
    My Hero Academia
  • Favorite Game
    Guild Wars 2
  • Favorite Movie
    The Big Lebowski
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    Maus I & II
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    Whatever is on Simuldub
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  1. My Mobile game spending habits have been pretty tame. I'll drop a few dollars on Arknights banners now and then. Azur Lane, I have it to a science to generally go into events with 100+ cubes to get everything. But lets face it. Azur Lane makes it's money off skins... and the best way to get skins is to make it easy to get the ships. Arknight's skins are mad expensive, and I only found out last week that the Siege one I really want is gonna be free with Contingency Contract coming up! Other than that, they don't do much for me as the E2 art looks amazing as is... and I'm the only one that gets to see them so I can't flex.

    Azur Lane tho I can flex with my defense fleet in PvP. XD Plus you can have multiple secretaries grace your home page at random. Being a man of culture, I can appreciate all the fan service bikini skins they throw out there... but it ain't for me. The in game chibis have to look just as good as the secretary full art to get my money. That being said... they just had to bring out a bunch of black dress skins.... and FINALLY Enterprise gets a skin that's not prudishly modest. INSTAPURCHASE! I went to town on the Qipao skins a few months ago. I'll probably buy most of these as well. I'll buy skins for characters I don't have yet if the art is good and the in game model looks cool. (I'm so glad I bought that Taihou L2D qipao now that I have her XD)

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    2. DeathscytheX


      Yeah wtf with no Skin for Amagi, I was surprised when I got her. I guess I assumed all meta ships would have at least one skin. If I had to pick, Taihou's and St Louis Qipao are my favorite skins becasue the L2D is so well done. But I'll never really use them in my fleets. I think Belfast is one of my only favorites that have a L2D skin on her but its not as well done. Taihou plays her little mandolin, and St Louis follows your finger on the screen. I hope when they give Amagi a skin, its L2D, but either way I'll buy whatever they bring out for her. I'd also like a good skin for my girl Tashkent. The bondage one didn't do it for me during that event.

      I'm really not that far ahead of you. XD I think I finished 10-1 last week. I was only inspired to get that far for the 9-4 secretary unlock, and for PR ship XP grind. I think by world 11, you need all 120 ships. I don't have that yet.

      I dunno if its how the game is or just my pull ratio but I have less Sakura and Iron ships than anything and my Eagle Union faction is level 4 in the lab. I finally was able to get the level 2 upgrade for Sakura while Iron Blood is still stuck at 0 for me.

      Enty, Saratoga, and Monarch are my boss fleet backline, and Amagi, Hood, and Illustrious are my mob fleet backline. So as you can see, I don't really have any faction synergy going. XD I still use Enty because shes my best carrier. I don't have Essex or Formidable (God, i want Formidable so bad, I need that rerun and her swimsuit is an instapurchase and permanent secretary for me. XD)

      Did you see their going to be adding an open world part to the game tho? Like a major update is coming sometime soon. it looks pretty rad. I'm also super excited about the Helena retrofit.

    3. Strider Hiryu

      Strider Hiryu

      Shit most of my ships are Sakura Empire, must be getting lucky on those pulls or something (EU and SE make up the bulk of my ships). Not complaining as I love the look of the SE ships and almost all of my favorite ships come from them (except Laffy). I believe my faction levels for both Eagle Union and Sakura Empire are 3 (almost 4, would have to double check). Fuck I don't even know how to get my hands on Iron Blood ships, they're so rare it's not even funny (it doesn't help that most of the good ones are event locked (like Deutschland, Graf Spree, and Bismarck)).

      My main fleet make up is Amagi, Kaga, and Akagi for backline (really punishing with Akagi and Kaga synergizing with each other) and the current frontline is Laffy, Takao, and Kawakaze (working on getting Ayanami up so she can replace Laffy (so she can go spearhead my EU fleet) and then I can take full advantage of Amagi's buff). This set-up is extremely good for PVP (haven't lost a match yet attacking, think my win rate in total is 99%) as well though I haven't gotten any higher then Commander rank as I get extremely bored doing PVP in this game.

      Shit I don't even have one 120 ship yet. my highest is Laffy at 114 (like I said only really do events and I don't push myself by trying to do hard mode stuff). That's kind of the reason I stalled at 9-1 as my fleets were taking some serious damage trying to get through 8. Need to retool them somewhat and try again.

      I'd give you my Essex but sadly I don't want to give her up (she's my secondary carrier in my EU fleet with Enty). I never did get Formidable either (but I really don't care, I want Bismarck with a passion and really want a rerun of her event like now (I need her so badly for my IB fleet, Tripitz can't cut it as the lone Battleship)).

      No I didn't see that then again I don't really pay much attention to AL Twitter unless it's about new skins and I haven't really been in the discord channel as of late either. I'm totally down for an open world part, might get me back into playing the game more often.

    4. DeathscytheX


      I do PvP mostly for the merits to get a SR Bulin as much as I can but it does give Hella experience. Enty and Anaynami are my 2 120 ships. Tashkent and Belfast will be there shortly at 119. All my other used ships are between 114-104. I actually made rear admiral today for the first time. I doubt I'll get admiral of the navy but damn that merit bonus would be nice. I can't compete with 120 Retrofit Warspite in a whole 120 fleet, and Monday everyone will take their joke defense fleets down and 95% of the opponents will have her up. X_X

      Holy crap about your SE ships. I was just happy to get Shoukaku off that daily game for this event. I got Zuikaku the same way a few months ago. I have a ton of RN ships... and as if you couldn't tell, I'm fine with that. XD I have all the battle maids except Formidable. XD

      Here is a video of all the new stuff coming.

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