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DeathscytheX last won the day on February 3 2023

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About DeathscytheX

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  • Birthday 04/10/1983

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  • Biography
    It's a big universe and there's two!
  • Location
    Kriegsville USA
  • Interests
    anime, gaming, food.
  • Favorite Anime
    My Hero Academia
  • Favorite Game
    Guild Wars 2
  • Favorite Movie
    The Big Lebowski
  • Favorite Book
    Maus I & II
  • Currently Watching
    Whatever is on Simuldub
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  1. Lets take a moment of appreciation for how utterly bad ass Maki's fight was on this weeks Fire Force. Same dude Arthur struggled with. That rig Vulcan set her up with is wicked. I'm really not ready for season 1 to end. Same with Dr. Stone. Both totally different series with outstanding world building. Its gonna feel a bit empty when they're done. MHA will probably start picking up steam soon though. Stars Align has been a nice surprise, and Azur Lane is totally my guilty pleasure this season. XD XD *ahem* But I digress.

    1. Strider Hiryu

      Strider Hiryu

      Shhhh, I still haven't watched the episode now I'm going in knowing Maki is a fucking bad ass (oh, wait I already knew that so carry on).

      MHA will definitely start picking up and I definitely can't wait (I so want to see the upcoming fight for so many reasons). Not entirely sure whats in this upcoming episode but I get the feeling they'll start moving a lot quicker now in this arc (I'm assuming they're going for at least a two arc adaptation this season so they'll need to start wrapping this one up pretty quickly if they want to adapt the next one in what they have left episode wise).

      Azur Lane is my guilty pleasure as well but not in the same way. The show has been great (though man is it getting some serious hate on anime sites) but I only started watching it because I'm addicted to the fucking game and hence my quilty pleasure (Laffey is best ship waifu and I'll fight anyone who says otherwise, yea I have an unhealthy attachment to her (I've spent way to much money on her skins)). That OP is pretty fucking banger though (not surprising since it's May'n and she's responsible for my adoration of the Macross Frontier OST), only coming behind No Guns Life for this seasons new shows (and way after Fire Force's new OP (it's completely grown on me now though I still think the first OP is better) and the new MHA OP).

      My absolute favorite show this season though is Ascendance of a Bookworm. Such an adorable show and way beyond your typical Isekai show. In fact MB did a video on why he liked in and I agree with all his points. No over the top action. No god tier hero bent on saving the world. Just a show dedicated entirely to world building, character development and interaction, and telling it's story.

      My true guilty pleasure this season is Didn't I say to make my abilities average in the next life. The comedy alone is worth watching this for. Besides one episode I don't think I've gotten through an episode without laughing so hard my side hurt (I love the complete awareness it has for what it is (much like Konosuba) and Mile's constant agonizing over how overly strong she is given her request to be reincarnated as an average, run of the mill person (and how she actually was by this worlds standards)). I'm sad it's only 12 episodes long so I really hope it gets another season.

    2. DeathscytheX


      I'm just glad Maki got her own fight finally and showed off her skills for real. It was a treat that could have gone on longer, but was still extremely satisfying.

      As for Azur Lane, I don't have any attachment to the game outside of hearing about it a while back. So I'm more of a Belfast man myself. XD 😏 I think the dub is outstanding with the various accents. Although outside of the general hate you spoke of, I hear there is a ton of hate for Prinz Eugen's German accent. Not really sure what people expected from an anime based off a mobile game full of cosmetics and fanservicey art. Fan service aside, the battle sequences are pretty fun to watch. And yes the OP is a banger.

      I heard of Didn't I say to make my abilities average in the next life through Mother's Basement, but alas it's not dubbed. It sounds similar to Cautious Hero: The Hero Is Overpowered but Overly Cautious with a female protagonist. XD Bruh, whats up with the paragraphs for titles trend with anime right now? Like  YU-NO: A Girl Who Chants Love at the Bound of this World. Its getting a bit silly. I get a good laugh out of Cautious Hero though.

    3. Strider Hiryu

      Strider Hiryu

      And once again Maki proves herself to be best girl hands down. Man that fight was awesome (and proves that her ultimate power up always comes from mishearing people comments toward her) and her being all scared was beyond cute.

      I figured you'd be a Belfast man. I've got way to many ships I like and I'm more partial to the Sakura Empire ships (fuck the majority of my fleet is comprised of them, if only I could get Akagi then my main fleet would be unstoppable) but for some reason Laffy just caught my attention (I seem to always gravitate to the quiet, unassuming females in anime and in this case game). You know I think I'll have to give the dub a watch after it's finished airing, this seems like one of those shows where watching the dub is a must due to the nationality of all the ships (I mean they use different Japanese dialects/accents to differentiate between some of the ships on other sides but at the end of the day it's still Japanese). I just love how people get bent out of shape over this show and it's plot given that there is no actual plot in the game (outside of the whole Azur Lane vs. Red Axis vs. Siren storyline and the side story missions they do centered around certain ships. Quite honestly I don't even know whats going on in the game outside of the fact that I fight Iron Blood and Sakura ships even though I have them in my own fleet and occasionally I get to fight sirens from time to time) but then again these are anime fans so logic goes out the window (I've not hear Prinz Eugene outside of the sub but it can't be that bad). I would also like to point out that it's funny Enterprise is the main protagonist of the show (considering it was the flagship of the American Navy and you'd think the Japanese and the Chinese would be against doing that (the companies behind the game are Chinese run)).

      I really need to get around to watching Cautious Hero since it's been on my radar (once I heard that I'd like it if I loved Konosuba (which I did) I was totally on board), sadly I have way to much on my plate this season to even consider starting it (8 shows is the most I've picked up since my college days and I'm in the middle of watching Patlabor for the first time (picked up the entire collection for cheap and I'm loving every minute of it. Never though a show about Police with mechs would be so good). Maybe I'll start it up after Bookworm and Didn't I say to make my abilities average in the next life end and as long as there is a shit ton to watch next season.

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