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DeathscytheX last won the day on February 3 2023

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About DeathscytheX

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  • Birthday 04/10/1983

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    It's a big universe and there's two!
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    Kriegsville USA
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    anime, gaming, food.
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    My Hero Academia
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    Guild Wars 2
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    The Big Lebowski
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    Maus I & II
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  1. Hands down, tonight's episode of GoT was their crowning achievement. I can't see the last 3 eps topping it. Simply incredible.

    1. Sledgstone


      It was really the good. Better than I thought it would be. But at the same time I was expecting like half the major characters to die. Lol. The only negative I could say was the episode was too dark. Like really dark in the first half. So many of those characters were like rpg hero class. Fighting with endless endurance. Holy crap.

    2. DeathscytheX


      Yeah wtf is up with the lighting? I thought it was just the trailer, but the trailer just showed how these scenes where. I had to turn off the lights just to see what was going on. I don't know why everyone was expecting more to die... I mean I don't even understand how they're going to go up against Cersei, Euron, and the Golden Company with what they lost "NPC" wise. XD They had to have lost more than half their forces in that fight. And all these people worried about where is Ghost.. I was like WTF where has he been in forever and just shows up this ep?

      It was too dark, they use non-day time scenes to compensate for the lack of CGI realism. Thats why Pacific Rim used night and rainy scenes, Godzilla as well. Both Godzilla 2, Infinity War, and End Game use that brownish dusty back drop... there is better ways to do it than ultra dark.

      Jorah is a big loss, I thought Grey Worm was a goner too but they can't lose all of their field marshals. They have Grey Worm, Brienne, Jaime, and Sir Davos left as far as that goes. Tormund and Gendry are going to have to step up. Pretty much all the Dothraki are gone, what a terrible strategy that was. The Unsullied looked to have sustained major losses and I doubt Yara has many forces that didn't go with Euron. I don't know where else they can pull people from. With how much Westeros owes the Golden Company, I wonder if a victory will eliminate the debt? XD I think thats something thats being overlooked since Tyrion uncovered it. Cersei is already piling more debt on the kingdom with this army she acquired.

    3. Sledgstone


      With only a few episodes left I was expecting a large majority of characters to die just so the show wouldn't have to finish up a bunch of plot lines. lol. I figured it was going to be lazy writing with this season only being 5 episodes. I imagine a board room meeting.. Producer: "We have 5 episodes left with about 300 plot lines going on.. whats the best way to resolve this massive story?" Other guy: "Kill 90% of the characters, no plot lines to resolve if they're dead." Other Other guy: "Instead of killing everyone, lets bring in Ghost with no reason as to how he survived or where hes been for the last 4 seasons.. then everyone will focus on that wolf and ignore the other 8 seasons of unresolved plot lines." XD

      All those NPCs lost in that battle. XD I bet she left multiple groups of sully and dothraki guarding different locations along their path. She conquered alot of kingdoms on her way to the north. She'll probably pull those troops in for the final battle against Cersei. If not, then they're pretty screwed. That was a horrible strategy with the dothraki.. don't lead with a dragon breath attack or anything.

      That ultra dark was dumb. When my tv is outputting lines of grey/black like dark lens flares because its so damn dark nothing can be seen it really made the quality look piss poor. Considering GOT budget is massive they could have done that alot better, especially since they had so many epic battles in pure day light in previous episodes.

      Jorah would have given his life for her on so many occasions.. at least he died doing what he swore to do.

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