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DeathscytheX last won the day on February 3 2023

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About DeathscytheX

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  • Birthday 04/10/1983

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    It's a big universe and there's two!
  • Location
    Kriegsville USA
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    anime, gaming, food.
  • Favorite Anime
    My Hero Academia
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    Guild Wars 2
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    The Big Lebowski
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    Maus I & II
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  1. Someone already 3 manned Destiny's new raid and I heard the story was really short. I don't get people that still put money into this game. 

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    2. Strider Hiryu

      Strider Hiryu

      Sigh, I never got to take advantage of the loot cave (damn you Bungie) :cry:

      I mean you have the chance at getting every weapon to drop during the Crucible but the ability not to use Crucible Marks to buy them certainly limited their availability (and now it's just Legendary marks as they did away with Vanguard and Crucible marks). Seriously the games loot and ability to buy the weapons you wanted was severely lacking (and still is though I guess it's a lot easier to get exotics now then it ever was, though you probably don't want half of those exotics anymore).

      Did you hear they brought back Thorn for Year 3? I honestly can't believe they brought that broken weapon back (then again they brought Gally back so they must be desperate to get old players back in), I sense a lot of people being pissed off again when Trials starts back up.

    3. DeathscytheX


      I did see that, and it's a weapon that didn't belong in PvP. I remember running into it so much on ToO. It's such a low skill weapon and it's amazing how people defended it. If there isn't a Red Death Y3 then there may be no counter to it. Thankfully RD was buffed at the time and was a very viable PvP weapon

      I'm curious if Gally is even any good, it's core destructive feature was it's wolfpack rounds which is how it was neutered. 

      Before the Rising Iron patch I also read about how ghost bullets were an issue with handcannons. It's just crazy how radically bungie nerfs things that get used too much. ARs, HCs, and Fusion Rifles were all nerfed into oblivion. Nothing ever got a significant buff. Can bungie not perform slight nerfs to go with their miniscule buffs they give every blue moon? I read Invective was getting nerfed too, which is sad. It already had lower damage and range than the popular legendaries. I loved my infinite ammo shotgun. 

    4. Strider Hiryu

      Strider Hiryu

      I hear it's still as terrifying as ever even with the wolfpack rounds being neutered (TeaWrex was playing Crucible today and was afraid of running into Gally users if that says anything).

      Ghost bullets is still I problem I think (I don't think RoI fixed it yet as Bungie still hasn't acknowledged it as an issue (I haven't heard much since it was brought up)). Bungie doesn't really know how the science of nerfing works as they never had to do it in the past (all weapons, for the most part, were balanced in Halo and that's really their only forte with multiplayer shooting) and honestly not many companies know how to balance games with any real success (DICE is good but even they have problems balancing guns correctly). What they need to do is redesign their weapons code from the ground up if they really want to balance them correctly (which they'll never do since they made such a difficult engine to do anything in for this game). They also need to look at what they want these weapons to do instead of what the community wants them to do. Handcannons were in a great place when the game released and should of never been touched. AR's, while somewhat weaker then they were in the Beta, were in a good place as well when the game launched (they could of used a minor buff in damage output). Scout Rifles should of never been nerfed from their Alpha state. They were in a great place (even if they were slightly broken). Snipers really haven't seen any major nerfs or buffs that have really effected them overall. Fusion Rifles I was never a fan of so I never really knew just how good or bad they were to begin with (though Murmur when it first came out was rather broken). Pulse Rifles have always been a joke in my opinion and though there are good ones (like RD after it got it's buff) were honestly just bad weapons overall (I really don't like burst weapons, I'd rather have the option to turn burst on or off on an AR then use a straight burst weapon). Shotguns have been all over the place since the game came out and haven't really been on either end of the spectrum, always either falling into the slightly bad or slightly good category (depending on rolls). Heavies in general I've never had problems with as they're neither broken or godly (well depending on the heavy, gally was probably the most broken weapon in the game before it's nerf. I hear Truth was pretty much the go to Rocket Launcher before RoI taking Gally's place), they've always seemed to be in a very good place.

      Invective will always remain my favorite shotgun as it was one of the few actual good ones. Not only did you have infinite ammo (which I hear has been nerfed, it doesn't generate ammo as fast anymore nor as much if I remember correctly) but the thing was deadly in the right hands (my best IB match was when I went on a 15 kill streak with it in the early days of the event) with it's full auto feature.

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