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DeathscytheX last won the day on February 3 2023

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About DeathscytheX

  • Rank
  • Birthday 04/10/1983

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  • Biography
    It's a big universe and there's two!
  • Location
    Kriegsville USA
  • Interests
    anime, gaming, food.
  • Favorite Anime
    My Hero Academia
  • Favorite Game
    Guild Wars 2
  • Favorite Movie
    The Big Lebowski
  • Favorite Book
    Maus I & II
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    Whatever is on Simuldub
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  1. The internet is about to get lit son. I highly suggest downloading and redownloading games and other media you can use if there is no internet. XD Probably just a precaution and overraction since I was having a lot of constant loading and network errors on Azur Lane this morning. I suspect people will be hitting their mobile gaming more. I know Netflix decreased the streaming quality in Europe already anticipating this. I almost had a cow earlier when I won a PvP and it started loading a long time before registering my victory.

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    2. DeathscytheX


      Ugh I've yet to get a top operator tag. But I can't complain too much since I have every operator except Ifrit, Manticore, and Indra. I S2'ed Eyjafjalla and have her and my S1 Lapland up in support for you. Although I didn't realize until a few days ago that you don't unlock auto deploy if you use support units even if you 3 star a map. Catch-22 since using a support unit is a daily challenge. Saria is so fucking good. She heals like a champ as a damn defender. No matter how much I change my squad around I ALWAYS have her in there. I've whaled more than I'd like to admit on this game, but I'm saving up all my head hunting until the next new content drop. I've yet to buy any skins, but there are some spicy ones coming up I must have.

      But yeah I get what you're saying. Arknights is def not a sit back and relax type ordeal. It can get pretty intense and frustrating. XD Honestly most days I just auto the resource tab or chips. Especially lately. I actually did a new map for the first time today in like 2 weeks. I enjoy grinding out the LMD or EXP resources to slowly level up and eventually S2 my favorite units, and manage my base twice a day to flip fresh units out of the dorm into roles. I'm in no rush to complete the main story anyways since I'm half way through the last of what's available.

      Oddly enough when I checked reddit your server was the only one that wasn't down that night for AL. XD My playing habits are your fault dammit. XD You got me into this game, and now I can't stop. j/k j/k the Anime is just as much to blame. Since I'm a noob to every event, I get too hyped and grind out hard to get everything. I'm saving my cubes hard for whatever comes next... Like every weekly maintenance I intensely stare at my screen as it downloads the update wondering what wonders await me when its done. XDXDXD

    3. Strider Hiryu

      Strider Hiryu

      XD Lexington must be pretty sparse then or we're just a laid back bunch of people who play at a leisurely pace (wouldn't really know though, not like I talk in chat or anything).

      I follow the Azur Lane twitter just so I know whats coming up so I can make my plans for getting shit done XD (also in their discord as well, I might have a problem). Hey now just because I introduced you into the game doesn't mean.......well okay maybe it is my fault but dammit Yostar shouldn't make such a damn fun game XD Meh, I get the noob thing I was like that when I first started playing. Blowing countless cubes in the hopes of better ships, blowing my entire coin fund on shit I don't need, fumbling through shit without understanding a damn thing, and enjoying every minute of it as I mindlessly wasted hours. Ah, what I wouldn't give to have those feeling again. Oh who am I kidding, AL is probably the only game I really enjoy anymore (outside of Arknights occasionally and Girls Frontline). Just don't tell the other mobile games I play, they might get jealous XD

      Oh yeah Saria definitely got maxed out level wise (nowhere near able to get the resources to promote her) and thrown directly into my party once I got her (I've been trying to get Nearl but since Saria is better overall I'm happy with this). She even helped me get through a stage I was having trouble getting through. Honestly I'm surprised I got the Top Operator tag considering my luck in these types of games. I damn near had a heart attack when I got it the first time and was surprised as all hell this morning when it dropped (granted I had to refresh both times to get it). Then again I have shit luck in headhunts and pulls so maybe that's Yostar's way of saying sorry (though the last pull I did I did get Silence and three Sieges so theirs that).

    4. DeathscytheX


      Maybe. I never talk in chat either, but its pretty active on my server, almost to Gold Seller spam in a F2P MMO level bad but with emotes and builds instead of phishing links. XD

      Siege is my Waifu (avatar obviously XD) I'm waiting for her skin to come around, because I'm definitely buying it. Silence is also always in my squad, her S1 drone is the most clutch ability in the game. Its saved my fuck ups so many times. She'll probably be the next I S2... its either her or Lapland next. I actually whaled that banner just to try to get dupes for up her potential but no such luck since the Chen banner was way to generous to me. I've had absurdly high luck with Yostar, until recently.

      This mini event in AL is way to grindy since all my geared ships are 102 or higher, so I get very little exp for the oil I'm spending on my 1 run a day of each map. I don't think I'll be able to get the limited ship unless she drops in my 3 builds a day I'm doing for the daily. I finally got my second sub from building tho, Dace... ugh why is sub gear such an ass to get? You can't even craft a purple sub gear box from the ones you get from SOS. It is a super fun game. I love L2D skins. I spend money on Arknights for headhunting, but I drop cash on this game for skins. XD I got skins for ships I don't even have yet like Taihou and Monarch. I need to unlock my last secretary slot to have more randomization on my launch page.

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