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DeathscytheX last won the day on February 3 2023

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About DeathscytheX

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  • Birthday 04/10/1983

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  • Biography
    It's a big universe and there's two!
  • Location
    Kriegsville USA
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    anime, gaming, food.
  • Favorite Anime
    My Hero Academia
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    Guild Wars 2
  • Favorite Movie
    The Big Lebowski
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    Maus I & II
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    Whatever is on Simuldub
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  1. With the summer simuldub season coming to a close, it played out like I predicted more or less. I'll wait a bit longer before I post my review. Pretty lackluster overall. But for me, the Fall Lineup is pretty stacked. Fairy Tail, SAO Season 3, and Black Clover continues which has become a lot more promising after this last arc I just watched... by far its strongest and most compelling. I watched the first episode of Double Decker! Doug & Kirill which was entertaining, and SSSS.GRIDMAN seems to be a Pacific Rim clone. Overall a return to more action adventure series, and lighter on the fan service heavy series.

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    2. DeathscytheX


      As a casual fan I enjoyed it. The main protagonist is a crybaby "I dont wanna kill anyone" trope. -_-; but that seems to be gundam if you aren't an emotionless tool. The animation is great, mixing classic old school gundam and modern techniques. Some cost cutting CGI is thrown in on minor scenes, but it's not a big deal. The mecha designs are sexy AF. The Sinanju's Red Comet inspired design is by far my favorite. My biggest props to this series is it's one hour format that features no intro. All 60 min is pure storytelling. No shortcuts are taken, and no wasteful scenes. 


    3. DeathscytheX


      I just noticed SAO S2 was finally dubbed on netflix. The ending was sad as fuck, but like S1 I felt the first arc was the strongest. The GGO story was much more interesting, even though Asuna was left out. In fact, its odd that the first half was Kirito focused and the last half of the second arc was Asuna focused. Sinon was pretty much delegated to a background character after GGO which was sad since they spent all that time developing her. I could have done without Asuna's mother drama but I did like the whole Yuuki and the Sleeping Knights story.... it was brutally heart aching.

    4. Strider Hiryu

      Strider Hiryu

      Arc wise S1 was the best, story wise the Mother's Rosario arc is by far superior (god did I cry my eyes out at the end of that, so fucking good). The Asuna/Asuna's Mom drama was kinda meh, it was nice to see what actually motivates Asuna but I think it was put mostly there to contrast her relationship with Yuuki (and how close Yuuki and her family were).

      That's kind of the problem with the secondary females, they all get under utilized and overshadowed by Asuna because she's Kirito's love interest. It really sucks since, while I like Asuna, my favorite of the female cast has always been Sinon (she's such a better developed character with so much more to offer than Asuna (again not hating on her but still)) and Yuuki (though they did right by Yuuki in the book and the show).

      They kind of did it with the movie as well, pushing Asuna way to the forefront and regulating all the other characters to secondaries (even Kirito gets this treatment for the first half of the movie (considering it is Asuna focused)). Sadly the movie wasn't everything I was hoping it would be (but it was nice to finally see what the final boss of SAO would of been) but it was still an enteraining couple of hours.

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