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DeathscytheX last won the day on February 3 2023

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About DeathscytheX

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  • Birthday 04/10/1983

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  • Biography
    It's a big universe and there's two!
  • Location
    Kriegsville USA
  • Interests
    anime, gaming, food.
  • Favorite Anime
    My Hero Academia
  • Favorite Game
    Guild Wars 2
  • Favorite Movie
    The Big Lebowski
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    Maus I & II
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    Whatever is on Simuldub
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  1. Being in the grocery business for over a decade and a half you see a lot of product flops, successes, bait & switches, and other flat out BS. In one year I watched Kellogg's decrease the size of their cereal box contents by .5oz-3oz multiple times. They kept the box height the same and made them marginally slimmer each time to make it less noticeable. When Eternal water first hit the shelves it was from "Natural Springs in Norway". One day a coworker noticed it tasted different, and then noticed the bottle now said "From a municipal water source in California". XD I've seen Edy's Ice Cream downsize their containers, and then return them to the old size a year later calling it "Now 20% more!" Nah, you just gave back what you took. The biggest scam of the century is Halo Top ice cream and everyone that's copying it. Halo Top is just jet puffed ice cream. Breyers makes their version, and now Ben & Jerry's is going to make their line of it. You're paying for deceptive portion control. The only reason they are "low calorie" is because there is less ice cream in the cup. Since a pint is by volume and not by actual weight, most people fall for the this trick. You're paying the same, if not more money for the ice cream version of a bag of chips half filled with air. Don't support this crap. Just get regular ice cream and eat less per serving. On a final note, Breyers doesn't even call their product ice cream anymore. Its "Frozen Dairy Dessert". XD WTF I'm glad I have access to Blue Bell. Its still a half gallon, and its still ice cream. http://www.mouseprint.org/2013/01/21/breyers-converts-ice-creams-to-frozen-dairy-desserts/

    1. Sledgstone


      Lmao. I hate breyers and Perry's ice cream. It's all that puffed up crap and I swear it does not agree with my stomach. I still haven't tried blue bell but I do like blue bunny. That ice cream is so dense I cut my hand on the lid once struggling to get a scoop out. 😂

    2. DeathscytheX


      Blue Bell is a regional ice cream company out of Texas. It's mostly in southern states, but they have expanded in the last couple of years. If you find some definitely get it. Blue Bunny is pretty good. Their containers are the most solid and as a result you never can tell if it's ever thawed to mush. Some ass could toss it back in the case after it sat out for an hour because another ass was lazy and changed their mind on aisle 4. XD I've never heard of Perry's. We just have Blue Bell, Blue Bunny, Breyer's, Edy's, Haagan Daz, Kemps, Ben & Jerry's, and Magnum. 

    3. Sledgstone


      I've tried all of those except for blue bell and kemps. They might sell kemps here but I've never noticed. I haven't seen blue bell anywhere yet, maybe they'll expand out here soon. Perry's and byrne dairy ice creams are 2 regional ones here. Both brands make great flavors of ice cream but they're both air puffed to much for me. Especially Perry's. That one is basically soft serve right in the container.

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