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DeathscytheX last won the day on February 3 2023

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About DeathscytheX

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  • Birthday 04/10/1983

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    It's a big universe and there's two!
  • Location
    Kriegsville USA
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    anime, gaming, food.
  • Favorite Anime
    My Hero Academia
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    Guild Wars 2
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    The Big Lebowski
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    Maus I & II
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  1. I got on the Arknights hype train. Its pretty fun but it will drain your battery pretty good. If you like tower defense style games it's worth checking out for a time killer. 

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    2. DeathscytheX


      Yostar, Why you do this?!?! Ark has an event too for a free Amiya skin. Seems pretty easy to get though, I was grinding dailies and got half of it done already. Don't miss out on it! I need more units with slow. I'm getting wrecked half way through chapter 2 because elite units hit hard af and are totaly HP sponges, AND the map designs doesn't allow for the best healer placements. I don't mind failures right now since I'm like 600 over the limit in sanity, but I'd imagine failures are brutal when I'll eventually get down to normal limits. The sanity refund system is nice though. I'm at 92/92 without all the bonus sanity I have, so thats really only like 7-8 missions I could do without it.

      If you can get Scavenger, shes a must since she instantly refunds her deployment points and she only costs 9 to begin with I believe. I'm to the point I need to promote my units but I don't have the materials to do so as well. The daily section for that is a bit more intensive. One map I didn't have the ability to place a healer on one side so Matterhorn and Hoshiguma had to tough it out. I have a DPS that can heal herself when her ability procs so that was the stop gap. otherwise you have to be a bit more creative I guess. For someone that likes real strategy, this game is top notch. The more I play it, the more impressed I am with it. It seems extremely fair for F2P. I've yet to get anything new from recruiting, but I've been able to get a few of my units potential to level 4 or higher from the dupes. Getting free originate prime from first time clears has allowed me to head hunt some great units however. I bought the $4 monthly pack to get sanity potions every day which add 100 on top of my extra. but that's all I've spent. They have free packs in the store at certain commander levels and premium packs that cost like 1-3 OP which are gained from 1st time mission clears easily. If they get some nice skins for my girls Melantha and Savage, I might slip them some more money if I don't have any OP. Oh there is a banner for Matterhorn that went up today. He's super good of you can afford to headhunt on that one. Hoshiguma is a fucking monster, but she costs 19 deploy points (#6starlife). I only use her as my emergency stop gap if my line of defense goes down or I have the extreme luxury to afford placing her. Shes more of a offensive guard while Matterhorn is just an iron curtain. I never did ask who you picked for your 5 star from the preregister bonus. I went with Silence, but seeing your Secretary I'll assume you chose Pramanix who I was SUPER fortunate to get off a head hunt. I need to level her since it looks like she can debuff these elites that are destroying me. My LMD is exhausted from leveling other units atm.

      I can see why this lunar new year event on AL is everyone's favorite. Crazy free gems. This is the first time I've pummeled my ship girls morale though. XD I've relentlessly sortied them on the special mission. Thankfully the 2nd floor of the dorm gets them back up fast. Gloucester's skin is fucking GORGEOUS!!! OMG! I absolutely had to have it when I got her! I'll be picking up Illustrious' as well before its over with tho. 😏 ugh, there are so many good ones! Laffey's is super adorable, I'm sure you have it 😛. I noticed a few PR ships have skins this go around. I'm almost done with Saint Louis (holy cow what a grind!) but I guess she has none. I scored a SR moewfficer from the monopoly game too, but it turned out to be an Ironblood one. I guess it will come in handy when I have a full fleet of them. Dabbling in 2 mobile games. My perception has changed a little. Yeah they make money off microtransactions... but you can play these casually without spending a dime, and still get some of the stuff you want through developer generosity.. at least when it comes to Yostar. Pretty sad when Triple A console games can't even follow suit and just try to be as ruthlessly shitty as possible with micros. Overwatch is probably the only loot box game I'll ever consider to be somewhat fair. Oddly enough though, out of all franchises, Modern Warfare has been pretty decent about it this year.

    3. DeathscytheX


      FYI if you're curious about what kinda pools you're getting when selecting tags for recruiting. I found this little thing.


    4. Strider Hiryu

      Strider Hiryu

      Yea, I picked up Pramanix. She's pretty good and is nice since she's also an arts caster. Her ability is pretty nice as well and she's been clutch in a lot of the levels I've cleared. Kinda wish AoE arts casters weren't so god damn high on cost, makes it really hard to clear maps with multiple enemies. I got lucky and headhunted Matterhorn with my first 10 draw (along with Siege, a six star vanguard). My most clutch character is Meteorite, a 5 star sniper and is AoE Physical Damage. She's pretty damn nice for taking out heavily armored enemies and big groups, just wish her deployment cost wasn't 24.

      I'm a little over halfway done with getting Amiya's skin, just been to sick to really be playing much in the way of games lately (god the Flu sucks as will my paycheck for missing a day and a half of work, normally I don't get this sick so my immune system is slacking). Been putting a lot of focus on grinding out those experience items and boosting my unit levels. Only two starred the last two missions of chapter 1 and it's bugging me so I'm going to brute force the bitch with higher levels (haven't even started chapter 2 yet except for the first tutorial due to knowing how rough it's going to be without enough slowing units). I'll post a screenshot of my current squad later, still in the middle of tweaking it.

      I have all of Laffy's skins except the Bunny Clerk? one (missed out on it when it was up last time, will be buying it this time) so yea I have it but ever since her Oath skin came out she's been wearing it (and I'll never take it off unless Yostar makes an even cuter one, do it Yostar I'll give you all the monies in the world for a new skin for my girl). Fuck you play more then I do if you have St. Louis, I still don't even have Izumi done yet (this 2 million xp with Sakura ships is fucking killing me, took like 4 months to grind the 1 million xp requirement). Then again I do only put major time into AL during events so it's not surprising.

      Yea, most mobile games aren't Pay to Win so their micro-transactions are usually pretty damn good. Plus mobile developers, while still greedy, are much more generous and willing to give out free stuff when necessary to keep their player base happy. Hell almost everyone of the mobile games I currently play are extremely casual friendly. I just wish these damn gacha games weren't so addicting x.x, I'd like to cut back on the amount of mobile games I play but since I play mostly gacha games it's hard (damn you gacha game, why are you so much fun).

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