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Strider Hiryu

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Strider Hiryu last won the day on August 21 2021

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About Strider Hiryu

  • Rank
    Resident Browncoat
  • Birthday 10/18/1985

Public / Shared Information

  • Biography
    Ask and I might tell
  • Location
    The Frozen North
  • Interests
    Philosophy, Poetry, Gaming, Reading, and Anime
  • Occupation
    Freelance Programmer/Artist, Philosopher, Gundam Expert, Depressed Homicidal Maniac?
  • Favorite Anime
    Dirty Pair, Zeta Gundam
  • Favorite Game
    Ace Combat 6
  • Favorite Movie
    Donnie Darko
  • Favorite Book
    The Antichrist
  • Currently Watching
    Very little atm
  • Currently Playing
  • Currently Reading
    Spice and Wolf, SOA

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  1. So the Stormblood Early Access is fucking broke and everyone in NA trying to play the story is locked behind a mission no one can do due to SE dropping the fucking ball because of server congestion (or that's what they're saying, I've been waiting since 7 am to finish the god damn quest. Finally gave up since I can't get into the instance to do it). GG SE, I'm pretty sure if you get it fixed it's just going to break on Tuesday when SB officially launches. I forsee many angry customers and a lot of rage quitters. On a side not Samurai is fucking amazing and I think, once the story is finished on my Ninja, I'm switching jobs again. The amount of dps and damage this job can put out at 50 is enormous so I'm expecting great things from it at 70.

    On a much better note I finally got around to trying out Black Desert Online tonight. Gotta say besides being a freaking beautiful game it's actually pretty fun and addicting. Really like how the combat plays out with all of its combos. Definitely worth the $10 entry fee (that is if you're computer can run it, I'm running on high settings and not having any real issues). I think I found my new game to fuck around in when I run out of things to do in FFXIV (if I ever do x.x).

    1. Show previous comments  9 more
    2. Sledgstone


      *Neck cramps.

      Damn my phone. 😑

    3. DeathscytheX


      I don't know how you do it with our arm rests. But I don't use the computer for more than 10-15 minutes a day in what I do. I spend my off days and off time in front of a PC. 2600 hours of Guild Wars 2, I couldn't imagine not resting my elbows on arm rests to support my arm up to the mouse and keyboard. I have a tray too. But I also have a $300 comfort PC chair that I can recline in and still reach the mouse and keyboard. The chair is everything. In 19 years I've gone through 2. I'm about to have to buy another one because this one wasn't as good as my last and its falling apart. But buying a chair every 7-8 years, I rather spend the money. There is nothing like sitting in a cheap shitty chair for a few hours, no matter what you're doing... its pure hell.

    4. Sledgstone


      I have a fancy computer chair I spent almost $200 on that literally just sits in my room and has a bunch of blankets and hoodies sitting on it. I haven't used it in over 5 months. I'll swap over to that chair on occasion but not so much for work since it has arm rests. My main chair now is a padded chair from an old dining room set that can recline if I lean back. It does have arm rests, but I have a pillow on the chair that props me up enough that my arms don't touch them and the back is low enough, that along with the pillow, it gives me lumbar support. You'd probably think I was crazy to sit in a chair like this for 8-10 hours a day 5 days a week, but it's been working out pretty good for me. As for having no arm rests.. I like to think of it like standing all day. While standing your arms are hanging to your sides, no shoulder pain, neck cramps, etc. While sitting, keep the arms hanging down naturally, have the keyboard and mouse at that elbow height and have them on a large keyboard tray (with memory foam wrist support) to extend out to reach you. As long as you're not reaching out to the keyboard and mouse (not even an inch), there is no pressure on the shoulders and thus no discomfort. Back when I used arm rests, my hands would be about 6 inches from my stomach and my arms were slightly outstretched before me. Since I fixed my sitting posture over a year ago, my hands are about 1 1/2 - 2 inches from my stomach and my arms are lined up with my back. The back of my arms are almost always touching the back of my chair while I type all day. I went through keyboards faster than you went through chairs. XD I'd destroy almost every keyboard within 2 years. Aside from a chair, this mechanical keyboard I got has already lasted a year, shows no sign of wear and its so much more gentler on my fingers and wrists. I recommend a good keyboard as much as a good chair.

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