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Strider Hiryu

AC Elite
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Strider Hiryu last won the day on August 21 2021

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About Strider Hiryu

  • Rank
    Resident Browncoat
  • Birthday 10/18/1985

Public / Shared Information

  • Biography
    Ask and I might tell
  • Location
    The Frozen North
  • Interests
    Philosophy, Poetry, Gaming, Reading, and Anime
  • Occupation
    Freelance Programmer/Artist, Philosopher, Gundam Expert, Depressed Homicidal Maniac?
  • Favorite Anime
    Dirty Pair, Zeta Gundam
  • Favorite Game
    Ace Combat 6
  • Favorite Movie
    Donnie Darko
  • Favorite Book
    The Antichrist
  • Currently Watching
    Very little atm
  • Currently Playing
  • Currently Reading
    Spice and Wolf, SOA

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  1. I'm quite happy with the gameplay in The Division. Really good cover based shooter but I will say this, NPC marksmen need to be nerfed. If you're not watching you're ass they can one shot you X.x

    1. Show previous comments  9 more
    2. DeathscytheX


      I like the marksman variant of the Scar. The MP7 melts things like crazy, buy I like the Vector's stability.

    3. DeathscytheX
    4. Strider Hiryu

      Strider Hiryu

      That would explain the random Cleaner patrols I ran into while I was solo hunting rogues in the DZ today. Meh, I'd get more into it but I'm bored with it now and have no one to really run DZ with (plus I need to start getting ready for the FF patch on Tuesday).

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