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Strider Hiryu

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Strider Hiryu last won the day on August 21 2021

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About Strider Hiryu

  • Rank
    Resident Browncoat
  • Birthday 10/18/1985

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  • Biography
    Ask and I might tell
  • Location
    The Frozen North
  • Interests
    Philosophy, Poetry, Gaming, Reading, and Anime
  • Occupation
    Freelance Programmer/Artist, Philosopher, Gundam Expert, Depressed Homicidal Maniac?
  • Favorite Anime
    Dirty Pair, Zeta Gundam
  • Favorite Game
    Ace Combat 6
  • Favorite Movie
    Donnie Darko
  • Favorite Book
    The Antichrist
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    Very little atm
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    Spice and Wolf, SOA

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  1. Looks like I get to play the For Honor beta this weekend, just got my code today. Can't wait, if only I didn't have to work Friday (this overtime shit is getting old).

    1. DeathscytheX


      You'll have to let me know how it is. My interest has waned a bit since E3 with other games that have caught my attention. Plus I feel my interest in competitive gaming is dying slowly. I'm not even excited for They Shall Not Pass. 

    2. Sledgstone


      For Honor looks great. I'm looking forward to your impressions of it. I'd only be interested in the single player portion of it myself.

    3. Strider Hiryu

      Strider Hiryu

      This is my initial impressions based on Dominion with A.I. controlled enemies and A.I. or Human controlled allies (yes you can fight against the A.I., a positive for this game):

      1. You can play as any hero no matter what faction you decide to support for the Faction Wars. This is awesome since it allows you to try every hero out and choose the ones you prefer while still earning points for your chosen faction (Samurai for me but who didn't see that one coming). There's a whole War Assets thing that goes along with the Faction War but they really don't go into much in the beta about it. This is just a nice thing I wanted to point out that has nothing to do with Dominion.

      2. Combat is hard, don't let any of the videos fool you otherwise. It's extremely hard to land attacks with heroes that use slower but harder hitting weaponry as the enemy has more then enough time to block or otherwise counter your attack (if they're on a hero that can counterattack). I favor the heavy attack on the Vanguard which is why I noticed this so fast and (at least with A.I. enemy) you can see what direction their attacking from giving you time to block if they're using a slower swinging enemy. However, combat is extremely fun and intuitive. Once you get used to how it works it flows extremely well from attack to attack, trading blows or going from a block into a brutal attack. Before I got off tonight I was on an eight player (A.I. controlled) killing spree going from one enemy hero to the next. While watching Matimi0 play the other night I noticed the assassin classes are extremely squishy but attack fast and often but do a lot less damage then their heavy attacker allies. They make up for this with the ability to counterattack but I'm not entirely sure how that works.

      3. Learning to use you're heroes abilities is a must as they can turn the tide of a loosing battle greatly into your favor. Take the Vanguard for instance (the female knight you see in a lot of game play footage). Her base abilities are actually pretty powerful when used the correct way like her ability to strengthen troop morale (which can really help when trying to take a point), her ability to heal herself (up to 4 times), or her ability to call in a catapult strike (which is hilarious when used against large groups of soldiers). I only use her as an example as she's the only hero I've actually played (I plan on unlocking Orochi (the Samurai's assassin class) tomorrow when I get on it again).

      4. While you might think the A.I. would be easy to fight against you'd be dead wrong which is why I'm glad this game has the option to fight bots. They play to the hero's strengths quite well (like ambushing you as an Assassin hero or defending allies with the shield heroes). Quite honestly I feel the A.I. might be a little to good as certain heroes in an A.I.'s hands feels wrong (those shield heroes are hard to kill while being controlled by an A.I.).

      5. The maps are small but rather intricate with areas where you can easily push opponents off the side of the map to kill them. I like this as it allows the fights to get more intimate with little to no running around except between capture points. Plus the amount of detail put into the maps is extraordinary.

      Honestly, as I said, these are just initial impressions. I plan on putting more time into it tomorrow between leveling my Consular in TOR and farming light for my Relic weapons in FFXIV (so close to it's final form I can taste it, plus my Guild Master wants to do some raid runs for extra light). I also plan on actually trying out Duel and Brawl (2 vs 2) as well as doing Dominion againt Human controlled heroes. I'm actually thinking of dropping the money to get this next month as it'd be a nice time waster until ME: Andromeda releases and it's a hell of a lot more fun then BF1 (and that hurts so damn much to say). I honestly didn't think I'd enjoy it as much as I am but it's not as competitive as I thought it would be which is nice (I mean I can see this becoming an extremely competitive game, maybe e-sports level, but it's nice it has options for gamers like myself to play against A.I.).

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