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Strider Hiryu

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Strider Hiryu last won the day on August 21 2021

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About Strider Hiryu

  • Rank
    Resident Browncoat
  • Birthday 10/18/1985

Public / Shared Information

  • Biography
    Ask and I might tell
  • Location
    The Frozen North
  • Interests
    Philosophy, Poetry, Gaming, Reading, and Anime
  • Occupation
    Freelance Programmer/Artist, Philosopher, Gundam Expert, Depressed Homicidal Maniac?
  • Favorite Anime
    Dirty Pair, Zeta Gundam
  • Favorite Game
    Ace Combat 6
  • Favorite Movie
    Donnie Darko
  • Favorite Book
    The Antichrist
  • Currently Watching
    Very little atm
  • Currently Playing
  • Currently Reading
    Spice and Wolf, SOA

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  1. So the Stormblood Early Access is fucking broke and everyone in NA trying to play the story is locked behind a mission no one can do due to SE dropping the fucking ball because of server congestion (or that's what they're saying, I've been waiting since 7 am to finish the god damn quest. Finally gave up since I can't get into the instance to do it). GG SE, I'm pretty sure if you get it fixed it's just going to break on Tuesday when SB officially launches. I forsee many angry customers and a lot of rage quitters. On a side not Samurai is fucking amazing and I think, once the story is finished on my Ninja, I'm switching jobs again. The amount of dps and damage this job can put out at 50 is enormous so I'm expecting great things from it at 70.

    On a much better note I finally got around to trying out Black Desert Online tonight. Gotta say besides being a freaking beautiful game it's actually pretty fun and addicting. Really like how the combat plays out with all of its combos. Definitely worth the $10 entry fee (that is if you're computer can run it, I'm running on high settings and not having any real issues). I think I found my new game to fuck around in when I run out of things to do in FFXIV (if I ever do x.x).

    1. DeathscytheX


      I get too committed to games like that and end up spending money like crazy. I love how BDO looks, but every YT video I watch whether the commentator loves it or hates it, they both say its grindy as fuck and pretty much a never ending gear treadmill. I don't want to commit to something like that. Its great for people that have time to stay ahead of the curve. Shit, I probably spent a good $300 on the cash shop when I was into BnS, then I got vertigo and fell so far behind that no one on my server was doing the low level quests so I couldn't beat any of the world bosses and gave up on the game. I have an unhealthy addiction to cash shop cosmetics. I've probably spent another $100-200 on Overwatch loot boxes. XD As Sledge knows from GW2. My luck is pretty damn good for most RNG boxes... its good enough to keep me spending money. If I had Sledge's luck, I'd never buy loot boxes. XDXD I can't really comment how much I've spent on GW2. Is probably over $600-700 over a three year span of $20-30 here and there.

    2. Strider Hiryu

      Strider Hiryu

      I hate that argument because what MMO isn't grindy or a never ending gear treadmill (this argument toward it just ticks me off, plus it can't be any worse than fucking Destiny). Every MMO I've played is grindy as fuck and BDO is no worse than TERA, Aion, WoW, FFXIV, etc. Sure if you're trying to be the best of the best than yeah you probably need to put more time into it then say someone like me who only plays for fun.

      Honestly you don't need to spend money on anything in BDO, almost everything is cosmetic anyways (from what I've noticed there's very little of anything to buy to make your life easier). Hell I've spent $800+ in just STO on ships, keys, a lifetime subscription ($200 on sale, normall $300), the Romulan starter kit (which was $150 itself), and various other things. I don't plan on spending any money in BDO except for maybe one cosmetic outfit for my Kunoichi and a pet (pets are the only things that can auto-loot in the game).

      However I will admit BDO is an investment/time sink, you can really lose track of time if you don't pay attention (I played for 3 hours today without noticing it). Sadly though this might become my main MMO now because it's day 2 and fucking FFXIV is still fucking broke.

    3. DeathscytheX


      Lmao. It doesn't matter if it doesn't improve QoL. If it's some awesome skin/outfit. I can't help myself. XD

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