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Myk JL

AC Elite
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Everything posted by Myk JL

  1. I still miss having Peanut Butter Pie & Cherry Coke that I never got from Denny's yesterday...
  2. Myk JL


    Kobe, didn't you get into trouble the last time you needed a girl? You don't want to end up back in court now do you?
  3. Myk JL


    If only Marvel was based on fact...
  4. I never noticed the seriousness through out most of the movie. I thought it went away when he got transfered.
  5. I thought Hot Fuzz was funny... Shaun Of The Dead on the other hand never grabbed my interest.
  6. I'll just stick to my so called asexuality...
  7. It almost looks like it was inspired by Dead Rising.
  8. Myk JL


    If you die while watching this crap fest in 2012, you only have yourself to blame...
  9. Yeah if you didn't know I discredit me all the time. Then again I didn't see the point in bashing really old games that chances are none of us are going to play. If those games were any older they could have been on the Magnavox Odyssey.
  10. Best Vienna Sausage I had came in barbecue sauce.
  11. Myk JL

    Kon gets a good view

    Great view... Reminds me I saw a HK Pic from Kon's point of view...
  12. Other than the ending this didn't seem worth watching. With exception to the Snes, everything that happens before N64 vs. PS1 sucks.
  13. Screw Vista! Windows 7 is coming!
  14. Definitely the future of cat food...
  15. Myk JL

    Rambo V

    Rambo vs. Chuck Norris...
  16. If it makes you feel any better I'm 6' & never had a GF. In my teen years being fat & lazy. Or my late GED years being thin & crazy... Although nowadays I'm happy being thin & lazy... The last girl I had "true" "feelings" for might have turned up on one of those "Find Someone To Fuck In Your Area"... I mean it looked like her... And the next thing I knew after calming down was I had a migraine & needed sleep.
  17. Myk JL

    Rambo V

    I sometimes think Rambo 1 should be remade using LOL Cats...
  18. Myk JL

    Iron Man 2

    But out of curiosity did the guy that was supposed to become War Machine beat his wife?
  19. Myk JL

    Iron Man 2

    According to this DP PSA the guy that was supposed to be War Machine got cut... S-HQhRlfiak
  20. Myk JL

    Rambo V

    I'd probably go see it, but the only good one IMHO is the 1st.
  21. We need to end the drug war like we ended prohibition.
  22. As long as we're referring to politicians, sure... I'm just not the type of idiot to be cleansed though...
  23. If anyone should have been black in Dare Devil, it should have been Dare Devil... I hate the stereo type they turned King Pin into...
  24. Its so beutiful!... Damn war...
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