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Myk JL

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Everything posted by Myk JL

  1. I'd say very christian... But then again I'm Atheist...I'm still annoyed by the fact christians refer to Evolution as a theory when there is so much proof to prove it a fact.
  2. This is odd... Webster trying to be hip?... And thus the dumbing down of society continues...
  3. Dang... 2013?... That'll really suck... I blame the Model-T for not being an electric vehicle.
  4. How much @$$ does X-Racer kick compared to Racer-X?
  5. I think it's kind of creepy... I wonder what diseases others will be immune to that I'm not...
  6. /me gives Gaara a Death Note...
  7. theOtaku.com: What Hokage Are You? Um...?... Dang...
  8. It's raining now here...
  9. Myk JL

    Dreamcast 2

    I don't think Sega could... unless I'm some how wrong & the "Vii" (China's Rip-Off of Wii) is secretly made by Sega...
  10. Myk JL

    Dreamcast 2

    I think this is the 2nd time I've read rumors of a DC2. Someone just likes pulling Sega fans' chains. Also it would get no support from me; I hate sonic.
  11. I want to see it!... But dang... Why does John Goodman keep getting parts for a fat father?... Is there no one else that could've done that part?
  12. I could never get into Grand Turismo. The realism in those types of games just makes them feel slow. I need the feel of rushing down a one way street, pushing my opponent into incoming traffic while swerving through it, then taking a sharp turn to get to the next check point. Something I only got from Midnight Club & very little from Midtown Madness.
  13. To a certain extent I, myself am crept out by Ron Paul's supporters who turn out to be racist. Unless that's some sort of nasty rumor. I disagree on at least the abortion law & I haven't given Ron Paul any of my money. If Ron Paul becomes the Republican candidate I might vote for him. But I tend to ultimately be a 3rd party guy that then decides not to vote... Right now Ron Paul has had half of all 1st place straw poll results. Even if they win or lose this one I don't think it really hurts Ron Paul where he is now. Although I would be intrigued if this started some weird epidemic where the rest of the straw poll have problems.
  14. It doesn't at all. Then again doubt any thing would have helped that situation.I think it has to do more than just the woman cancelling the poll. Ron Paul supporters are mad with Main Stream Media. Either with them ignoring Ron Paul or labeling Ron Paul supporters as Hackers, Terrorists, etc. These people are mad that they are in a sense being segregated because of how different their views are.
  15. I think they are Rebels and Protesters. But the yelling didn't start until the straw poll was cancelled for having too many Ron Paul supporters. Keeping in mind that anyone would be angry if their vote wasn't allowed because they are different from the ones who started the poll in any shape or form.
  16. http://www.sfbg.com/blogs/politics/2007/12/poll_canceled_after_ron_paul_b.html The main idea was to get more support for Fred Thompson. But Ron Paul supporters also paid to vote in this straw poll. Isn't amazing how their straw poll vote would only matters if they were going to pay to vote for Fred Thompson? And thus were considered party crashers?
  17. If only Snow came only in December & every other month was Spring I'd be happy.
  18. /me gets an army of Bandits' & Snowmans'...
  19. A sad storry. One of the many reason to be anti-beating (your) kids.
  20. I think the Chinese tequila will be banned once they find lead in it... That & Cuba will try to copyright cigars... /sarcasm...
  21. You're jealous of "Say, Say, Say" by Paul McCartney & Michael Jackson?... I still think it sucks...
  22. 12/17/1983 ... "Say, Say, Say" by Paul McCartney & Michael Jackson What the hell were they smoking?...
  23. I like to put part of the blame on G-Cycle not being everywhere. The nearest place for me to recycle e waste is 50 miles away.
  24. http://ds.ign.com/articles/837/837907p1.html Some news I found while on Google News. I didn't know whether to put this in Bio Dome or here. But I chose here because this comes from IGN.
  25. This will come in handy. I wanna try & do a graphic novel.
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