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Myk JL

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Everything posted by Myk JL

  1. We don't don't need the UN in order to be peaceful. The US Constitution is all we need for that. The problem being that The US Constitution is being undermined & we see unconstitutional wars. Iraq Wars, Vietnam, USs involvement in WW1 all unconstitutional. The US basically started the UN so the problem comes from that.
  2. Although we have no say in how other Nations regulate their trade the US should not follow their example. Leave trade to the free market.
  3. Only a sign on how pointless The War On Drugs is.
  4. If it makes you feel any better most Americans don't know that much about it either. Otherwise Americans would actually take voting seriously. Instead of acting like it's Reality TV.
  5. I'd like to know how it's isolationism if Ron Paul wants to remove the regulations that prevent companies from trading freely with us.Aren't we already partly isolated from technology in Japan, India, etc if our government says no to that technology? Wheres the free trade their? To say we can't get foreign goods or vice versa, that is true isolationism. And if you're talking about foreign US Military Bases that's why we were attacked on 9/11. All Empires end in disaster.
  6. That reminds me in 06 one of my cousins was trying to come up with an excuse on their homework. One of them brought up the dog eating it. And since they had a dog named Vegas I stated "What happens in Vegas, stays in Vegas." It kind of ended with someone stating "until it comes out the other end." But if I have a fear of losing something on the Internet I try to remember to copy & paste.
  7. In this case I'd say Republicans have a better way than Democrats. Winner take all is way more simpler.
  8. I sacrifice thee... So I can own a gas guzzler & then complain about gas prices...
  9. I think Ron Paul only sounds extreme when you realize the bad changes that have happened kind of slowly. While he wants to correct all of that, that would be pretty rapid. Correcting say 80 or more years of problems in 4 or 8 years is an extreme change.
  10. In The US Constitution we have the Gold Standard, but we no longer use it. The people that take us off the Gold Standard tend to be warmongerers or just crooked. The current US Dollar the last time I looked at a chart is worth $0.04. Not promoting the use of the Liberty Dollar, but they have info on this part of the subject. http://www.libertydollar.org/ Another reason to why be for The US Constitution is that it has a non intervention policy on foreign affairs (i.e. Wars & Occupation). And the Iraq War is unconstitutional.
  11. I've reread it... And it's right... I would have made it about Ron Paul. But at this point in time, no matter how many donations, rallies, or support he gets his candidacy for a Constitutional Government is over. The only problem with saying "citizens should dictate politics" is that politician state they're citizens and then they work for their agendas instead of the rest of the citizens.
  12. Moving Ron Paul, Libertarians, etc aside the US that we live in today is an insult to George Washington & the rest of our forefathers. Most people just acknowledge The US Constitution that we have a country, instead of all the rights to this country. And to Flag Burners I'd advise you to stop that & instead raise The US Constitution. Flag Burning only divides this country and creates blind followers. We should all be united by the Country that was started. Not the country crooked politicians have turned it into. The US Constitution should dictate the politicians, the judges, etc. And not the other way around.
  13. I'd say delusional thinking based on some statements from Ron Paul supporters. "Even if Ron Paul Loses, he wins?" What a load of BS. And the Republican Party will remain the pro-war party.
  14. I'm not a fan of Democrats, but McCain has made the statement of wanting the war to continue for 100 years.
  15. Crooked business men/women will always make the wrong decision. They are also the most likley to get in to office. Otherwise the Green Party might be the obvious choice.
  16. I agree & wonder why Ron Paul hasn't dropped out.
  17. The more I hear about how much Hillary has in common with Obama the more I hate Democrats... Then again I probably hate most Republicans even more.
  18. http://www.answers.com/ Grabs info from any source; including Wiki. Also try Democratic Republican Party.
  19. Partly true. The whole thing is ultimatley worthless anyway because MSM has election coverage by the balls.
  20. If only the APA could take out the EPA...
  21. I guess this country will remain in the shit hole even after GW is gone.
  22. I'm not voting because I'm not a Republican or Democrat. But as for whoever gets into office I'd want them to be a strict Constitutionalist.
  23. If only paper came from hemp... And crooked businesses didn't want to cut down trees...
  24. ... Hooray for crooked business!... not...
  25. Very agreeable. Only thing it didn't state is that today's console will be obsolete once replaced & PC Gaming will still be around.Obsolete as in no one will be making Video Games for Xbox 360, PS3, Wii come 2013 or sooner.
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