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Myk JL

AC Elite
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Everything posted by Myk JL

  1. I'm pretty sure the biggest failure still belongs to Nintendo's Virtual Boy... Their are still more PSPs sold than Wii. The PSP is selling more in Japan than Wii & DS, but come in at 3rd in overall world sales by the week.
  2. http://www.comedycentral.com/colbertreport/videos.jhtml?videoId=167580
  3. A 7 year old PS3 vs. a PC will see a really power machine vs. one 2 years too old. Everything made for a console has been made on a computer. I'm not saying the PC will dominate gaming again. What I was saying is if you expect an old console to out do a new PC I think you're wrong.
  4. I thought Colbert was in 3rd with Rain at 2nd... Still funny when Colbert lost the DDR face off...
  5. Five years from now most likely yes. Because even if They don't make a PS4 when Nintendo & Microsoft are making their next consoles, the PS3 Last Gen graphics. The minimum of graphic perfection. "Wii 2" I can only assume will get complaints for having graphics as good as PS3 while "Xbox 420" will reclaim the powerhouse for Microsoft. The most powerful gaming machine can & always will be the up to date PC. It's why consoles change every 5 years.
  6. Man this sounds silly. A 10 year lifespan? Maybe if you want to see the PC gain ground. But consoles have a 5 year lifespan. Basically by the time PS3 becomes "1st" in this console war Microsoft & Nintendo would have new consoles out.
  7. Off Topic: I don't usually pay attention to actresses as their roles are bland anyway. Still I do have to admit when they switch actors in prequels/sequels it mainly stinks. They're not using the original actor(/wrestler) who played Sabertooth in the X-Men movie for the Wolverine movie. Having Deadpool in it barely makes up for that fact. If the original Sabertooth was played by Kevin Nash I might be more mad about it... Or not as Kevin Nash has gotten out of shape fast.
  8. Off Topic: So... You didn't like the new Batman either?
  9. I doubt there's going to be a super man 2. First new super man stunk from what I heard being nothing but remakes of the older ones. Never heard of anyone getting mad over a lack of chemistry from actresses or actors.
  10. No one is allowed to out power super man!... And if they do they become the red headed step child.
  11. Maybe I'll see if I can find it at a cheaper price months from now. Still the worst selling poing sounds like it has to do with the health & vitality bars. Best game on the Wii IMHO is No More Heroes.Although a lot of them do seem lame. I had just assumed that they were E or E10 rated.
  12. I probably already own some crappy Wii games. MUA, Red Steel, Far Cry Vengeance, etc. Nothing I would defend, but I found them OK for boredom. But the most useless games I own right now might involve the Miis. If those didn't exist I wouldn't buy any E or E10 rated games. I just have them under the assumption I might hang out with someone not into violence. The only bad games I ever remember owning were Driv3r & 25 to Life. I thought about getting Barouqe when I know what the hell it is. Did it get a nasty rating or something?
  13. I've gotten to the point where I don't listen to most critics anyway unless they make me laugh. But taking their opinion as fact at times seems to be bad. Like with Dragon Blade where major critics gave it bad reviews, but their readers seemed to like it.
  14. The whole thing is they're basing the games on percentage. Not the actual number of games on them. So if there are fewer games on PS3 the percentage of each good game increases. Example Console 1 has 70 games, 30 good, 40 bad, meaning 42 percent good, 58 percent bad. Console 2 has 30 games, 20 good, 10 bad, meaning 66 percent good 34 percent bad. That is just plain skewed. And even though PS3 is selling more right now Xbox 360 has still sold almost twice as much since its early life span.
  15. Seen it & now I want to see the sequel.
  16. I have a hard time believing that PS3 has more good games then 360 or Wii. Especially when most people who have not bought a PS3 yet are waiting for some good titles. This article seems bogus. Something only a PS3 fanboy would take seriously. The idea that PS3 is in 1st instead of 3rd is a joke. Especially when you add in the games that come out on more than 1 console. I'm not saying Wii has the most good titles, but 360 does. I don't allow someone else to make my decisions on such a scale. I own 17 Wii games with a chunk of those coming from Ubisoft.
  17. Happy B-Day AC...
  18. This is the 3rd thread about this movie, but the 1st one that hates it. I love this movie and if you saw the commercial for it you would easily know it was about the baby. I didn't see this movie for the "sexy people". The crazy shoot outs are the best I've ever seen. If you're your looking for a "serious" movie then, yeah this movie isn't for you. And you might not have a sense of humor if you hate it.
  19. I miss that PPV almost as much as I miss WCW Hog/Road Wild.Also the war now is really screwy. More like Economic Prosperity - Major War with Economic Depression.
  20. Yeah, I'm pretty sure Ron Paul talked about this around half a year ago.
  21. Too quick. Slice his face off then shove it up his @$$.
  22. Apparently fixing it so they don't have to buy it cost a lot of money...
  23. The only predators I respect are fish. Woman had it coming.
  24. Myk JL

    Your Parents

    Both my parents are in their 50s. I highly doubt that they'll see their 60s. My mom has MS & my dad's years of smoking have taken a major toll on him. I'd guess if I had any real feelings for them I'd feel bad, but, nope.
  25. The Tobacco nut may die of Cancer.The Alcoholic may die of too much alcohol. The Fat Ass may die becuase he eats too many sweets. The steroid user may die of a mild heart attack. The pot head... well I'm not sure what they die of unless every other drug counts because pot is a "gate way drug". Bottom line is if any of the above are shocked that now "healthy foods" may no longer be "healthy" because they are now GE then I'm confused. Isn't the bright side that the health nuts may have to shut up because there "higher than though" life style is no longer healthy. Look a higher than though health nut is dying from cancer because they had too many GE Oranges. Fuck'em they could have had cigarettes instead of pissing us all off. Off Topic: Now I know that I'm pissed at times & my parents suffer from mental illness, but even if there is a "magic pill" that will make me mellow I don't want it because mellow people seem like the real idiots.
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