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Everything posted by Mathias

  1. Mathias

    Series Finale

    Down with the civilian main characters! Well, except Rodney, at least his ego makes me laugh. There should be a lot of play between Rodney and Carter to make it interesting. Why the hell did the drop Dr. Beck? He was one of the better characters, though they sent him on way too many away missions. Drop Shepard! I never liked his character. He was supposed to mimic the successful portrayal of Jack as a military man who played down his intelligence to gain an advantage over others. Instead, Shepard comes off as an irresponsible kid who makes horrible decisions. Tela lost her purpose once her colony left Atlantis. How the hell does a newbie with no training in ANY Earth organization suddenly be given a higher status than trained Terrans in less than a couple months, let alone years? Especially, once her colony leaves? Ronin is just a brute with a nice gun and military training. Come on, he should at least suit up like he's joined up. This all sucks. I'll b*tch more later.
  2. I still think you should have better security for the submission of RSS feeds, such as forcing them to login to the forum. That's your call of course. It may be something you'll need to add after you get a good following and it starts to become an issue. Having the search field go blank is a good step for the first search, but I think the search field should keep the previous search string. Your site name is complicated right now. I would suggest applying a .htaccess file to rename the address and definitely use post instead of get. I didn't test it, but are you filtering out the MySQL hacks? There's an article about it on http://php.net. I have some standard code that handles these cases already if you need it. http://ordway.ath.cx:5121/animenews/index.php?id=search By the way, what program do you need to view a torrent file, and can you post a link on your site to one or more viewers that you would recommend. I'm sure there will be more like me who find the site by accident, but will be put off by the lack of support for the viewing of torrent files. Hope that helps. Looking good!
  3. We won't be able to see your movie until you've made more posts. You're a rookie, and this restriction is in place to avoid rookie spammers. Make some posts and get a feel for the place and I'm sure the admins will open it up. Happy posting!
  4. I'm not a big anime guru, and yes I know where I'm at . My first impression of seeing your site, was Digg.com. It doesn't work like that though on all links. I clicked on the links and they were torrent files. I can't read those. I'm sure you explain how to do that on your site somewhere, I just haven't spent that much time on it. I'm sure the torrent doesn't provide a description in their feed or you would provide it. None of links work to take you to those sites either, they're all links (three for each) to the torrent file. [mahou]​_Claymore​_-​_04​_[1024x576][h264+AAC][7F02AC68].​mk [Live-eviL] Yadamon - Ep 05.​avi I read further and found a link that finally took me to a site. That's more or less what I was expecting. Tenka Seiha: Higurashi no Naku Koro Ni Kai #07 — Minagoroshi Who is your target audience, specifically age group. The following link wouldn't be appropriate for my kids. Viagra manufacturer serializing a manga You mention how many links you have in the database, but not which numbers you're viewing, such as 20 - 40 of 3211. When you click the search text box, the text "Lets search for somthing good" doesn't go away. Also, when you have done the search, the search string should probably dump back into the search field, so the user can refine their search. The search dumps all found links on the same page. You should probably offer navigation similar to your main topics, so you don't overload the page. I waited for at least five minutes for it to stop loading and it didn't. I killed your search with the word "the". You should probably ignore all common words unless they are searching for exact wording such the "The Gundam Seed". I liked your security question for submitting an RSS feed, but you may be alienating some of the community who haven't learned that 2+2 = 3. 'D I'd recommend the words in a picture security to avoid smart robots, or better yet only allow people who have signed up for your forum to post. That should cut out the rift raft who post crap, like me. Alright, that's enough for now. I hope I helped a little, that is if you managed to get this far.
  5. Lost in Translation was about Bill Murray playing a washed up actor who went to Japan, because that was where his fan base was. He met up with a girl, they hung out together being the only two Americans around. Later he fooled around with a whore, she chose not to and then they parted ways. We DID watch the whole thing and I NEARLY balled my eyes out in the agony of waiting for something to happen, even something girly and sappy. God, that thing bored me to tears. If that's not a HORROR flick, I don't know what is. Torture the terrorists with that and we'd get results! Funny thing is, Kelene forgot to mention that she HATES spiders as well as clowns making IT doubly scary for her. Sigh, I've never seen it, and though she said it was okay, she'd never rent it. Oh well, her loss.
  6. I don't like horror movies much. Mostly because they have become more disgusting with blood and guts and no substance over the years.
  7. Now he's the Ming for me!
  8. I don't understand about the ponytail needing to be cut off. Yes, the standard image forced upon America today is a nicely trimmed haircut, usually no more than two or three inches in length. However, I've seen a trend of a few people here and there wearing a ponytail. In most cases, they keep the equivalent of a scrunchy, but not nearly as thick, at the base and one at the tip to keep it controlled and nice. If worn right, and is long enough, but not too long , I don't see how it is an issue. If it's a short ponytail, cut it off and start again after the wedding. Let's put it to a vote, thought your family probably won't listen to us, we maybe able to assuage your feelings in this. Post a picture, front and back, and we'll let you know what we think.
  9. Good luck with the dealership. I know how much trouble you've had in the past.
  10. Definitely a B movie style series. However, it has started off better than most sci-fi tv series, so I'll keep watching it. I expected the scientist character to resemble Ming from the original series better. And come on Ming, B movie etiquette requires you to have a dark mustache and forked goatee. Get your act together.
  11. Make sure muffler strap hasn't rusted off.
  12. I'll be watching it. Kyle got to bed a little late, so I can't watch Doctor Who until 10:00 or later.
  13. Sounded funny. I liked the psychiatrist at the end. "I wish you were hyperactive. That, I could work miracles with." X'D
  14. You have to laugh at politics from time to time, or else you wouldn't stop crying. I for one am a conservative. President Bush has done a decent job as president, even though he's done a few things I don't like. Such things are: 1. Signing in so many bills stuffed with fluff instead of sending them back for trimming. Do we really need a bridge to nowhere? If so, the city, or possibly the state should take out a loan from the bank and do it. Why should someone in Ohio pay for a bridge in Alaska? If they want it, let them buy it. Same goes everywhere. 2. Immigration reform; mainly secure our borders from illegals and make legal immigration easier for those who truly know and want to be American's. Such as our workaholic Godgrave who truly understands that you have to work for your dreams and not live off the government for all your needs. 3. For goodness sakes, President Bush speaks as clearly as me. if you've spoken with me in person, then you know all too well what I mean. Unfortunately, Democrats aren't what they used to be. I think they've swung too far to the left, by taking away our freedoms by burying them in the overburdening bureaucracy of government. I also don't feel comfortable with the presidential candidates. They do not appear fully committed to the security of our nation, and are slacking in experience. On the other side, the Republicans have the experience for a presidency, but they lean too far to the middle. I would like to see them more forceful in reducing the size of government, fix tax codes such as a flat rate for everyone, and support the troops in protecting our great nation here and abroad especially with a strategy that adapts to each situation as they arise. Okay, that's enough for now. I think I was fair in criticizing each side fairly and based on the facts. Whether you agree with the president or not, the position holds great respect among the citizens of America and should be addressed as such. That goes for current President Bush, or former President Clinton, no matter what we think of their policies now or in hindsight.
  15. I offered that advice many post earlier Sledgstone. You're probably right about the session settings. I would have only stored one game at a time too with the assumption that you finish one game before starting another. Oh well, sucks for you multi-taskers.
  16. I saw the aliens on the Burger King commercial promoting the Simpsons. I haven't seen the movie yet, and will probably have to wait to rent it. Kids + babysitters + movies are too expensive.
  17. GRX meant to check the "Remember Me" check box on http://forums.ancientclan.com.
  18. Exercise with your husband. As often as you can. Um, signed Anonymous.
  19. Mathias


    Keep those pictures decent.
  20. Now if Indiana Jones could make a cameo, all will be right. "I'm here to appraise your tapestries." Or was it, "I sell leather hats that can never be destroyed."
  21. Now the bunny population will grow out of control and kill us off in twenty years. We have just doomed ourselves and the race in a whole.
  22. You can't turn on the tv without having an episode of Simpson's appearing out of nowhere.
  23. Daddy, I think I just stepped in something. No, no, it's okay, the floors supposed to feel like that. But Daddy, it's not the floor. Ah crap, the baby in front of us is missing his diaper. Honey, I need some help here.
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