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Everything posted by HKofsesshoumaru

  1. UNICO Does anyone remember these movies? They used to be on Disney. They are SO hard to find. The last video I found for Unico was almost $200! Peter No Tail on VHS was $89 at a Hasting's here. I watched these two movies so much when I was a kid. Any of you remember these?!
  2. Yeah I liked the bikes in that movie. My dad is a Sci-Fi Junkie, so I picked up on some of his stuff. I remember a few movies from back in the day, mostly the fantacy ones. Does anyone remember movies like " The Great Land of Small" and "The 10th kingdom?". I liked the wolf in 10th Kingdom. It was a long movie, but I could sit through it. I am looking to buy these two to share with my daughter.
  3. Good Lord, where the hell do you work!? Sounds like you work with a bunch of idiots and you are stuck dealing with stupid people all day! I would go crazy! It's days like those that I understand why people go nuts and take out all of their co-workers with an Uzi. Shit..and can you believe I was ordered to take anger management classes? ME!? I am not an angry person..
  4. Barbossa had the eye from that one pirate as his piece of eight. So, who were the eight? I am confused. IF they both had pieces didn't that make nine?
  5. I loved those two! Yeah, I am one of the older clan members coming in at 25 years of age..LOL. But, I was young when I started watching Bevis and Butthead. It was a while ago huh? I miss Ren and Stimpy!! *sings*It's log it's log it's big it's heavy it's WOOD!! Oh man I am such a dork..LOL.
  6. I thought they were fighting over the same ship, therefore fighting over the spot of Pirate Lord? Or is it because Jack is the son of a pirate lord, therefore that makes him one as well? Huh..good question..
  7. OMG! The bratz dolls are SCARY and expensive!! My daughter likes Dora The Explorer and Curious George. (It could be worse..) Walk it out? Have you tried that dance? X'DThere are a few versions of it, but it looked lame at first. Not that you won't see 'walk it out' at the club, but hey, I just love to dance. Especially when you can get everyone around you to do it. The energy is fun! Good luck with this whole party thing. Being surrounded by all those 'kids' is going to be challenge. You can do it though!
  8. HKofsesshoumaru


    OMG!! This was too funny! Where do people come up with this stuff? LOL.
  9. Keith Richards!? I knew that pirate looked familar! Pirates are suppossed to drunk all the time anyway..LOL. Where's the rum? Oh yeah, and he fell out of a coconut tree too! The Rolling Stones had to cancel 15 of their tour dates do he could recover from surgery. How pirate of him!
  10. OMG! I have no idea why I said missyX'D..LOL. MY BAD! Wow, I can't not imagine beating on my kid. Infact, I would beat the living shit out of anyone who lays a finger on my angel face child:nono:, so..I would smack your dad for sure. Sorry.. With that said..I don't know your situation, but I take it your mom lives at least in the same town? If you don't wan't to babysit maybe you can always crash at her place. LOL. OOOOH! This post put me as a Dr Pepper!~ I have been on a DR PEPPER kick lately.
  11. I am currently reading over the Dungeons and Dragons 'Oriental Adventures' guide, looking into stuff for our RP section here on the forum. Pop in and read what we have going so far if you like.
  12. wait, your dad would beat you? brusied from falling down stairs? Clumsy aint we there missy?!
  13. It's out on video. I rented it from Blockbuster for me and my mum..LOL.
  14. Wow...hmm. Tough call. Well here goes: From my mom perspective: You could help out with the party and gain more than $. Look at it this way: If you help out with the party not only would get $20 but you could gain major Kudos with dad and step mom, which could lead to additional privledges for YOU in the future. IF it's sanity you wish to save, than don't bother because I am sure all those kids will drive you nuts at one point. BUT I suggest the first option, only because of the issues you were telling us about in the past with the pushy step mom:mad2:, and your father who seems to take her side:wtf:. This is only a suggestion..
  15. THE MESSENGERS Has anyone seen this movie? A lot of people thought it was kind of lame..I thought it was scary!! I mean if I asked my kid "what do you see, baby?" and she answered with that face (the one where the boy pulls on his eyes and makes a scary face..) you can bet damn well I would have been well out of that house and on the road back to Chicago. CREEPY!! Good plot I thought though!
  16. HKofsesshoumaru

    Tetris TV

    Live Tetris is pretty dang cool. Japanese Tv is so Fun!
  17. You know what I have to agree...I think the best things I know in life are the simple ones. Like, when my daughter layed her head on my shoulder Saturday, just out of no where and said " I love you mommy." Or one of my best guy friends saying to me, again out of the blue, that he cared about me and that he was always there for me. Just stuff like that that makes you appreciate life a bit more each day.
  18. ooooohhhh *drools* Yeah, I can relate to you on that one Mathias!
  19. That's awesome! I was always the nerd in the back of the class none of the guys talked to, except for answers on school work. When I showed up to my junior prom dressed in this beautiful light green dress, suddenly people didn't have a clue who I was. When they did reconize me, they were surprised. Evem the snotty preppy sluts came to me and said I looked very pretty, so... Sounds like you were a "star" for a whole night there. ha ha to the dumb bitch who went for your friend..she totally missed out and now she is all salty. It works like that sometimes out here in the world. Work places remind me of school. We have this one guy that is really hott, and he's a supervisor. He's a HUGE snitch! He better not come to any of the company parties where there is booze, because snitches get stitches and there are a few of us (like the whole office) that have it out for him. The twisted part is they say that love is as strong of an emotion as hate (not that I hate him, but pretty dang close). I can't decide if I wan't to fight him or well...yeah. *shrugs* LOL.
  20. ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh! It's like a racoon and fox combo!! CUTE!
  21. ahhhhh How can u forget your own kid's birthday??? I would never forget my kid's b-day. My mom always calls me. My dad I have to call the day of and remind his dumb ass..LOL. It's just another day, yeah, but still it's an excuse for me to get fucked up LOL.
  22. I got hit by a semi 3 years ago in the middle of down town traffic. The driver had head phones on and did not hear my horn. He slammed into me, ripping open the side of my car like a can opener. To make it worse when he got out of the truck I realized he was truck driver who had just come from my daughter's dad work. He had just finished his weekly drop off. I had just seen him 10 minutes before the accident. After I finished screaming at him for being an idiot, I spent 7 months in a Chriopractic office. I had to get full body massages (I was pregnant shortly after my accident) to help with my back injury. Needless to say I did not get the money I should have, but it was one of the scariest things I have ever been involved in.
  23. I am THRILLED someone else is a junkie for the MAXX like I am.. I think he is so adorable the way he tromps around, all bulky like and how he adores his "jungle qween" IF YOU WAN"T TO HELP GET THE MAXX ON DVD GO HERE TO SIGN THE PETITION! http://www.petitiononline.com/mod_perl/petition-sign.cgi?TheMaxx
  24. I saw read the books too when I was younger and I was horrified when I saw the preview for the movie. They totally ruined the concept of Nancy Drew and conformed her to what 'new age role model for girls' they think she should be. It pisses me off.
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