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    Sledgstone got a reaction from Strider Hiryu in Alita: Battle Angel   
    That's what was covered in the movie. It's as if you've seen this movie. Lol.. I should probably read the manga. After the motorball tryouts they skipped all the motorball stuff because that was where the movie ended after the final scene with Hugo which would be the setup for a sequel. If they do a sequel they could cover all the motorball events in a flashback or just start the sequel movie with something like.. "after what happened with Hugo, I focused on motorball..." and then cover all the motorball stuff. Her age wasn't exactly stated but Ido told her she's roughly 300 years old at one point in the movie. And her new body was called Berserker and it has nano tech.
    You might actually like this movie. Lol.
  2. Like
    Sledgstone reacted to Strider Hiryu in Alita: Battle Angel   
    Motorball takes place in the entirety of volume 3 of the manga (the old release, new release is 5 volumes so I'm not sure which volume its in) and her Berserker body (I don't know if they call it that in the movie, not even close to the power of her current body) is in the manga as well (first volume). From what I've heard it's a pretty accurate adaptation of the OVA which was a haphazard adaptation of the first volume of the manga (still good, I enjoyed it for what it was) with elements of the manga thrown in (badly by what I hear, sounds like the skip all of the motorball stuff after the tryouts which is a bummer since that's by far one of the high points of the manga for me).
    Not entirely sure what they said her age was (221 in the manga currently) or what her background is as it's never really covered until toward the end of the manga and the Last Order continuation (to sum it up a Martian terrorist and Panzer Kunst specialist (cyborg martial arts) who was stranded on Earth during the Terraforming Wars on a botched up mission) but I'll have to wait and see as I won't see it in theaters (I'll wait until it hits home video). As much love as I hear for this adaptation I'm skeptical it's any good (I'm a purist who loves this manga and we all remember how much I tore down the GitS movie) but I'm glad you enjoyed it.
    Sigh, they just want to adapt everything now don't they. Didn't they learn their mistake with G-Saviour. Gundam isn't meant to be adapted into live-action >.<
  3. Haha
    Sledgstone reacted to DeathscytheX in Alita: Battle Angel   
    I cant wait until the Gundams are too toxically masculine looking in the live action adaptation Sunrise and Legendary Pictures ARE doing.
  4. Like
    Sledgstone got a reaction from Strider Hiryu in Alita: Battle Angel   
    I watched Battle Angel Alita today. It was the most true anime to live action movie I've ever seen. I never read the manga so I can only assume the motorball stuff and her new ultra powerful body was part of the manga. Aside from that every scene that happened in the anime movie happened in this movie almost exactly. It's a shame it was PG13 but that's alright. It still had all the brutal deaths but the kill shots that were gruesome generally took place right off camera which was only a few times. Other times it was mostly a lack of blood to get around an R rating. Like slicing a guy into 5 parts is ok for pg13 when there's no blood flying everywhere. Overall I'm very pleased with how the movie played out and it was setup for a sequel. The movie does explain alot more about Alita than the anime does, like what she is, how old she is, etc.
    And the giant eyes that freaked everyone out before is nothing. I got used to it within the first couple minutes. The realy unique thing about this movie are all the cyborgs. There's no two cyborgs that are even remotely similar except for in 2 flash back scenes. Other than that a girl with giant eyes is nothing compared to a 10 foot tall guy with a shoulder width bigger than a semi truck or some guy that's larger than a SUV with multiple appendages with circular saws.
    Also I didn't see any sex appeal at all. Lmao. they made her look physically fit like she was in the anime. And she kicked ass. This was a great movie and I highly recommend it.
  5. Like
    Sledgstone got a reaction from DeathscytheX in Alita: Battle Angel   
    I watched Battle Angel Alita today. It was the most true anime to live action movie I've ever seen. I never read the manga so I can only assume the motorball stuff and her new ultra powerful body was part of the manga. Aside from that every scene that happened in the anime movie happened in this movie almost exactly. It's a shame it was PG13 but that's alright. It still had all the brutal deaths but the kill shots that were gruesome generally took place right off camera which was only a few times. Other times it was mostly a lack of blood to get around an R rating. Like slicing a guy into 5 parts is ok for pg13 when there's no blood flying everywhere. Overall I'm very pleased with how the movie played out and it was setup for a sequel. The movie does explain alot more about Alita than the anime does, like what she is, how old she is, etc.
    And the giant eyes that freaked everyone out before is nothing. I got used to it within the first couple minutes. The realy unique thing about this movie are all the cyborgs. There's no two cyborgs that are even remotely similar except for in 2 flash back scenes. Other than that a girl with giant eyes is nothing compared to a 10 foot tall guy with a shoulder width bigger than a semi truck or some guy that's larger than a SUV with multiple appendages with circular saws.
    Also I didn't see any sex appeal at all. Lmao. they made her look physically fit like she was in the anime. And she kicked ass. This was a great movie and I highly recommend it.
  6. Like
    Sledgstone reacted to Myk JL in Guild Wars 2: Path of Fire   
    I would look forward to an updated GW2 or GW3 as long as the gameplay wasn't as slow as the first time I tried it. I liked GW2 aesthetically.
  7. Like
    Sledgstone reacted to Myk JL in PS Plus Games   
    I'm looking forward to unplugging my PS3!
  8. Haha
    Sledgstone reacted to DeathscytheX in Alita: Battle Angel   
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    Sledgstone reacted to Myk JL in The Jimquisition   
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    Sledgstone reacted to DeathscytheX in Anthem (Bioware's Destiny)   
    The loot table being the same for all difficult content is going to make people cry, but if they all have the same difficultly adjustment its ok to me. Hopefully they make auras or something for people that raid.
  12. Like
    Sledgstone reacted to Strider Hiryu in PS Plus Games   
    Meh, while I enjoyed the beta I don't really see myself playing it (I'll pick it up though). My co-worker says the game is pretty dead atm since not a lot of people bought it and Ubi did a shit job of trying to incentivize those that did to keep playing. Maybe this will give the game the kick in the ass it needs to get popular again.
  13. Like
    Sledgstone reacted to DeathscytheX in Gamestop's eventual demise.   
    While digital sales are the biggest part of this, and was the primary goal of Sony and Microsoft to put them in the grave, they certainly never helped themselves by not selling you a game 3 weeks after it came out because you didn't preorder it. 🙄 Especially since most of these are located near a Walmart are Target where you can just walk across the parking lot and buy the game. They may be around a few more years, but it looks like they're finally going to be gone. I haven't stepped foot in one since they screwed me over on my Destiny 1 special edition. They're still living in the PS2 era trying to push strategy guides and disc insurance, they've never been able to adapt to the current state of gaming.
  14. Haha
    Sledgstone reacted to DeathscytheX in The Jimquisition   
  15. Like
    Sledgstone reacted to DeathscytheX in The Punisher - Trailer   
    Season 2 was so much better than Season 1. The pacing was better, and the supporting cast was better even though a lot of them were the same. Curtis got a bigger role which was nice. Thankfully the only bad CGI in this season was some glass shattering scene which made no sense. They could have just broke glass and played it in slow mo. Nothing will ever top that zipline scene in S1. There was also 90% less growling during fights and shoot outs. The end was satisfying in case they cancel it like they have all the other marvel series.
  16. Like
    Sledgstone reacted to DeathscytheX in Anthem (Bioware's Destiny)   
    I played the "demo" all weekend. It was a mess in typical EA fashion. They can deny they didn't have enough servers all they want, but its been their calling card for the past decade.
    When it worked, it was a blast. The flight controls are surprisingly smooth and easy to understand. There is no fall or collision damage so you can take all the risks you want. The only time you're punished is if you overheat or collide with a wall. When you crash into a wall, you fall to the ground, and you cant restart your thrusters until you land (You can normally, but not after a crash). The only agitating part about this is that there is no direct liftoff from the ground. You have to jump and hit the R3 which propels you forward. You can pull up REALLY fast, but if you are right up against a wall, say like you're in cover, you'll just hit the wall and not go anywhere rather than trying to boost over it. You're flight time is about 20-30 seconds until your overheat kicks in. The meter is done well and lets you know when you're reaching critical long with a sound que. Overheating can be circumvented by flying through a waterfall which completely resets your heat meter, or you can fly low over water which won't reset your heat, but pause it in place. Water also quickens your ability to get out of overheating.... There is a ton of water, so with some map knowledge and some learning curve, you can almost fly indefinitely.
    The starting assault rifle was TRASH... awful, but once i got more weapons I fell in love with the heavy pistols and LMGs. The LMGs I had were slow firing and each shot hit like a truck. I really liked this more than the rapid fire bullet hose you traditionally get. The recoil was pretty easy to control and just the rumble of the controller of each shot felt satisfying. The heavy pistols do as much damage as scout rifles, just with less range and around 9 rounds per mag. The range penalties are real. If you shoot something far off you'll do little to no damage. Your reticle will let you know if your weapon can make the shot by turning red when aimed on a target. If it stays white, don't waste your ammo, sometimes it is precious.
    Ammo was love/hate. If you go shooting up random monsters around the open world, they don't really drop ammo. So you have to be careful with your engagements. Pretty much only enemies that can shoot at you drop more ammo and health packs. These can be augmented with mods as far as ammo capacity and drop rates. You're R1 and L1 abilities recharge pretty quick, along with your super. Supers are devastating to normal mobs, but they'll only do about 4-6 mags of damage to a big boss. I think this justifies the charge rate, you can use it more freely knowing you can get it back reasonably fast. I think I would get my super back 3-4 times during the final encounter of the stronghold boss. Its more of a mob clear than a "beat the boss faster" like Destiny. Going back to health, you have a shield, and a health bar. Your shield recharges automatically, your HP does not, except the last 1/5th. Heath drops frequently, but generally in big mobs so you have to be careful about just picking them all up. I never really found this an issue personally, even if they nerf the health drop rates, you just should play more careful. The AI can aim really well, and flying your way out of something doesn't always work pending on the enemy type.
    Freeplay was fun, Going around the small section of the map doing world events was interesting. They're kind of like destiny where they are limited to 4-5 types of events, but the perimeters were way more varied. While you had to pick up X and deposit it at Y, the enemies, and the situation could be several different things rather than "defeat the fallen devil walker" Some of these were pretty tough, but I was able to solo all of them. There was no timer, so you can battle it out until you get it done if you're by yourself.
    Stronghold was where the demo shined. This is what I envisioned Destiny raids being. These are 30-40 minute affairs where you have to complete objectives to move on to the next section. Each section rewards a chest with a lot of loot. The difference from destiny is that there aren't any asinine puzzles, and unlike strikes, you can't just skip mobs until the final boss. You can skip some mobs, but these are generally between the end of one section and the start of another. The Stronghold that was made available was the one there are videos from after E3. You start out in a cave and you have to collect whispers or orbs of light. The first sector you have to collect 8 while fighting off elite enemies, the next section you have to fight off more along with some beastly turrets that will one shot your shield off. You collect 12, but you can only access 8 at first. The second wave comes with even stronger foes, and they grant you access to the final 4 orbs. This spawns your first chest. The next section you have to collect 8 pods and return them to the center of the area. When carrying the pods you can't fly, you can only sprint and jump. Of course you're being attacked while this is going on. Once the pods are collected, you have to stay on a platform thats being swarmed by bug creatures. You don't have to stay on it, but staying on it fills a meter similar to the VSAT or Cabal Drill public event from Destiny. This will give you your second chest. The last section is the final boss which is the huge bug thing. Overall it was a blast doing it... especially since i felt I carried a lot of people through it that didn't know what to do. As long as everyone could stay alive, I had no issue doing all the collecting... Oh yeah, it has matchmaking.
    I didn't get to play the last few hours when they unlocked all the Javelins, which was stupid that they only gave us 1 unlock to begin with. The Ranger felt great. Tons of power with versatile weapon selection. Your specials were grenades and a field which. As I found gear, I had choices of a acid, fire, and sticky nade. I had a bubble shield, or a buff that granted 20% more base damage to everyone. The great part about this, was no one had to just stand in the field to get it. You just had to pass though and you'd get a cool down meter of how long the buff lasted. At the same time, you can't just stand in it and get the buff longer. This was great for when enemies charge into your bubble... you get to keep the buff regardless. The Ranger's super is the mutli lock-on missile barrage.
    Naturally with my one unlock, I went with the Storm. This will probably be my main. Its always wonderful and very rare when a game allows you to do to enemies, the annoying shit they do to you. My encounters with enemy storm javelins from the outlaw faction, was they'd freeze me... and that shit lasted a good long 3-5 seconds before you could start moving again by mashing X to get out of it. Well I got the same gear drop that allowed me to freeze enemies for the same length! What a joy. I also go flame, acid, and electric ones, but I wasn't giving up that frost because its amazing CC. Of course, you can't freeze bosses, but you can freeze elites and legendary tier enemies. I used this with an Arc blast that chain lightninged mobs. I rolled with a marksman rifle and a heavy pistol along with a wind barrier that creates a giant wall shield rather than a bubble like the Ranger. There was also a quickening field I could have chosen over the barrier, but I didn't see the point in it. The super consisted of sending down three blasts of Arc, Fire, and Ice. The storm can't take a hit like the ranger, but it has a phase dodge, and can hover for longer periods. I also found it satisfying to act as the source of crowd control for my group. The colossus seemed to be the most popular choice for the demo, which is surprising since I figured the Interceptor would be seeing that is pretty much like the Hunter for Destiny.
    Overall i expect the first few days to be a clusterfuck like this demo... its EA... but the game was a ton of fun, and the story mission I got to play was pretty interesting. The facial animations were 10 out of 10.
  17. Like
    Sledgstone reacted to DeathscytheX in Destiny 2   
    I hope Blizzard can do the same... honestly... The whole mega companies needs to stop.
  18. Like
    Sledgstone reacted to DeathscytheX in Vikings Season 5 Discussion   
    Season 6 will be the final season. Which is about the sweet spot for most great series.
  19. Haha
    Sledgstone reacted to DeathscytheX in Battlefield V   
  20. Like
    Sledgstone reacted to DeathscytheX in Battlefield V   
    I am almost 100% certain these changes will stay, and if I would have bought this game, this is when I would have just stopped playing and felt like I wasted $60. I can promise TTK isn't why they're seeing a decline in players. Low ammo and now it takes more of it to kill? Yeah, nah...
  21. Like
    Sledgstone reacted to DeathscytheX in Godzilla: King of the Monsters   
    Now THIS is a trailer that's got me HYPED!!!
  22. Haha
    Sledgstone reacted to DeathscytheX in Avengers: End Game - Trailer   
    I'm hyped for the movie for sure, but there was nothing exciting in this trailer. 50% of it is Stark talking about dying. I'm already ready for the next one. Killmonger brefily showing up was probably the best part. Maybe I'm getting old and grouchy... its like the GoT trailer, everyone's excited... I am too!! But I felt nothing watching a table of statues turn frosty and burn.
  23. Like
    Sledgstone got a reaction from DeathscytheX in Avengers: End Game - Trailer   
    It shows nothing of the plot tho... The suspense. 
  24. Like
    Sledgstone reacted to DeathscytheX in Path of Exile   
    I completed all 10 acts today. I haven't dived into the end game and I'll probably start a new character for the expac tomorrow. But here is what I think.
    For a free game, its outstanding... its hands down the best F2P game in existence. I'm not judging this by the actual game, but just the sheer amount of content that isn't bullshit. If you want to just casually play 10 acts for the story. Its way more bang for your buck or lack of buck. You get everything for free.
    If you want to play this game a little bit more seriously, like endgame content or or multiple characters, you're going to have to spend about $15-30 depending on your convenience preference and if there is a sale going on. As both me and Strider pointed out, inventory is a joke. Your on hand character inventory is pretty limited and fills up quickly. The stash seems fine at first, but if you horde flasks and attack/support gems, by act 4 or 5, you're going to be running out of space. The game has normal extra stashes and more detailed stashes that organize your currency, maps, and other specific items. For the short time I've been playing, Stashes have been 50% off twice.
    The currency system is utterly bizarre at first, but when you get use to it, its less of a hassle and kind of a non factor. The scrolls of wisdom thing was annoying at first, but then they started dropping more than I needed them too... as it stands now I have 780 in my stash.. I never found myself needing them too often. Other currencies like jeweler's orbs and fuse orbs that are actually useful but frustrating to come by are a bigger issue.
    Drops are trash all the way til the end. Its probably the most disappointing aspect of this game. Loot never really feels rewarding outside of trials of ascendancy. Since jewelers and fuse orbs are hard to come by, its hard to get a max socketed item all fused for your gems. By the end of act 10 I never had a fully socketed item outside of my helmet and gloves. I only changes Bows less than 4 times because the one I had used more sockets. By the end I had one less than the max sockets for my bow. All the unique items that drop are pure garbage, and the good ones come from grind.
    I appreciate the detail the game has in dialogue, but it definitely isn't a game you can plan to play for just 1 hour. You can spend it all listening to characters talk. When you find a document in a map, you can click on it and walk away so the dialogue continues to play, but interacting with NPCs is annoying because you have to sit there and listen without doing anything if you want to hear the dialogue... sometimes checking your inventory, or fiddling with anything will cancel the conversation.
    I plan on playing league when it starts tomorrow because the drops seem way better... but for standard the death penalty is just losing XP for that level. I hear once you get past 80 (max is 120), these penalties are brutal because XP is more scarce and dying can wipe 2-3 hours of progress. Overall it seemed kind lame and super casual, but at the same time, the only thing that really kills you in this game is one shots from bosses and strong enemies. Playing ranger, you cant move and attack at the same time, which is an adjustment. So its a bit easier to die than it should be.
    The amount of different attack and support gems is insane. I eventually had to divide my gems into 3 stashes for red, green, and blue. I now have half a full stash of each. This game shines in the fact that there is no class specific items... only melee and ranged specific. I haven't encountered any armor or weapons that said I couldn't use it.
    Its worth checking out on PS4. It may not be as refined as a Diablo game, but its a great dungeon crawler to pass the time. I just hope we get a western release for Lost Ark, because that game looks really sexy.
  25. Haha
    Sledgstone reacted to DeathscytheX in Battlefield V   
    Probably DICE's fault.
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