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    Sledgstone reacted to Ladywriter in Childhood Heroes   
    The scoundrel pilot gunslinger
    I must have watched this movie 700 times as a kid. The idea of reading a book makes you part of the story appealed to my bookish nature
    Nancy knew how to survive a horror film
  2. Like
    Sledgstone reacted to DeathscytheX in Childhood Heroes   
    Certainly we all had childhood heroes, or people we looked up to as a youngster... Real or ficition who were you awe struck by in your youth?

    As if it was no big surprise Macho Man Randy Savage was one of my heroes as a kid. I went against the grain with Hulkamania. Savage became my favorite wrestler out of my sheer hate for the Nature Boy Ric Flair... I hated how he always won when I was a kid, and when Savage kicked his ass for the World Heavyweight Championship, he became my favorite, and his crazy persona solidified that throughout his career. Plus Miss Elizabeth was one of my very first childhood crushes!

    As I was growing up my parents introduced me to Superman at a young age, I had many VHS tapes of the old cartoon. I was always enamored with the Man of Steel. I had pajamas, a punching bag, and other various memorabilia. A lot of people dislike Superman, but he always has a fan in me. lol

  3. Like
    Sledgstone got a reaction from DeathscytheX in Favorite Movie Scores   
    Star Wars music was always epic.
    Indiana Jones was pretty good too:

    Even tho its not a movie, Battlestar Galactica has some of the best scores I've ever heard on television:
  4. Like
    Sledgstone got a reaction from DeathscytheX in That gun debate thing   
    The main reason mental health wasn't as much of an issue back in the day is because pharmaceutical companies didn't have as many drugs as they do now. When I was a kid I had severe anxiety and some social issues. A bit of therapy and I coped with my own problems. If I had these same issues now, I would have been given 3 different medications: anti-anxiety, anti-depressents and anti-social phobia. And then I would be given therapy sessions and then end up on SSI for the rest of my life because of the side effects caused by all these medications and the lack of interest in completing school or getting a job because I would be vegetabled out by the meds.
  5. Like
    Sledgstone reacted to Strider Hiryu in Welcome our new admin, DeathscytheX!   
    Should I be scared? I mean the man does have a railgun he likes to shoot people with (and by people I mean me). j/k
    Congrats DX!
  6. Like
    Sledgstone got a reaction from DeathscytheX in Call of Duty: Black Ops 2   
    I see, I'll have to try quick scoping from now on. I was hip firing my shotgun most of the time. Maybe quickscoping will give me those one shot kills.
    btw, try using a laser sight on bf3 with any gun. It drastically improves hip firing. SKS with laser sight and hip firing at medium to long range can be devastating to an opponent. Check out some aggressive recon bf3 videos on youtube. Even bolt action sniper rifles with a laser sight can be brutal in bf3.
  7. Like
    Sledgstone reacted to DeathscytheX in Rocky Mountain high: Pot a $200M industry in Colorado   
    Big Weed and Big Pot sounded dumb next to Big Oil and Big Tobacco... BIG HEMP FTW!

    Yes, getting the ball rolling will hurt the Mexican cartels, we could undercut them in price... At the same time we could allow their product in legally... and tax the shit out of it.
    Kinda like Bombay Sapphire... good Gin, but since New Amsterdam is made in New York, its only $20 for a big bottle and its almost as good as the $60 of bombay... Tito's vodka is another great example... US made, awesome quality, way cheaper than imported vodka.
  8. Like
    Sledgstone reacted to DeathscytheX in Call of Duty: Black Ops 2   
    COD tends to throw realism out the window. If you pay a little closer attention to the kill cams, you will notice that there are a lot of times people start firing before they transition into ADS. Hip fire is impossible at mid range on BF3, but its not an issue on COD. Try the quick draw grip on your assault rifles, the shotgun might help too. I don't use quickdraw for the R870, because its ADS is pretty quick. You're bullets will fly where your crosshair is at until you go into ADS.. Plus the laser sights also aid hip fire.

    In MW1, I use to run the MP5 with the steady aim perk that increased the accuracy even more from hip. I was inspired to do so after watching this guy wreck my face and whole team by running around hip firing the MP5 before people could line up a shot. He always stayed in motion. I adopted the tactic and became very good at it. Due to map design, and the watering down of gun damage, it doesn't work as well, but it still works for me with the shotgun.
  9. Like
    Sledgstone reacted to DeathscytheX in That gun debate thing   
    A gun ban is just a "big government" agenda. We can talk about assault rifles all day but if you go to the FBI's website and look at the numbers, more people are killed by knifes, hammers, and even hands and feet. These individual categories out number ALL rifles put into its own category.
    Another interesting note is that from 2008-2011 the number of homicides have gone down. The US ranks 28th in the world in gun violence per capita. What Piers Morgan won't tell you is that in the UK violent crime is 5 times higher per capita than in the US.
    Timothy McVeigh single handedly killed more Americans in one event and didn't use a single firearm. You can still buy fertilizer to this day.
    People are quick to act on emotion while throwing any kind of logic out of the window... That's why we have the patriot act, that's why the gov can tap your cell with no warrant, and that's why they are trying to restrict guns now. Any freedom we are willing to give up, Uncle Sam will be happy to take it away from you weather it's Democrat or Republican.
  10. Like
    Sledgstone reacted to Ladywriter in That gun debate thing   
    So like yeah... I've listened to many opinions looked at a lot of stats and yada yada
    No, the hunters I know do not use M16's to hunt deer, but I know a lot of collectors who have things they never take out of their original packaging. Some ppl collect action figures, some ppl collect guns. Some guns are never even loaded let alone fired.
    Yes, taking something out of circulation reduces the number of guns lawfully owned and obtained out of there, but the black market won't stop selling whatever is banned.
    I think Chris Rock was onto something with his bullets should cost  $5000 apiece. It's not just guns killing people, its a fuck load of bullets. A gun with no ammo is a club.
    People always ignore the second word in gun violence. That's too bad because what we really have is a violence problem.
  11. Like
    Sledgstone got a reaction from DeathscytheX in Miscrosoft IllumiRoom: Turn your room into the game!   
    Hell yeah, that all sounds awesome. The damn red hit indicators always annoy me. Half the time when I see one to the side, I rotate to that side just to see the hit marker rotate a bit with me and not give me any real indication where I'm being hit from.
  12. Like
    Sledgstone reacted to DeathscytheX in Miscrosoft IllumiRoom: Turn your room into the game!   
    And instead of those annoying red arrows that show up when you are being hit or shot at, maybe it can flash the wall red on that side of the TV you're being damaged from. I never really found the arrows useful because now days the whole screen flashes red, and I panic trying to find what's hitting me, I don't have time to look at the red arrow blended in with the red kool-aid vision I'm beating hit with.
    This could also be useful to set some neat ambient environmental effects. You could definitely set up some epic scenery with rain, and have the projections portray lightning effects. Perhaps tree off screen can rustle their leaves in the wind. The applications for horror games have a lot of potential... things can be crawling on your walls, they can slightly blur the off screen to keep you paranoid... or just flash things temporarily to catch you off guard.
  13. Like
    Sledgstone reacted to DeathscytheX in Miscrosoft IllumiRoom: Turn your room into the game!   
    YES! I am killed from behind or from the side more than anything in COD or BF3. This would be a welcomed edition.
  14. Like
    Sledgstone reacted to Ladywriter in Miscrosoft IllumiRoom: Turn your room into the game!   
    love it. I hate playing 1st person shooter because it makes me feel claustrophobic, like I'm looking out of a fucking box yo 
  15. Like
    Sledgstone reacted to DeathscytheX in Mega Stuffed Oreos   
    Do you like Double Stuffed Oreos? Is it not enough? Well good news! Next month MEGA STUFFED OREOS should hit the market. I discovered this from a Nabisco vendor at work today. He brought some in for a few people to try in secrecy... all I can say is that its AWESOME!

  16. Like
    Sledgstone reacted to DeathscytheX in Welcome our new admin, DeathscytheX!   
    cue the music!

    Its an honor to provide my services to the forum.
  17. Like
    Sledgstone reacted to Myk JL in The Next Small Thing Since Ouya.... GameStick.   
    I recently went digging through news & found out about this.
    I'd like to be excited but it doesn't offer the plausibility to make games as far as I can tell like the Ouya advertised back last year. The first Micro Console & my first time I ever pledged. That pledge being $225 which I may or may not regret come this March if & when Ouya comes out.
    If anything I'm more worried about an over saturation of Micro Consoles via Kickstarter.
    I probably won't be funding this one but the Kickstarter page is right here if anyone wants more info.
  18. Like
    Sledgstone reacted to DeathscytheX in Call of Duty: Black Ops 2   
    Hmmm, I wonder if they nerfed it on PS3. I will say I've noticed its a tad less more powerful since the last two game playlist updates I was hit with. Do you ADS or hip fire it? I tend to use the "quick scope" method with it, I hit the ADS as I pull the trigger when I see someone. Plus what is your map strategy? I mainly use that class on Drone/Plaza/Turbine/Standoff. I run around the outside of the map, NEVER the middle of the map. I just make a big circle hitting camping hot spots. I wish I could upload a whole match so you could see how I run the class. Standoff is the best example. I always run into the wooden house for snipers upstairs, then I jump out, move to the concrete building for the campers upstairs, then I run along the outside to the other spawn, generally there is someone in that grassy pathway, and people camping next to tanks or on the roof of the buildings adjacent to it. I just run that ciricle. If I hit to much traffic and get killed, I reverse route and run the opposite way eventually coming up behind them.
    And I still cant see your page. lol It just brings up zombies and says Zombies Ate Your Page.
  19. Like
    Sledgstone reacted to DeathscytheX in Miscrosoft IllumiRoom: Turn your room into the game!   

    Kotaku reports that Microsoft and Samsung have teamed up to immerse your gaming experience into a whole room. Using the next gen kenect, projections will illuminate your room after it has been scanned for size and furniture. This explaines earlier leaked documents which showed "hologram-like" technology for the supposed next gen console from Microsoft.
    Previously reported:

    This post has been promoted to an article
  20. Like
    Sledgstone reacted to Ladywriter in Rocky Mountain high: Pot a $200M industry in Colorado   
    I dislike the idea that growers also have to be the sellers. Corn farmers don't make Fritos yo. They should be separate so that there is a little competition amongst the new businesses.
    I'd like to see the laws be family farm friendly. There are a lot of farms around here, mostly dairy. Most farmers grow their own corn and hay but when we have shitty summers like the last one it puts them in the position of buy feed or sell animals. They screamed about it all summer on the news covering the drought. I think farmer Brown should be able to have a Morton building full of supplemental income. I think the ones growing/raising our food and supplying our milk should be the ones to grow the pot.   
  21. Like
    Sledgstone reacted to DeathscytheX in Call of Duty: Black Ops 2   
    I cant even look at that link, so I guess i cant even hyperlink my profile... well I could, but only Xbox 360 users could view it. Otherwise you get:
    I just prestiged, and permanently unlocked ghost. I'll post my classes when i get back to where I want to be. Interestingly enough, you dont lose your camo's or attachments when you prestige. You cant prestige your weapons individually which causes you to lose your attachments, and start over again for the xp bonuses. Here is the main page from the iphone app:

  22. Like
    Sledgstone reacted to Ladywriter in The world has never been hotter   
    Of course!
  23. Like
    Sledgstone reacted to DeathscytheX in Finally! Giant Squid Filmed Alive!   
    What kills me is that anyone would waste their time watching a sci-fi/history/discovery show claiming to have found big foot as if it wouldn't be breaking news on any reputable internet news source or CNN/MSNBC/FNC/ABC/CBS/NBC before it ever was a special on cable television.
  24. Like
    Sledgstone reacted to Ladywriter in Rocky Mountain high: Pot a $200M industry in Colorado   
    Vigorous regulation of a thriving medical-marijuana industry in Colorado offers the best glimpse of what is coming to Washington when it launches its voter-approved social-use market. With continuous surveillance, bar-coded plants and strict financial background checks, Colorado's rules allowed capitalism to be unleased, creating an instant $200 million industry.
    I hope my state is paying attention to this
  25. Like
    Sledgstone reacted to Ladywriter in Series with great endings (spoilers)   
    I don't need to say nuttin
    If you're using galaxies as assault weapons....
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