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Showing content with the highest reputation on 01/21/2018 in Posts

  1. 1 point
    Strider Hiryu

    Mass Effect: Andromeda

    I still haven't beaten the story yet but I've not run into any of the catastrophic bugs that continually get mentioned. I've seen quite a few of the shitty animations that were placed in the game though (and believe me they are worse when you see them in person, video's don't do them justice). Honestly, there's a lot to like about the directions Andromeda was going in. The worlds were beautiful, combat was actually a joy (I really enjoyed the combat system though I wish they would of implemented the old cover system from 3, this new one sucked balls), while I initially hated the move from classes I actually liked how they implemented character progression (the ability to pick and choose you're powers/abilities at will was freaking amazing), while almost all of the NPC companions are pretty forgettable Drack is the one thing great that came of them (I don't care what anyone says, I love that old grumpy krogan to death. He's pretty much Wrex but 100's of years older and crankier), and while the story was fucking horrible (and it's the reason I still haven't beaten it yet) the ideas and direction were not horrible just poorly developed. I get why studios want to got to these big, open world games that allow us to explore but it's obvious that it'll never work the way they want (look at Destiny, not as open world as we were promised (in both games) due to engine limitations and tech limitations) and the fact they spent years trying to figure this out instead of delivering a great game is heart breaking. I honestly like how ME3 did it's exploration and I wish they'd of kept that for Andromeda, I could care less about having a huge planet to explore. Give me a contained area that has a set reason for me being there and I'll be happy (and it'll let me avoid driving these shitty vehicles BioWare keeps designing). It sucks that this game was pretty much a piecemeal of what the studio could throw together in 15 months. I blame EA for a lot of this and while the original trilogy will forever be a favorite series of mine its easy to tell just what EA made BioWare do between 1 and 2 (the major shift in the battle system, the implementation of the ammo mechanic (which is still retarded, the in game lore explained why this was not fucking necessary in 1 (and don't give me the bullshit that was retconned in when 2 came out)). BioWare's biggest problem was pulling the original ME team off of this to develop a new IP and handing it to a studio that only ever did background work. Had the original team been left on the game this would of never happened (sadly we wouldn't be getting Anthem if they did stay with it though). It's also a kick to the balls knowing that we'll probably not see another Mass Effect game for year or at all. Sadly the days of us getting well thought out, developed games from BioWare has come and gone. We'll never get another KoToR, Neverwinter Nights (this is still one of my favorite games to date), or Mass Effect again (while probably my least favorite of the original trilogy I still think 1 was better developed then 2 was). I never played the original Dragon Age so I can't add that in but I heard it was on par with KoToR (I've only played Inquisition which has gotten a lot of hate from fans but I actually like it). EA has watered the studio down and while it sounds like Anthem will be a return to form I can't help thinking that it'll be another Destiny (sorry I've grown extremely pessimistic with the industry as of late. Good games are few and far between in the AAA category and it saddens me considering what the old days were like. Yea, I'm old and nostalgic. This trend of catering to the ADHD generation of gamers urks me. I miss the days when games were made as passion projects, not just paychecks).
  2. 1 point
    Myk JL

    Intel CPU massive security flaw

    I've gotten use to using Windows Defender which I'm sure is up to date. But if it isn't.... .... Damn.... Am I going to have to start looking at 3rd Party Antivirus again? Because the last one was slowing down my PC until I uninstalled it as far as I remember. I think it was Avast or something that was recommended to me by Firefox at one point in time. I also still kind of have Malwarebytes but it uninstalled itself. And I don't see a point in intentionally spending money on it if Microsoft is also willing to protect my PC from Malware for free. At best when Malwarebytes (Premium) was still there it blocked me from going to websites that were possibly harmful to my PC.
  3. 1 point

    Mass Effect: Andromeda

    It really is. I think I only experienced one of those catastrophic bugs. But the game play wasn't the problem IMO. I actually enjoyed the combat a lot... more so than the previous 3 games. The fact they got that working right in such a short time is amazing, and maybe they shouldn't have been dissolved into other studios looking back on it now that I've had time to cool down from the utter disappointment. They were just told to make magic happen after fumbling around on a lost cause for 90% of the allotted time. You'll most likely enjoy the play through now that you know not to expect very much out of the game. It has the potential there, it just never comes to fruition. You never really bond with the characters like you can with Wrex, Tali, and Liara, and you never really hate any of them either. God I despised Kaidan just because hes voiced by Carth Onassi, just add two floppy bangs to his head and its the same character. Just about every choice you made in the first three games had consequences, even the smallest things. In Andromeda its like all your choices were pretty pointless, and the two major ones were pretty unoriginal and predictable. The Renegade/Paragon system missing also was a mistake. I liked how tilting too far one way, gave you even more dialogue options for that personality if you invested skill points in charisma. Like he said, the dialog is terrible and the story wasn't very good. It was a game that mechanically was great but story was was awful, which made it worse having a predecessor that set the bar really high. Romancing was totally watered down. You really had to talk to an NPC a lot in the first games and pick the right dialogue options to get in their pants, but in Andromeda, you just pick all the dialog options that have a heart icon on them and have a connection as awkward as Padme and Anakin. I guess that was the mystique of BioWare's early games. I remember playing KOTOR through many times, every time I discovered something new by doing a different dialogue sequence. I don't think I ever seduced Bastila until the 3rd or 4th play through and was blown away that I could do that, or when I made Zaalbar kill Mission, or when I got banned from Manaan for the rest of the playthrough. Stuff like that made it worth playing through multiple times.... with Andromeda, you feel like you've seen it all in 1 go.

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