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Showing content with the highest reputation on 03/21/2014 in all areas

  1. 2 points
    it was good to see Ragnar and Bjorn reunited. And what Lagertha had to do to convince her new husband to help clearly shows how much she still loves Ragnar. As for poor little princess Aslaug, who had to suffer the dirty conditions..geesh, I'm not liking her character anymore than how she started. She can learn a thing or two from Siggy and Lagertha...theres more to life than having babies...i hope they kill her off soon...frustrating to see her complaining...ok we get it, your father was Sigurd
  2. 1 point

    Mighty No. 9

    Here is a tech demo for the Mega Man indie clone, Mighty No. 9. Its resemblance comes from Mega Man's co-creator Keiji Inafune, who left Capcom in 2010. Since Capcom owns the rights to all his creations he set out to make a new game that would play like the beloved blue bomber series which has been mostly neglected for years. When Inafune put his concept for Mighty No. 9 on Kickstarter it was met with an overwhelming response. Click here to view the article
  3. 1 point
    The PS4 exclusive content will include 4 new missions, an alternate outfit, and a hacking boost. At last year's E3, the PS4 hype reel listed this as a timed exclusive which is interestingly not listed as such in this trailer. I'd also like to point out the flip flopping of the visuals for Watch Dogs, it looked amazing at E3, and some play through demos later on. Then the most recent trailer looks closer to how the last gen and Wii U versions looked, but now this trailer looks a great as E3... Click here to view the article
  4. 1 point
    I was hoping Bjorn would though an axe in that douches chest at the dinner table. I can't believe Lagertha puts up with that.

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