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Showing content with the highest reputation on 01/22/2014 in all areas

  1. 1 point

    Dragon's Dogma Dark Arisen

    Anyone ever hear of Dragon's Dogma Dark Arisen? My girlfriend got it for me for Christmas, she knows i love RPG's Anyway, it's a pretty good one, very in depth and long, I've got probably about a dozen hours in so far with no end in site. Anyway if you have a chance to grab it for cheap, it might be worth checking it out. http://dragonsdogma.wikia.com/wiki/Dragon's_Dogma:_Dark_Arisen
  2. 1 point
    I liked the "it belongs in a museum" phrase at the end foreshadowing Harrison Ford being in the next movie. With Banderas and Snipes joining in as well, it should make for another good one.
  3. 1 point

    Judge Dredd Trailer

    It works for this movie because it gave you little information about the characters and the future. You don't really need a back story of how he became Dredd or how she had the ability she had. It's a problem most reboots face. In this case, leaving it out worked for the movie - at least for me.
  4. 1 point

    Saints Row 4

    I agree with Sledge on this one, RPG's all the way. Normal gameplay/missions, I'm always a fan of shoties
  5. 1 point

    I'm 22 and what is this

    Hey Akira, I'm kinda the same, Every so often I'll check in with the intention of sticking around, but then work picks up, I get busy with other projects/gaming/anime etc. Don't feel bad about all the features, I don't even know half of them and I don't feel like learning the them Guess I'm kind of old school but it's kind of sad since I work in IT. Seriously it's good to see you, you defiantly need an avatar and sig. I was surprised to see mine still on photobucket, haven't used it in years. Haha, yea that must be it, now if we can just figure out how to get us to stay
  6. 1 point

    New Season of Sailor Moon Delayed

    And then there is Brian Drummond who sounds like Zech Marquis no matter what role hes in. I'm watching Escaflowne like "la la la la de da...wait a tick!! ITS ZECHS!!" *Fangirls out!* No seriously now its obnoxious 18 episodes in cause I'm like "just go hop in your gundam Zechs...oh wait Fugazee" I think some of Funimation's dubs are okay, I hated Fairytale for the first few episodes, and then you can really tell they finally got the hang of VA and comfortable with the other actors. You can even tell in spice in wolf the first few. Makes you wonder why kind of environment funimation creates in the studio to begin with.

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