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Showing content with the highest reputation on 01/26/2010 in all areas

  1. 1 point

    Video Gaming Just Might Fight Aging

    Source http://news.yahoo.com/s/hsn/20100123/hl_hsn/videogamingjustmightfightaging;_ylt=Ahb0kwmsvls4HkAO7q9fc05OXbN_;_ylu=X3oDMTE1Z2w0Y2kzBHBvcwMyBHNlYwN5bi1jaGFubmVsBHNsawN2aWRlb2dhbWluZ2o- So, next time your parents fuss about you playing video games, tell them you're working on keeping your mental facilities intact so they'll last longer.
  2. 1 point
    article Australian scientists have debunked the myth that fish have a three-second memory, they can actually recall information for up to five months. "Fish can remember prey types for months. They can learn to avoid predators after being attacked once and they retain this memory for several months. And carp that have been caught by fishers avoid hooks for at least a year," lead author Kevin Warburton said. The researchers at Charles Sturt University say that three-second rule is "absolute rubbish." No one is sure where they myth started but you needn't look any further than Finding Nemo to know it exists--not that I didn't love Ellen Degeneres' Dory. Researchers trained young fish to associate a sound with feeding time. Each time they played that particular sound…the fish would return. They found minnows to be at least as intelligent as rats. Fish not only remember, they can increase their food-catching skills and even carry out acts of deception. For example, cleaner fish in reef environments act on their best behavior when a larger feeder is nearby. Warburton said: "What's fascinating is that they co-operate more with clients when they are being observed by other potential clients. This improves their 'image' and their chances of attracting clients."
  3. 1 point

    Young boy raises £160k for Haiti

    http://www.justgiving.com/CharlieSimpson-HAITI he aimed to make £500 ($811) doing a sponsored bike ride but ended up with £151,697.45 ($246 053.26) and growing Wow isnt a word for that. Simon Cowell met the boy and donated £5k ($8110) http://www.mirror.co.uk/celebs/news/2010/01/26/simon-cowell-praises-schoolboy-charlie-simpsons-haiti-fund-as-it-hits-s160-000-115875-21995249/ On a personal note, i think this will prob ruin the kids life, unlikely he will achieve anything close to this again in his life, so peaking at age 7 is just asking for depression later on in life either way. good on the kid
  4. 1 point
    http://scifiwire.com/2010/01/priest-is-a-future-wester.php Director Scott Stewart and actor Paul Bettany had so much fun working together on Legion that they teamed up again for Priest, an upcoming futuristic vampire story based on a Korean comic book. In the movie, Jedi-like warrior priests battle vampires in a post-apocalyptic wasteland that's like the Old West. Thing is, the comic book wasn't a future story and didn't deal with vampires; rather, it was set in the actual Old West, and its main character, the immortal priest Ivan Isaacs, instead battles fallen angels. That might seem like a big change, but Priest creator Hyung Min-woo doesn't mind. "Min-woo came out and visited us over the summer," Stewart said in a group interview last week in Los Angeles. "He'd read a translation of the script and came out and was really, really pleased with what he saw. We talk about the graphic novels as being the past, and [the film version of] Priest is kind of the future." In the movie, the fallen angels are now vampires, but otherwise the graphic novel is the film's history. If that doesn't make sense, the graphic novels are even making adjustments to bridge the gap between literature and film. "You'll see: Tokyopop, with Min-woo, created a continuation" comic series, Stewart said. "He had 16 books, but it was kind of a soap opera with no ending. It never continued, so you don't know where the story goes. And now there are new stories that will be coming. You'll see how that story dovetails with ours. The Ivan Isaacs character in the Priest comic book is the first prototype Priest. The characters in our movie are what came much later, when the Priests were trained by the church to be like Ivan Isaacs." The Priest comic In the movie, Bettany stars as a character simply named Priest. "It's a very different story for me [from Legion]," Bettany said. "It's a hugely different character in that Michael is all about forgiveness and faith, and Priest is about revenge. He just wants blood. We went into it with the same spirit, but with three times the budget, which changes everything." With more money to work with, the future setting of Priest allowed Stewart to play with the visuals. "It's got lots of action and stuff, but it is literally a science fiction western," Stewart said. "It takes place in an alternate universe. There's retro-futuristic things, motorcycles instead of horses, and big industrial cities. The whole mythology is entirely the history of the vampire/human wars and all this other kind of stuff. The Priest characters are like these Jedi Knights." Priest will have something to say, too. Even though the Priests are fighting vampires, they deal with the same problems that face human soldiers returning from human wars. "It's kind of an 'after the war' movie," Stewart said. "What happens when, as a soldier, you make a sacrifice, you go off, you fight the war, you win the war, you think you're going to get the ticker-tape parade down Broadway? Instead they decommission you, and you work in a factory, and no one sits next to you on the bus because people are afraid of you. What happens a generation after that, when now you have to go and do something for yourself and the people who sent you out there say no? You have to defy them." Priest is due out Aug. 20. Sound like something you want to see? whats with vampires lately. meant to be fallen angles,, but instead vampires,,
  5. 1 point

    Water damage.... rant

    Cellular / mobile phone. where in that name does it say water proof, yes , rain is water, no where does it say they are designed to work in the rain, get it wet internally it cannot be repaired, and isn't in the warranty. there mobile, they work all around the world, and on the move, in the car, upside down, hell there pretty versatile, BUT there not designed for weather conditions, you got a problem with that, consult the manufacture phone nokia and say, hey you finnish mofo's. why is my phone broken after some light rain, dont moan at your air time provider. the amount of phones coming back from repair as water damage and customer moaning at me can fuck themselves saying; what am i going to do about it, they joined a 2 year contract and now no phone and im supposed to fix it how... well fucktard, every customer is offered insurance, don't pay don't expect a phone for stupidity a contract is for air time, a sim card that can receive and make calls with a number of minutes, text and data use. the phone is the medium to make use of this, however the phone is given for free for signing a long agreement with us. we are not replacing the phone, we are not obligated to, ill replace the sim card a 100times if needed for no charge, i don't give a shit if you refuse to pay your line rental, we will destroy your credit history to the stone age where you will be refused change from a vending machine. it is simple. pay insurance and we will replace the phone if it is broken, lost or stolen dont pay, why will we replace a phone FYI the average phone contract takes 9 months for a company to break even. 30% if all revenue per sale is generally hardware cost alone. we make no money from insurance if you claim at least once. technically we lose money this is a general rant, i hate customers sorry for the rant, just blowing off steam in a healthy way, i still smile and be as friendly as i can to every customer ...
  6. 1 point
    Source: http://news.yahoo.com/s/livescience/lawnsmaycontributetoglobalwarming

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