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Everything posted by Tristan9480

  1. I thought The Avengers was the Hulk flick that Tony Starks is to appear in? Maybe I'm wrong.
  2. Yeah. I'll stick to playing games on my computer lol. I didn't want to buy a whole console just for a chance to play the game.
  3. This game isn't coming to pc, is it? I was going to get another xbox 360 just to play this game and ended up getting an almost 2000 dollar computer =/
  4. Oh yeah, those snickers protein bars are pretty decent tasting for a protein bar lol.
  5. Yest they are Sadly, we go about searching for the goodies that will be thrown out and not sent back and around the holiday seasons there is alot of candy in bags that get damaged. I don't really ever pay for any candy while at work now. lol. o. O;;
  6. When I was sorting through the claims at work I ate almost a whole bag of those hershey kisses cordial cherries and I obviously liked them >.>;;
  7. I'll just have to show up sometime then
  8. I hate it when they pull this shit on us *cries* I don't own any current systems....
  9. How about using Sledge's hair as a means to cure male-patten baldness. o. O
  10. Maybe I could make money off marketing my body sweat after exercise as a cure for some terminal disease and sale it on ebay.
  11. I remember where this guy was ebaying an 'ass whooping' on ebay some time ago. I remember, i think, that the terms involve that transportation must be provided by the buyer*edit* if it were quite a distance.
  12. It was so much fun though =\
  13. I've been mistaken for a man a few times....
  14. That's mostly what I can remember drinking lol
  15. Um....drank like, 5 jack and coke, 2 whiskey and redbull, 6 corona's, 2 miller chills, and something else I was drinking with this girl.
  16. Connie dosen't cook, she wants me to cook everything. She claims she took Home EC and parenting; therefore, so she can cook just dosen't feel like it. I don't buy it. You know she cooked one of those complete bake meals and wouldn't shut up about it for weeks. My mom told me that I shouldn't knock her for at least attempting to cook me something. My friend's girlfriend is the same way. I'm so depressed*stomache growls*
  17. I got drunk for the first time a few weeks ago and I couldn't barely eat anything for about 4 or 5 days. I lost like 10 pounds I'd give my opinion on what you should try but not everyone can tolerate what you'd have to eat...
  18. Try getting really drunk once a week....
  19. Say, how much do one of those classes cost and will they teach your partner how to cook?
  20. All that I have left is to lurk. My life is pretty boring so I contribute nothgni
  21. I remember a bit. I've been out of the online thing since getting stuck in a relationship and kids I mostly lurk on here....watching.
  22. what ep did they end with
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