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AC Elite
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Everything posted by Pchan

  1. Guns shouldn't be allowed, automatic or semi automatic or anything. Let people carry pocket knives if they want. Pulling a trigger could be easier than actually going up to someone who's now alarmed you're coming at them with a sharp object and can retaliate.
  2. Awesome! Congrats man! Now, let's bring some babes on here to post. YOU'RE IN CHARGE OF IT. DO NOT FAIL US.
  3. Adventure Time pays homage to a lot of old school stuff and even Berserk. Regular Show is pretty good. My Little Pony and Glow Friends RULE.
  4. Macho Man Randy Savage saved everyone on Earth and died for us.
  5. I don't like the chocolate part of the Oreo /
  6. REGARDLESS!!! Crotch shot!!!!!!!!
  7. So I just discovered this topic because of the birthday cake in Sledge's birthday topic. Naked men ftw.
  8. Pchan


    Less spam, good work Sledge!
  9. Pchan


    There's a really good rip out there. Took 10 mins to finish on a slowbuttmunch connection of mine.
  10. Sweet sweet! My present from last year carries forward to this year cos I'm broke
  11. Those big monsters like a Cyclops looks TERRIBLE. The character design too and 0:20 is a THIS IS SPAARRTAAA moment.
  12. This sounds neat, I'll try it out thanks! Also, thanks for featuring me in the last picture *blushies*
  13. Happy holidays guys and gals! Be merry, drink a lot and engage in sexual relations with other fellow humans of your choice.
  14. I think it would be wise to have him come back all different gendered like a female Spock, all old and wrinkly. Let it be known that time travel, has it's down side too. Saving the galaxy doesn't always work.
  15. Doesn't look like Evil Dead, looks waay too serious.
  16. Pchan


    So, I recommend you guys check it out, especially if you're fans of Science Fiction. This has a it of time travel, skip the trailer. Just watch it. It's probably one of the best movies to come out this year, top 10ish list worthy. Let's discuss. Oh by the way, the guy with the dog-van from Dumb & Dumber is in it, as a #insert evil music# EVIL GUY.
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