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Everything posted by Pchan

  1. There's a LOT going on in the current arc, just too much. It's brilliant and I spot some slight inconsistencies in design but forgivable cos Oda was ill / ... next week's going to be a break. GAAAAAAAAAAAAAH. Let's discuss. Sledge, I'm going to re-read the whole arc from the beginning and make notes hahaha.
  2. That new episode, god awful. Thought I'd give it another shot but phail.
  3. Looks dumb but I'll watch it. Seventh Son > This movie.
  5. Ordered it on demand the same day it came out and watched it. Re-watched it 2 nights ago. It's a slow-burn science fiction thriller, very impressive on technical grounds and isn't your run-of-the-mill found footage films. There's no dumb hand-shake/jerk stuff going on since there are camera's set up throughout the ship and what you see is real-time stuff. In space, anything can go wrong when you have that much distance to travel, they set off to explore Europa, a moon of Jupiter. Nice tribute to 2001 visually and when you hear I like it.
  6. Part of me wishes I got to see this on the big screen. Kosinski's got a good sense of presenting Sci-fi (Tron Legacy, this flick), but the script/ story just wasn't good and was predictable. End felt rushed. The visuals are really cool, action sequences well done, good soundtrack to back it and good acting from Andrea (was cool in Shadow Dancer).I wanted to like it #sigh# ... check it out though.
  7. ... looking. This post has been promoted to an article
  8. Pchan

    Bad Milo - Trailer

    Bad Milo not so bad ... looking.
  9. Doesn't disappoint at all, I had a blast. Check it out. There's nothing new to the table but it's low on CG and well-made. Good tense moments.
  10. Pacific Rim 2 is a bad idea, sequels don't always work. Almost every movie that does well gets a sequel these days, people need to stop and focus on other stories. http://blogs.scientificamerican.com/tetrapod-zoology/2013/07/25/tet-zoo-guide-to-pacific-rim/ - Wouldn't mind seeing a kaiju-only spin-off flick focused on their revolution and independence from Precursors, like Braveheart with kaiju's in it.
  11. Happy birthday! What plans for the day! What presents did you get!
  12. As will I. I'd like to check out specials the BR comes with - making, interviews and what not. Has a lot of potential to be fun.
  13. Not sure how to quote different parts of your post, so I'll address each para-by-para. I too love older series and the ones you mentioned. Robotech, Gundam, Macross, Ideon, Yamato, Galactic Heroes, Transformers and so forth. There used to be a TV show that aired every Sunday after He-Man called Giant Robot with Johnny Soko, I adore that and own it on DVD. There's a lot of nostalgia for sure and I recognize that. I enjoyed the mech-kaiju fight, as mentioned earlier. I think you yourself need to calm down. In reply to your first sentence - http://www.ancientclan.com/topic/12447-pacific-rim/#entry123399 and http://www.ancientclan.com/topic/12447-pacific-rim/#entry123713 Derogatory? All I said was what I did above (won't say it again because you'll consider that as me 'continuing to be derogatory about something I'm not'). I disagree. I went in with expectations and based on what Del Toro said I expected more. I was disappointed by the acting, dialog and overall plot elements. I'd urge anyone to go watch it for the fights. But me saying that is derogatory to you.
  14. Not to forget, he just got stabbed by Kryptonite right before that scene. Before he lifts the island, he goes into space to get some Sun in him and dives deep under the island. One can argue there was enough rock or soil or whatever it was between him and Kryptonite but I think there were chunks bloody near him too. So it's an iffy. What I meant by that remark was how you see his character broken down by a true threat and a threat that didn't last 15 seconds. It was elaborate. With Man Of Steel, there was very very little threat to him. In a way, you don't get a feeling of Superman being over-powered.
  15. What's wrong in saying the plot or acting sucked but the movie is worth checking out for two big things fighting? Also, I think I explained why it's a dumb plot and how some things just didn't work on a practical or pure physics front. I don't hate moviegoers. I may not think highly of one's taste in movies if one said they loved every Resident Evil movie or Star Wars episodes I/ II or Twilight movies, etc.
  16. The bad - Zod being beaten by Tacky CG during that ... after all that moral talk from his Dad. Superman and Lois The way Jonathan . Part of me argues he's trying to protect Clark from being discovered (because the world isn't ready for it) and it's a big moment when One of the better moments of Superman Returns was Superman's vulnerability when he throws that island in space and falls to Earth after using up all his energy. It sort of felt natural. I didn't see that sort of vulnerability or threat against Superman in MOS, the closest was when he ... he did yell though? :schierke: Morpheus is Perry White. The good - Faora vs Col Hardy ... and Faora in general, what a bloody badass she was, she deserves a movie of her own like a spin-off series :farnese:. Her fight sequence on the ground against those troops was a lotta fun to watch. All fight sequences were awesome, pretty much top 5 among superhero movies. Didn't look over-the-top or unbelievable and wasn't laced with dumb slo-mo sequences (Thanks Johnstantine, phew). Even the Superman-Zod fight was just fantastic to watch. looked cool.
  17. Watched Pacific Rim this past week, over-rated. If Lindelof was attached to it, people would rip it to shreds. Here's why - we're a smart audience and we like things to well ... make sense, not just any sense but think about the science behind things or question the lack of common sense. The movie kicks off with Hilarious to know a $190 million budget film couldn't get good actors. Everyone except a little girl that plays young Mako or regular Pearlman (cracked me up) or the cute dog could have been replaced. Elba forgot he had an accent in some scenes. Mako's presence was full of cringe. Cheesy dialog here n there. I thought the . Watched it in IMAX 3D but I'd like to go back and see it in 2D. The pacing was off. Watch Pacific Rim to see pretty cool mech-monster fights. You'll enjoy it IF (i) you switch your brain off for all why or how questions and (ii) don't expect good acting.
  18. ... the member who posts above you. And you can refute it if it isn't true haha. Since there's nobody above me, I'll start with Sledge. Sledge has light brown hair ... ALL OVER HIS BODY
  19. Pchan

    Who was Kaede?

    You threesome~r you, Strider Hiryu (and it even rhymes). Thanks for linking those archives, looked like a lot of fun back in the day huh. Member of the month!?! Lets do that! #sings in his head#
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