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Everything posted by Pchan

  1. I'll go see it. Wish it wasn't PG-13 and was R, like Dredd which was fun even though it was like The Raid. Combat armor's black the silver one. Stealth is black. Big difference in plot is how he dies and how that affects the character and the movie's intent. In the original, Murphy is tortured, shot at, and eventually murdered with a bullet to the head. He was a cop all this while. Traumatic. As Robocop he suffers PTSD and that shows the human element and depth in his character. In the new movie, he's home chilling and his car explodes. Looks like the company did that to him on purpose to experiment on him, maybe he gets back to them when he finds out they did this to him and probably other cops who've been experimented on/ died in the process and he seeks revenge.
  2. Teaser - Beebop, Champloo. Interview - http://www.animenewsnetwork.com/interview/2013-09-03/interview-shinichiro-wantanabe
  3. Post of the week, Myk. I salute you, that was a lot of fun to read. I do agree with what you say about knowing what it could be about and still being good. Completely agree. I try to go watch things because I kinda like giving it a chance. I know I can't hike up that high, but I still like to try it out and few sweaty hours later, I feel good I could. So yeah, this's coming from someone who watched Drive Angry and thought it was fun. I'm gonna end up watching this regardless. Just being honest about my first reaction heh.
  4. Pchan


    Sweet, I'll prolly get to see Deadwood sometime in September, hopefully, if life slows down a bit. Hell On Wheels I'll pick up soon.
  5. Looks dumb. We all know what's going to happen.
  6. Low Winter Sun's pretty good so far. The new season of TWD I'll watch, good I hope it shall be.
  7. He's still unconfirmed, the studio are going to confirm once Breaking Bad finishes.
  8. Like this show? Abrupt end I hear? I'm grabbing it at the moment.
  9. Daredevil had a bad director and script, treatment was bad and his acting back then too. Jensen would have been a really bad Batman, he can't act. Affleck in the past few years has grown as an actor - The Town, To The Wonder, The Company Of Men, Argo. Think about it this way - everyone loves the first Batman movie, which means they were OK with Batman. Keaton was a comedian and he had 2/3 critically acclaimed good roles right before Batman happened to him. He doesn't even look like Bruce Wayne, yet the movie as a whole worked. Keaton would not be a good Batman in Val Kilmer's version of the script or Nolan's version of the script. Right now my biggest concern isn't the actor as much it is who's making it and what the script is going to be, how it's all handled. Goyer and Snyder are meh. Their script may need a guy like Affleck to play their vision of Batman.
  10. So a few weeks ago it was announced that they'd make a flick with the Supes and Bats in it. This was supposed to be a little bit in the future from where Nolan's universe leaves it. Not sure if it's even supposed to be a link but anyway, it's probably going to tie into the Superman movie that came out recently. Snyder's in to direct this one. Yesterday it was announced Ben Affleck is Batman, the studios were looking for a slightly older guy, we all heard and knew that. Nobody could've guessed Affleck was their choice. Daredevil is the new Batman. Let's keep all discussion, trailers and what not in this thread. Movie comes out in 2015, plenty of talk to be done I presume.
  11. HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!! What plans for the day?!!
  12. You'll go through it again, like mentioned above. Up to you to check it out, knowing the consequence. Evangelion to me was a cool mecha anime with a desolate end much like Rahxephon. It's only after talking about it with a close pal that I realized how enthusiastic he was about the symbolism of everything (something as simple as colors of character suits and how it relates to their nature, etc.). I knew what the series intended to show the audience but knowing these different facts opens it up for a different appreciation/ interpretation of the series. My point is, some people like it for visuals, some people like it for all those heavy encrypted messages and some people don't like anything from the series or don't care - period. My appreciation went up a few notches when I knew more, and that's my experience. What's Berserk about? Popular belief - "Oh it's about this guy called Guts (who calls themselves that huh?!!) wielding a huge sword, cutting through monsters and it's got so much blood, nudity and all that.". In a way, I'd agree with that but that's not close to anything I feel that defines Berserk.
  13. The TV series is pretty good, IMHO if you watch it completely with the supplement material. The Rebuild project was supposed to be a different take on the series with a completely different ending by the time you finish 4 movies. The story's different, characterization's very different (at least to me). The endings or implications of each of the 3 released movies is different. So far I really like the first 3 movies. Pre-ordered BR's each time. Do not expect the story plot/ explanation delivered in a simple manner. It's as intelligent as it was in the series, so far. If the TV series was a mind-frakk in a bad way where it pissed you off, don't watch Rebuild. Instrumentation of humanity is still part of the story, it's what the series is about. If anything one of the big differences is that they had to cut out the cheesy joking stuff from the TV series because time allowed for movie format is restrictive. I could break it down movie by movie but it'll spoil everything unless you've watched it. EDIT: Watch the first movie, it's about an hour and a half long. If you don't like it, skip the rest.
  15. You need to re-visit episode 1 and kick off a marathon watch later on, Sledge. Yep, it's such a good show. There are a lot of clues here and there that are important and they don't make things up as they go, which is pretty solid scripting/ writing. Season 5 was split into two parts, the first part might be what you see on Netflix and the new episode that premiered is the first episode of the second part.
  16. WARNING - Sledgestone, (mischievous you!!) get away from this topic and do not read spoilers before you watch the show! #JOKING hahahaha ... naah but seriously, check it out man, it's really that good a show. Every single thing, dialog, scene is well-thought and important. Cannot be forgotten or shrugged away. I can lend you the series in a few days via a care-package. Anyone else current with the series? If you are, lets discuss. Brb, gotta poop.
  17. It'll be a sad day when a more serious, well thought of movie such as POSSIBLY the Godzilla remake will be more serious and better but Pacific Rim will make more money from it's terribleness.
  18. It's probably why I haven't seen it so far, heard how disappointing it was. Thanks for the post dude.
  19. My first phone was my Dad's phone, the Nokia 6210. Borrowed it when I started working, didn't own a phone through school or college. Then my next phone was the first one I bought once I could afford to buy anything, the Nokia 6280. Lovely lovely phone, just loved it a lot. Then I came to the US and got a Blackberry Pearl after a year on my Nokia. Middle color. Then I went through 2 more Blackberries before switching to a crappy HTC that I used for 2 months before chucking it. I got a Samsung Galaxy S2 and a year and a half later, the Galaxy S4. Not too happy with the build but the phone's not bad for what I want it to do.
  20. How do I quote something line by line and break it up? I'm too scared to try/ figure it out hehe. Yeah, I smell DF user changing people into toys and making other people associated with new toys to forget that part of their lives. Took me back to what Sanji experienced with Violet. She touched him and made him see a bunch of stuff. So you think she can use the same power to erase or alter anything in someone's memory? Maybe it's someone more powerful than Violet? I don't think it's a new Haki-type, so that's out of the question. Naah, that Sunny-Nami transformation DF user is probably different. Not sure she'd transform them into toys. The thing is, you can create a toy like that dog or whatever else and attach the soul of a person to it which I suspect is that DF user's ability, like Moria did with shadows? Wait, so it's someone who has a similar ability except that it's with souls? Is that why they're forbidden to venture out in the night (compared to shadows can't be seen during the day/ in the sun?). Just struck me as I was typing, hmmmm. So it could mean that the original bodies are somewhere else, safely disposed. Crazy to think Luffy's fighting on top of one of those factories. I think it's a place where they make toys only and there's that DF user down there attaching souls to those toys. What if Don gets mad as he fights Luffy and headbutts through the floor and they go down into the lab accidentally haha! Where the frakk is Zoro? Luffy by the way is struggling a BIT in this fight, he isn't easily going to one-up Don. Don keeps asking Luffy about what Garp did to him, does that mean Don was himself a victim and has memory loss just like those families who lost someone and don't remember that part of their lives? That hot gladiator woman and that other badass in the arena who refused to take anyone's aid have a connection.
  21. Yep, technically they're episodes
  22. Never owned a Motorola because I wasn't a fan of their user-interface on their older phones, before smart-phones caught on. I was with Nokia for easy use. For some reason, Motorola's haven't impressed me with their design. I'd get a Sony before a Motorola.
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