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Everything posted by gokuDX7

  1. Off Topic: Sora ended up having Kyuubi power like Naruto since his dad (the main bad guy in this ark) sealed some of the 9 tail's chakra into him when he was a baby. It was at the same time Naruto was having the 9 tails sealed into himself by his own dad. Apparently some of the 9 tails chakra was still floating around so Sora's dad decided to use it to destroy "the other king" (aka. the Hokage) since he believed there should be only one "King" for the county. So basically in the end Naruto saves Sora with his kind words, like always, and Sora's power goes away.
  2. I'd get one. One thing I'd definitely do is add soler panels to the top of the house for power and a water catcher for water use.
  3. My family has a large rock we use as a Grave stone and we've been bury our pets around it for years (frogs, cats, dog...etc). We always have a small moment of silence for them too .
  4. hmm I'm not sure what to think now. I just read this new article about yet another Chinese kid they thought was under 16. http://www.nbcolympics.com/gymnastics/news/newsid=213588.html?_source=rss&cid= Apparently there is some kind of age limit for Olympic Gymnastics. But as it turns out he was 16 and so was the girl that everyone thought was 14 or 15.
  5. Thats good to hear that theres no age limit. Would have sucked if China lost one of their gold medalists because of it.
  6. Good news, Naruto TV fillers are over with for anyone thats interested. Today ended the Sora Filler ark and started the Asuma vs immortal Akatsuki ark (sp?).
  7. Another thing to point out is whoever hosts the Olympics is typically always being compared to past years. The whole world is watching after all. Thats why things like smog and Chinese citizens getting kicked out of their homes are popping up. The world is watching and they all want to report on it to as many people as they can. Off Topic: a bit off topic but did anyone read the thing about one or two of the china gymnasts being under the legal age to compete? I guess you have to be 16 or older and one or two of them where like 15 . I'm not really sure if thats cheating or not but if a 15 year old can beat 16-18 year olds in the unparalleled bars then thats pretty amazing. They should just remove the age limit. Theres also another rumor that Russia may lose it's right to host the Olympics in the upcoming future Olympics because they broke the "time of peace" rule on opening day by going to war with Georgia. I wonder if the Olympic comity will let it slide. Didn't Georgia start the fight anyway? O well :S.
  8. @Slippers, you cant group every American up and label them as the type of people that don't give a shit about the Olympics or it's meaning. America is large and full of different people. We're not all like your tennis coach, most of us do care greatly for the Olympics. Just out of curiosity what is the Olympics to you? If its not entertainment and it's not about peace, then what is it? Personally I found your comment a bit redundant. The world loves soccer and America loves football but for some reason you label America as hating the Olympics? I'm confused... Anyway, not trying to start a fight or anything I just don't like people generalizing all the American people as having one opinion about something.
  9. That truly sucks. But the girl still seems to be happy about just being able to sing, so I guess it's still a win win. I'm sure she would be even more happier to sing in front of people but what can ya do ?
  10. gokuDX7


    From the album: Eppy fun

  11. haha I was thinking the same thing. It was over way to fast. Can't wait till these 3 fights are over with though. I hate when they have 1vs1 fights with characters we dont want to see fight right now. And the opponents always have the same personality and/or strengths. For example Chad always gets an opponent that uses pure power, 4 eyes always gets someone that uses smarts...etc) Getting sick of that. They need to have interesting fights.
  12. I agree. They always do this then in the end we find out it was all an eye trick and Sasuke or Itachi makes conceited comments like "I didn't even need to lift a finder to a beast like you" lol. I hope they don't pull any of that bullshit. Overall I liked this chapter. They didn't focus on just Sasuke.
  13. huh? It's not out yet nor has a UI been built for it yet lol. Did I miss the joke or something?
  14. gokuDX7

    ghosts on film

    The blue thing was a bug. I've seen that same thing happen before. Watch the way it moves around. It always turns to move. As for all the weird photos and stuff...who knows. Bad photography or video quality could cause some of those effects. Maybe some are real ghosts . The last video with the asian girl seemed like their was twins sitting next to each other. The mirror was probably picking up the girl next to the one we where seeing in the video. Still pretty weird to watch. I'll go send it to my friend who's scared of this stuff haha. I bet he shits his diape. A bit off topic but I was thinking. What if you could hear ghosts but couldn't see them. Wouldn't that be interesting haha. Ghost: hi hi hi hi hi hi hi Person: "Get the voices out of my head!!!!" Ghost: hahahahahahahahahahahaha Person: AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH Police: where locking you up for being crazy
  15. Now I'm not conspiracy theorist but I don't know how much I wanna believe the press or the government right now. The guy's death and his whole back story about having psychological problems feels to much like a cover up to me. Why would they keep a scientist that stocks women and threatens to kill people and coworkers? Just doesn't make sense.
  16. I hope it doesn't end like his little brother's manga (666satan) did. Thats all I care about haha.
  17. haha leave it to Godgrave to find something like that .
  18. gokuDX7

    Jaw pains :(

    rofl, I can see my self getting hit for that. Last night I tried to sleep facing straight up in staid of sleeping on one of the sides of my face. The pain in my jaw seems to have gotten less painful but it's still there. So I'll continue to do that and see if the pain goes away completely . Thanks for your thoughts and ideas guys and girls.
  19. gokuDX7

    Jaw pains :(

    well I have a retainer I used to use but stopped by request of my dentist since it was, like you guys are mentioning, causing me to bight down in my sleep. I'm only supposed to put it in once every few weeks but I haven't put it in for like a year lol. I also haven't had any problems since then but I guess I might be bighting down in my sleep or something again. I'll try putting the retainer in tonight to see if it makes a different. @DeathscytheX - lol wtf
  20. Midori is just a build off of Microsoft's open source OS, "Singularity" http://www.codeplex.com/singularity It's a pretty interesting time right now for Microsoft. I wonder how things will pan of out them in the future.
  21. gokuDX7

    Jaw pains :(

    lol it would truly be funny if I did punch my self in my sleep. Hajime No Ippo, the show and manga that never ends .
  22. gokuDX7

    Jaw pains :(

    I did had chips a few days ago but it's not that type of pain. I don't have any cuts in my mouth. It just hurts anytime I attempt to open my mouth or close it. Feels like someone punched me right where the jaw connects . It's annoying because if I press the bottom of my left jaw up the pain is no longer there and I can open and close it fine lol. So I think Kelene is right. I must have done something wile I was sleeping. Hopefully it will straighten it's self out.
  23. gokuDX7

    Jaw pains :(

    err I woke up with awful, weird, jaw pains only on the left side of my jaw. It's been there for 3 days now. I'm not sure if I slept on my face the wrong way and knocked my jaw out of place or if this is something else. Its beginning to annoy me err. It feels like when you pull your finger and it wants to pop but cant and leaves that weird feeling. If I keep my mouth shut for a long time then open it suddenly, it hurts. If I keep my mouth open for a long time and then try and close it, it hurts . It doesn't seem to be swollen and none of my teeth hurt so I don't know what's causing the pain >.<. I guess I'll just ice it up for the next day or two and see if that helps. I hate it when little things like this show up after you wake up one day. It messes up your week when it happens.
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