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Strider Hiryu

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Everything posted by Strider Hiryu

  1. Sadly you know she's only going to be a part of the cutscenes and probably only that one part shes show in. As much as I'm interested in seeing what her part in this new expansion is I'm just going to go your route and watch cutscenes on youtube. I'm done with this game and their stupid hype trailers.
  2. Everyone I killed stayed dead and certain specs required you to be a certain level to play (only 4 or 5 specs were unlocked for new players, don't think Nomad was a popular spec or it wasn't with the people I played with). I saw more of the Android, the asian chick, and the chick I played then anything else. Due to the fast pace of the multiplayer I really don't see rejack being popular because it's faster to just die and respawn (kinda like self-res for locks in Destiny. more useful for certain game types and I'm assuming Team Death Match is not one of them). Yes there is a chick with the bow and she is bad ass (and her accent makes me think shes Russian). In fact there's 3 female character to play as (a chinese chick and I think either another).
  3. So I tried out the Beta tonight since it's the last night and they opened it up to everyone. I completely suck since it's been 4 or so years since I last played a CoD game but my god was it fun. The specializations are quite an interesting turn for me but it makes the game so much more fun (I love the chick with the bow because that bow is freaking powerful). I'll most likely pick this up sometime after Battlefront since I know Battlefront is going to take up the majority of my free time once I get it and I don't need something else drawing my attention away from it. Definitely recommend at least giving the game a try if they have another beta come out before November.
  4. There in lies the problem, lets drop all support for old legendary weapons (some of which are far better then the exotics) and let everyone upgrade those exotics that most just bought instead of working hard to get. Don't get me wrong, quite a few of the best legendary guns are bought (Shadow Price for one, still the best auto rifle in the game imo) but a lot of those you work extremely hard to get (Fatebringer, the Messenger you have, Black Hammer, etc). I got lucky when I got on two weeks ago to buy Suros and got a Primary Weapon Legendary Engram drop out of the weekly. It turned into Up The Ante, by far the best legendary Hand Cannon in the game atm if you discount Fatebringer (as far as I've researched, almost everyone who uses a hand cannon seriously uses it). The abilities on it aren't exactly the best but I finally got my hands on it (even though it was never really going to be of use to me) but now, should I decide to go into the Taken King (which I won't), is completely worthless now. A gun that I did get lucky to get that I've wanted for awhile and now I can't even use it. Well that's fucking ridiculous but hey guess what that Gally everyone bought last week can still be used in Taken King because it can be upgraded even though Bungie has already said it was trying to phase it out by putting an even better exotic into the expansion (and nerfing it). This is why Destiny will slowly die. Yes there will always be people willing to put up with Bungie's shit (hell look at WoW, they're releasing a new expansion and only 5.4 million people still pay to play it (hell I think FF14 is over that number now and still growing)) but their stupid mistakes will eventually piss everyone off to the point they won't have a player base. Maybe it was a good thing that Microsoft got all the rights to Halo. I'd hate to see what would of become to the franchise had Bungie kept ownership of it (don't get me wrong I hate what 343 has done to the game/universe but they never fucked it up as bad as Bungie is fucking Destiny up). Heh, I pre-ordered the Deluxe Edition of Battlefront last week (as well as the Gold Edition of The Division since the PS4 Collector's Edition was sold out) so I'm freaking ready for it. It's going to be so much better then Destiny.
  5. Part of me really wants to get on today, do the weekly twice, and go buy it. Then another part of me wants to break the Destiny disc in half and throw it in the garbage due to this blatant slap in the face by Bungie. The hugest slap in the face is I think the Gally nerf went into effect yesterday as well as I had a Destiny update file when I got on to play AC4 yesterday. They basically said "Here's Gally for everyone to buy but btw we're nerfing it today so none of you can experience what Gally is really like." Yea I think it's time to pack Destiny away into the games that never get played drawer and never look at it again.
  6. So after almost an entire year Xur finally has Gally on sale this weekend. It's kinda interesting that they put it on sale almost a month before Taken King comes out when it's going to be obsolete in the expansion. If you want to get your hands on the defining gun for Year One go get your 17 coins and buy it up before Sunday. Sigh, one of two guns I want and I have no interest in getting on and grinding out the weekly to get the coins for it. Thanks for nothing Bungie.
  7. Doesn't surprise me any. They've been making bad choices ever since The Dark Below (and even some before then). They're just following the formula they think works for them and pissing off their fans while doing so. I feel bad for the X-Box players because Hawkmoon will now be useless to them (and I know plenty of XB players that have wanted to get their hands on HM). I'm really glad I decided not to buy this expansion, I knew Bungie was going to do something stupid and this just proves I was right. So many other games to spend money on that will be leaps and bounds better then Destiny (Battlefront, SC2: LoV (just preordered the Collector's Edition), The Division, etc). Sadly I got on last weekend just because Xur was selling Suros so now I own it but it's practically worthless to have now.
  8. So I got the Galaxy Note 4 today since it was time for my upgrade, damn is the phone huge. Can't wait to check out all the nice features on it though :)

    1. Sledgstone


      Does that thing even fit in a pocket? lol. It looks huge for a phone.

    2. Strider Hiryu

      Strider Hiryu

      It barely fits which is why I'm glad I bought the Defender case for it since it comes with a belt holster though I think thats going to give me more trouble then putting it in my pocket because the holster is freaking huge too.

  9. Just finished Turn-A Gundam and I have to say it was a great show. I think it ranks up there with Zeta Gundam for my favorite Gundam series.

    1. DeathscytheX


      I've heard a lot of positive things about Turn-A.

    2. Strider Hiryu

      Strider Hiryu

      I did to (mostly from aqu) which is why I decided to buy it. The pacing leaves a little to be desired but overall this is Tomino's best work outside of Zeta. The characters are well written, the story is quite amazing (and it does a superb job of tieing all Gundam series into it's timeline), and while lacking in fights (more of a plot and character driven story) the fights that are there are intense and satisfying. Definitely a Gundam series to check out.

  10. Just saw the Minions movie and I haven't laughed that hard in a long time. Totally worth the ridiculous price to go see it

    1. DeathscytheX


      Luckily for me, the carmike theater that I have does "Stimulus Tuesday" where movies are $5 all day. Its about the only day I go see movies anymore. lol

    2. Strider Hiryu

      Strider Hiryu

      Damn that's a steal. I only wish they did that here.

    3. Sledgstone


      That movie does look pretty funny. I'm screwed with expensive movie theaters that are all a 30 min drive from my house. -_- There is a new one opening next spring 10 mins from my house tho. I'll be watching more movies then.

  11. Pulse Rifles are getting a minor nerf but yea they'll probably get an even bigger nerf once it's apparent that PR's are the go to gun for PVP (it happened to shotguns, auto rifles, and now to handcannons). It's going to suck even more for those of you who have guns like the Messenger as they're not exactly the easiest weapons to get a hold of (especially the adept versions) and after doing all that work to get them they'll get bitch slapped like HC and Gally. The Gally nerf really makes no sense to me. It's an exotic weapon, it's supposed to be an all powerful weapon that you want to use. Even more so when you can only have one exotic weapon equipped at a time. Yea it's a crutch weapon but so are most of the exotics in this game. Last Word, a gun used solely for PVP reasons due to fast fire rate and hip fire abilities. Ice Breaker, long range rifle with ammo regeneration that hits hard and comes in handy in tricky situations where replenishing ammo is a problem. Invective, a crutch weapon if I've ever seen on. Full-auto shotgun that hits like a truck and regens its own ammo. These weapons were designed to be go to weapons for certain situations. Hell even if I got Gally I most likely wouldn't give up Ice Breaker for PVE situations as Ice Breaker, imo, is the far superior weapon as it has more uses outside of being a boss weapon. The Gally nerf will cause quite a few people to leave the game but sadly they'll go back. Why? Why do we keep going back everytime we say we're done with the game? Why does anyone go back to a game they say they'll quit (like WoW, GW, FF, etc)? Because it's addicting and fun for a short time. The only bonus to Destiny is it's F2P so it doesn't require real money to play when you want to actually play it or when you give it up (as much as you all claim it's F2P with the amount of money you throw into GW2 you might as well be paying a monthly fee (I have no room to talk, I've thrown more money into STO then I care to admit while playing FFXIV, which I've also spent money on outside of the monthly fee)). This is the key selling point for Destiny, you play an MMO like game without any monthly fees or without any pay-to-win/pay-for-fashion (yea I had to it) items. Plus, while it's currently backfiring, Bungie is actually listening to their community and making balance changes and changes to the game to keep people playing. Most developers won't do that (Blizzard being one of the biggest) and it's a major plus for a game like this to have an active and helpful developer that actually listens. Sadly they've been taking changes to far or making changes that make no sense in one aspect of the game but make complete sense in the other aspect. Bungie really needs to get players play testing these changes/ideas before they implement/tell us about them. This way they get direct player feed back and know if these changes are what the community wants or if they're even necessary based on what the player base thinks.
  12. Sigh, Bungie just killed the game for me. While I'm happy Auto Rifles are getting another much needed buff the nerf to Ice Breaker (and yes it's a nerf) and the drop in the amount of ammo Handcannons now carry is the last straw for me. Hand Cannons, while not meant to be a long range alternative, have probably been the best weapons this game has (after the initial scout rifle nerf from alpha) for both long range and close combat situations and now they're killing our ability to kill shit by dropping how many shots we have. Plus they're nerfing Last Word for what, whiners complaining that the gun can kill you at range when it shouldn't (stability and range nerf will make the gun even harder to use correctly, yea it's minor but it still pisses me off). I never thought I'd like the Last Word but it's one of my favorite guns in the game outside of my Fulcrum and Ice Breaker and now they're nerfing it and Ice Breaker. Sigh, Bungie needs to learn how to balance the game while not killing what makes the game enjoyable to some of us and they need to quit caving into the whiners (except in the Thorn situation). Thorn should get an even bigger nerf but I'm happy the damn thing is finally getting nerfed. It's long overdue.
  13. Yea, Right Stuf is definitely going to be getting all my money for the next year. They just licensed all of the Gundam series that have yet to be released in the states (plus the original and Zeta Gundam). Anyone want to donate to the "Get Strider his Gundam shows" fund?

    1. Sledgstone


      XD I bet all that Gundam is going to cost quite alot. :P

      What series hasn't been released in the states yet? Gundam build fighters? When they make another Gundam series like 00 or seed I'll get hyped again I'm sure.

    2. Strider Hiryu

      Strider Hiryu

      Gundam ZZ, Victory Gundam, Turn-A Gundam (first part was released last month, still need to order it), and Gundam X (yay, my fav AC series is coming over). Plus the movies for Turn-A. I will be so very poor but I'll make sure to get in The Division and Battlefront. I also still need to buy Gundam Unicorn and hopefully Gundam: The Origin will be picked up as well once it's done releasing. Gah, I'm like a kid in a candy store right now.

    3. Sledgstone


      That is alot of Gundam! O_O

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  14. Heh, I got on the other day long enough to buy Red Death just so I could have it otherwise I haven't picked up the game since the last time we did PoE. I might get Destiny 2 if it's drastically different from Destiny because honestly Bungie is just recycling the formula they made with Vanilla and just, badly, trying to up the difficulty just to keep people interested. They need to learn that upping level through gear is artificial and limits the bounds of what you can do in the game (which most MMO's learn which is why quite a few are on a yearly or 2 year Expansion plan that increases level caps and changes things up (yes it does get stale, look at WoW, but at least it adds variety)). Honestly I don't think Destiny 2 will be any different from what we already have but if Bungie can figure out a way to present the same old thing as new and fresh just maybe 2 will be worth the money (even if we've technically bought two Destiny games already between the 2 old DLC's and the Vanilla copy of the game).
  15. Sigh, the place where I got my new job has it's grand opening on Wednesday. So not looking forward to it. If you don't see me for awhile after Wednesday I probably died from being overworked.

    1. Strider Hiryu

      Strider Hiryu

      What makes this worse is I'm management now, the first time I did it I was a lowly peon. Starting to wish I was a peon again -_-;

    2. Sledgstone


      At least it's not black friday. :P

    3. Strider Hiryu

      Strider Hiryu

      Black Friday is almost easier to deal with then a Grand Opening but only slightly. Luckily it's a grocery store so I don't have to deal with that Black Friday shit anymore.

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  16. It's so sad that this is the new norm. I play Clash of Clans, hell I blow money in the game because it's amusing and I have fun with it (I also throw money at Gun Girls which is fun) but it's sad that AAA titles are starting to fall victim to this (something we've already seen with CoD). FFXII, which I still haven't beaten, had a good combat system. I wasn't overly hip on it when I first started playing it but I grew to like it because I was addicted to WoW at the time and it just clicked (would of been so much better with keyboard support though). If the remake of 7 has a similar combat system I can see people actually enjoying the game but if it goes down the path of 13 I don't see it ending well (hell I'd probably by the remake if that ends up being the only real core change).
  17. Thats why I hate RPGs these days, very few can make the real-time combat system work (FFXIII's was clunky as hell, I have yet to play my copy but watching my old roommate play it I was getting irritated just watching him play). There is only a handful of games that due real-time well in the RPG genre and those were the original .hack games (Infection, Mutation, Outbreak, and Quarantine) and the Star Ocean games (2 was more turn-based with some aspects of real time, 3 pushed it more toward real-time, and 4 was pretty much all real-time). Just so I don't get called out on it Dragon Age and games like it are Action RPGs and don't use the traditional set-up so as fun as they are they aren't a true RPG for me. Turn-based combat shouldn't die, even in the new generation of games. They're slowly killing off one of the best aspects of RPGs and it's disheartening to think that this is what they're doing just because they think it's what gamers want (the industry's bread and butter is our generation, we spend the most money on games (whether for ourselves or our kids) and we grew up with the traditional game format. Pissing us off is akin to committing suicide for them). Pushing MMO style combat and control on people who don't want it or already get it in the MMO's they play is retarded. We've already seen a huge decline in MMO Pay-to-Play games and most Free-to-Play MMO's right now are on their death beds or slowly dieing (GW2 and STO are some of the rare exceptions to this). TOR took a massive hit in players when it went from P2P to F2P and only withing the last 2 years has the player base been slowly recovering (I know, I was there when it happened. It was like going from massively populated servers to almost ghost towns wherever you went). Sadly I don't think we'll ever see a massive, explorable world in an RPG again or at least not as the free-roam variety like in FF7. That's one of the major worries fans are having for this remake and is likely going to make or break whether or not this is successful. A lot of people are pissed they're going to change the battle system this might just tip people over the edge (I get they have an HD remake coming out for PS4 of the original and they don't want carbon copy game but you can't go in and change things about a game that made people love the game). SE has made a lot of bad decisions in the last few years for the FF franchise (what with FFXIII, the original FFXIV, and the 7 or so year wait for what was supposed to be FFVersusXIII that's now FFXV (which some people are not happy with based on reactions from the demos) and their only redeeming act was to re-release FFXIV with a new development team that completely nailed it and made a shitty game spectacular with it's own expansion coming out next week (and with a player base of 4 million+ after almost 2 years on the market (will be 2 years old in August)). They need to get their heads out of their asses.
  18. See since I wasn't a big fan of the game originally I might like this remake if it's done well, however, I don't want them to touch the combat system. I love turn-based combat and if they kept it the same way that would make me happy. My fear is they'll take this game and go into the same direction as almost every other RPG now-a-days and make it semi-turn based and try for the real-time type we've seen in other games. They need to do it right and since fans have been waiting damn near 20 years for a remake if they do this wrong SE will piss off the majority of it's fan base. If they did this with IX (yes my favorite one since it brought me into FF and I doubt it will ever see a remake as many people didn't like it) I would be severely pissed if they changed the whole mechanics of the game just to make it seem different from the original. I would want the original combat system left in place (yes that means realistic characters standing still in a line between turns).
  19. http://www.vg247.com/2015/06/18/ff7-remake-we-dont-need-two-of-the-same-thing-says-nomura/ Just a few notes on this remake. Seems they're not going for a copy/paste approach with new graphics on this remake. Seems a lot of people are worried now and seems like if this goes wrong SE is going to be in a world of hurt.
  20. So it seems there was some news at E3 about LoV. Looks like we're getting 3 new prologue missions for free to bridge the gap between HotS and LoV and there's going to be another beta in July. I'm thinking we're getting close to a release date for this.
  21. Same strategy, I used to circle them and pump them full of lead until they died. It really was the only way to kill them since they could one shot you if they were lucky. As long as the Mako isn't a clunker I won't have any real problems with it but as I said I see a Thresher Maw that disc is getting snapped in half.
  22. God I hated Thresher Maws. Every freaking time you had to hit flat terrain for that one base or that one resource node you just new you'd have one of those damn things pop up (and for me it was usually two of them, I don't know how many times I had to fight two at the same time). Gah, there better not be any damn worms in the Andromeda galaxy. I'll break the disc in half if I have to fight those again.
  23. Heh, that's why I'm lucky. Heavensward comes out next week on the 23rd (or the 19th for people like me with early access) so I'll have played the hell out of it before Battlefront and this comes out leaving me plenty of time to play them (if I decide to get BOIII, chances are pretty high after that MP trailer).
  24. Never been big into this whole VR thing but if that game is half as amazing as it looked and half as fun I might just pick up a VR headset just for this game (if only because it's a mech game and we all know how Strider likes his mechs).
  25. Not going to lie the story looks like shit and the game itself looks like an Advanced Warfare clone but that multiplayer looks fucking amazing and fun as hell. I might just have to pick this up (but then again it'll clash with Battlefront so probably not).
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