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Strider Hiryu

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Everything posted by Strider Hiryu

  1. They can take their upgrade and shove it (I bypassed the forced upgrade thankfully due to my update settings on my laptop). I hate 10 with a passion and everytime I have to do work on my parents computer I want to bang my head against the wall. It's not bad but it just does everything in the most round about way that it just irks me. I'm sure I'd come to like it if I had it (I mean I didn't like 7 all that much when I upgraded to it) but I just see no reason to upgrade the OS of a 5 year old laptop that's on it's last legs the way it is (yea, I'll have 10 on my new computer when I get around to buying the parts (if I ever get a job, the job market around here is atrocious)). Plus, with the issues I mentioned with my video card in the Nvidia thread, I'd go back to having no video card besides my on board (and that can't even run FFXIV above 30 fps) since I'm sure I'd get saddled with a non-working driver for my Radeon.
  2. Speaking as someone who has always backed AMD I'd suggest going with a GTX, even if it's an older model. Unless they've gotten better over the last couple of years they're shit when it comes to supporting their cards with new drivers (or at least drivers that work correctly). I only say this because I've had nothing but problems with my Radeon in my laptop since I bought it 5 years ago due to shitty driver support. While not all of the blame can be placed on AMD (fuck you Alienware and you're dual video card setups for my laptops, I have to disable my on board intel card to even get my Radeon to work (and it's starting to shit out on me)) there still the manufacturers of this card and to date I don't think their has been an effective fix for the problem I and many others have had (I'm using drivers from 2010, the last set that actually worked for this architecture). I'd still wait to make you're decision until reviews are posted (from reviewers you trust, you know some will have been bought out for good reviews) but I don't think AMD deserves any real backing until they prove they've made strides to fix they're shitty driver support.
  3. I'm also looking forward to that as well. Considering how things ended it'll be interesting to see what he's been up to and even more interesting to find out why he's in New Bordeaux (I wonder if he stayed in the mob or not).
  4. I really wish MMO's would take this route, would make doing some of the crafting quests in FFXIV so much easier if I could just quest for the given items needed.
  5. They changed it in BF4 a few months ago to do this and it actually helped in getting people to PTFO as there was no reason to farm kills anymore (it's 400 points on flag cap + whatever you get for each tick on taking and securing it). You still have you're ass hats that just go for kills but I noticed a pretty major shift in team play once this patch hit BF4 (which is why I'm happy to see they kept this idea for BF1 and even happier that they neutered the points for kills). I honestly don't care about points on defended because really you're not capturing the flag so why should you be given more points to defend it (just my opinion). Honestly, by the looks of the livestream play, it seems you need to defend points to gain score since we're no longer on a ticket bleed (which I'm really happy to see, should make games go a lot quicker). Then again this is Battlefield we're talking about so you'll probably still have streams of people just running between points to recapture them. Honestly I still don't know how to take the changes for LMG's since that's my major play style. I get that the guns shouldn't be laser accurate (and honestly most of them in BF4 aren't, the AWS is the only real one that I've actually seen people snipe with (I've done it myself)) but I'm honestly seeing no reason to run as support outside of ammo packs. Then again LMG's were originally invented for troop suppression and covering fire, they weren't really made for killing unless the enemy was right in front of you. Meh, once the beta hits I'll see what I really think. SMG changes I actually agree with because some of those SMG's in BF4 were a little to accurate at longer ranges for my liking.
  6. , reminds me of when I started playing COD4 when the beta was released (my first shooter with online capabilities, I did play Halo but I didn't have a connection for my XBox when Halo 2 came out). My K/D was atrocious the first day, like .2 or something. I think I got it up to a .9 before the beta ended but I was extremely bad when I first started (this was also well before my shotgun camping days because I never used the shotgun in the beta). But the airplanes DX, we need you to troll those while we capture the points Plus you need to troll the Behemoth. That's it I'm requesting an RPG for this game just for you, we need the anti-air zones you create The only reason my K/D is so high is because I play Metro/Locker only servers when I get on (set to 400% tickets, it's basically a kill farming simulator). If I still played the actual game my K/D would probably be around what yours is because I'd just run around and do stupid shit (I'm a huge fan of playing Engineer and trolling people with the SMAW in normal matches). At least you were using Jeep Stuff for its intended purpose
  7. Honestly I like Levelcap. His videos are made from the perspective of an infantry player which is one of the reasons I really like him as I generally play infantry. Plus his videos are extremely informative for players like me who don't spend our days crunching the numbers on what attachments are good, what weapon is the best in each class, and generally have lives that don't revolve around being elitist pricks. I honestly don't know where he gets the hate, yea he calls for nerfs but it's not like he doesn't provide information to back his reasons (he's not just an infantry player, he does play in vehicles but he prefers infantry game play (a lot like Jack does)). I mean yea some of the things he's called for nerfs on I don't agree with but then again I don't agree with a lot of the stuff Jack, XFactor, and Matimi0 think need to be changed either. I think a lot of those people are just whiny little bitches who have gotten their asses handed to them by him (he's generally at the top of his team in every match he plays, even when he's doing his Monday Loadout where he's given a gun set up from his viewers (which are usually bad set ups). Honestly, I'd say Level is a better player then Jack but that's just my opinion. Don't get me wrong Jack in an amazing player, one of the best, but I've seen Level outdo him more then once (then again I've seen normal, random players do better then Level and Jack)). If having a 2.0 K/D playing infantry only is bad then I must be the worst damn BF player in history. My K/D is sitting at 1.44 last I checked and I play almost exclusively infantry and that's because I actually PTFO and do my job. I might not always be in the top three (hell I think I've only been in the top three like 4 times since I bought BF4) but your damn straight that I walk out of almost every match as either top support or top assault for my team.
  8. That got entirely to scientific for me but none-the-less that's a very interesting take on what little we saw in the trailer.
  9. Magnum rounds would make sense, they did say there is some minor customization options (though I believe that's based on gun set-ups, I'll post Level's video about the Alpha's various weapons). I'd definitely give up mag size for more powerful rounds like that.
  10. $6 for DA: Inquisition is an amazing price, definitely worth picking up for that price (then again it's worth picking up for any price, I'm completely in love with the game (64 hours in and I'm only 2/3rds of the way through it). I wonder if it's the GotY edition though). $30 for Rainbow Six Siege is a damn good price as well (well worth it in my opinion but not everyone is into that sort of gameplay). Man if I wasn't unemployed and had the money I'd be cleaning up. These prices are damn good (especially for Assassin's Creed Unity and Syndicate, yea I want to play them so I can get the whole Assassin's Creed experience (then again I still need to beat 4)).
  11. Hmmm, I'll have to pick this up when it hits PC. I never did finish Limbo (I really should) but what I have played I loved every minute of it.
  12. I seriously doubt that considering the new COD will be right around the corner (and why hurt the next COD's sales by releasing this) and they're still sticking to their guns on this one. They really have nothing to lose by refusing to release it separately, most gamers that have given up on the series have already left it so it's not like they'll lose their hardcore fans (the ones preordering it). I hope they will release it as it's own title but the way things sit now I highly doubt it. While I'm all for free dlc I'm all for paying for well made maps which is why I would have no problem paying for Premium again if they were to go that route again (especially since I'm not a fan of the buying skins route, it works I won't deny it but if I'm going to be spending money to support a game I like I want it to be for something more substantial then a skin for my gun). Honestly I never really noticed a drop in players when the new map packs dropped for BF4, still the same amount that were playing before. The major problem the DLC had were bad maps (I loved the Naval Strike and Dragons Teeth DLC but Last Stand, imo, wasn't really worth the money. Maps were to big for my tastes and catered to our lovely friends the camping snipers) and bad implementation. I still remember the rubber banding problems from the NS DLC. That's the problem with COD though. One campaign mission will be fantastic, the rest will be complete and utter crap making you wish you never bought the game. This is the reason so many people by COD for it's MP, it was the only redeeming thing from the games (Modern Warfare and World at War were great campaign wise, MW2 and Black Ops were shit (I didn't buy any past BO so I don't know how the plot has gotten better, if it even has)) and now that's pretty much been shot to shit.
  13. NieR was a good looking game and this one looks even better then it. I might have to pick this up when it comes out (I played the demo for the first one and loved it but sadly I couldn't afford it so never actually got to play it).
  14. The game look awesome but I'm not a fan of cel shading and I wish companies would do away with it (plus I'm not shelling out money for a console just to buy one game). I still think (agreeing with Shibby from Inside Gaming (another youtube channel I watch)) that Nintendo just needs to cut their losses, quit making consoles that barely sell, and license out their franchises (take a hint for Sega Nintendo, they did it and the company started making money again). They can keep their handheld line since it still sells but at this point making consoles is only loosing them money (and fans). This game would look amazing on the PS4/XBone as would Mario and Metroid.
  15. Still not overly impressed by this and overall it was the only downer from the Sony Press Conference, though it was nice to see a game play trailer instead of that crappy announcement trailer. This game stands no chance against BF1 and once Titanfall 2 is released this game will tank hard (then again this is COD and it always seems to sell extremely well). The best part of that video (and it's segment during the press conference) was the Modern Warfare trailer. It made me want it even more but I can't justify paying $79 to get access to it.
  16. I played the beta for awhile (which was in a lot of ways terrible, then again maybe I played an alpha build because a lot of the levels were missing textures) and while it was fun its really only fun if you have people to play with (or at least that was the case in the beta). I'm actually looking forward to this coming over to the PS4 since we have an extreme lack in mech based games to play (I mean From Software is too busy with their Dark Souls series and have pretty much abandoned the Armored Core franchise).
  17. I liked what I saw in that gameplay video. The visuals are great, the combat looks fluid, and overall it looks like it's going to be a great game. I can't wait to see more game play as we move forward toward the release.
  18. Apparently Kojima likes naked Reedus Even though I understand nothing of whats going on in that trailer I'm intrigued enough that I might have to buy this. I did love how everyone went nuts when he came out during the Sony Press Conference, can definitely tell people are happy to have him back in the saddle.
  19. Sadly that's been happening more in recent years then I'd like. This is why these big name titles have been flailing about recently and it's getting ridiculous (I mean look at Destiny). Meh, until they realize that The Division needs more then loot grinding (I got on recently and the max GS you can get doing HM Missions is 165, they're practically forcing you to do Challenging and to do the Incursions if you want to gear up. That or grinding the DZ constantly) to keep it going. I really have no hope for the upcoming expansion, I'll play it in hopes we get some good story but other than that I don't see myself getting back into it. I don't ever think we'll get The Division we were promised, the same way we'll never get the Destiny game we were promised. These developers and publishers need to quit promising us things they can't possibly deliver on. I have hopes they'll eventually get it right one of these days but until they do be prepared to have downgraded games like these (a sad truth).
  20. Meh, downgrades happen. Why people make such a big deal out of it I'll never know. Graphically speaking R6S is still a damn good looking game and judging it on old footage of one map that was revamped and redone is kinda harsh. Yea, I'm biased because of my love for the game but I still think it looks damn good (then again I'm not a stickler for graphics like a lot of people are, I was angrier at Ubisoft's handling of The Division (lets face it, as fun as it was that was not the game we were promised and this video proves it) then I was at the graphical downgrade for R6S).
  21. Well I'm officially sold. The combat looks like it took cues from the Dynasty Warriors games (main combat) and I love the one-on-one fighting system. Definitely on my to buy list for next year.
  22. Meh, my controller is an official one but my laptop doesn't want to recognize it (and believe me I tried everything to get it to work). I should dig out my old white one and see if it works with my laptop or not (my black one is the one that doesn't work (I own 2 360's. The original white one and the slim black one)). It's not that big of a deal since I can't play the game on my laptop anyways and I own very few games were I prefer a controller over my mouse and keyboard.
  23. Chain link was an awesome game mode, sadly it didn't get the love it should of on PS4. It's probably my favorite game mode besides Conquest. Operations mode sounds amazing and I really hope it gets implemented right. Just think of the amazing battles that we're going to have, going from one map to the next. God I absolutely can't wait for this game now.
  24. As much as I hate to say it I agree with hoping it gets delayed (and it might but by the looks of the MP trailer things are pretty much ironed out and ready to go, maybe some last minute testing to shore up any bugs but it honestly looks ready to ship at this time). As much as I want to see COD get completely crushed it's just to unfair to put Respawn in this situation. I'm pretty damn sure Titanfall 2 will sell extremely well but it's going to divide the overall player pool for this genre in 2 forcing both it and BF1 to suffer (and we all know how bad smaller player pools are going to effect the overall game play). EA seriously needs to rethink this before October comes around.
  25. Oh it never will. The PC version with all of the graphical overhaul mods will be better looking then the PS4/XBone overhauls. I'll most likely pick this up since I haven't actually gotten a chance to play through it (I own the Legendary Edition on Steam but the graphics card in my laptop can barely handle playing it on low settings and I really have no quarrel buying another copy of it (in fact I have multiple copies of various games (I own three copies of Dust (PS4/PC/360), two copies of Valiant Hearts (PC/PS4), two copies of FFXIV (PC/PS4), and a few others)). Plus I can't play games like these with a keyboard and mouse, just throws me off (I refuse to by an XBone controller just to play it on my PC and I don't have the proper connections to hook up and use my 360 controller on my PC (I've tried to get it working but it won't work no matter what I do).
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